import pytest

from platypush.event.hook import EventCondition
from platypush.message.event.assistant import SpeechRecognizedEvent
from import PingEvent

def test_event_parse():
    Test for the events/conditions matching logic.
    condition =
            'type': '',
            'message': 'This is a test message',

    event = PingEvent(message=condition.args['message'])
    result = event.matches_condition(condition)
    assert result.is_match

    event = PingEvent(message="This is not a test message")
    result = event.matches_condition(condition)
    assert not result.is_match

def test_nested_event_condition():
    Verify that nested event conditions work as expected.
    condition =
            'type': '',
            'message': {
                'foo': 'bar',

    event = PingEvent(
            'foo': 'bar',
            'baz': 'clang',

    assert event.matches_condition(condition).is_match

    event = PingEvent(
            'something': 'else',

    assert not event.matches_condition(condition).is_match

    event = PingEvent(
            'foo': 'baz',

    assert not event.matches_condition(condition).is_match

def test_speech_recognized_event_parse():
    Test the event parsing and text extraction logic for the
    condition =
            'type': 'platypush.message.event.assistant.SpeechRecognizedEvent',
            'phrase': 'This is (the)? answer: ${answer}',

    event = SpeechRecognizedEvent(phrase="GARBAGE GARBAGE this is the answer: 42")
    result = event.matches_condition(condition)
    assert result.is_match
    assert 'answer' in result.parsed_args
    assert result.parsed_args['answer'] == '42'

    event = SpeechRecognizedEvent(phrase="what is not the answer? 43")
    result = event.matches_condition(condition)
    assert not result.is_match

def test_condition_with_relational_operators():
    Test relational operators used in event conditions.
    # Given: A condition with a relational operator.
    condition =
            'type': '',
            'message': {'foo': {'$gt': 25}},

    # When: An event with a value greater than 25 is received.
    event = PingEvent(message={'foo': 26})

    # Then: The condition is matched.
    assert event.matches_condition(condition).is_match

    # When: An event with a value lower than 25 is received.
    event = PingEvent(message={'foo': 24})

    # Then: The condition is not matched.
    assert not event.matches_condition(condition).is_match

def test_filter_with_regex_condition():
    Test an event matcher with a regex filter on an attribute.
    # Given: A condition with a regex filter.
    condition =
            'type': '',
            'message': {'foo': {'$regex': '^ba[rz]'}},

    # When: An event with a matching string is received.
    event = PingEvent(message={'foo': 'bart'})

    # Then: The condition is matched.
    assert event.matches_condition(condition).is_match

    # When: An event with a non-matching string is received.
    event = PingEvent(message={'foo': 'back'})

    # Then: The condition is not matched.
    assert not event.matches_condition(condition).is_match

if __name__ == '__main__':

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