backend.kafka: disabled: False pusher: True # The pusher executable will use this backend by default server: your_server:9092 topic: platypush backend.pushbullet: disabled: True token: your_pushbullet_token_here device: your_pushbullet_virtual_device_name backend.local: request_fifo: /tmp/platypush-requests.fifo response_fifo: /tmp/platypush-responses.fifo # device_id: (default: current hostname) music.mpd: host: localhost port: 6600 light.hue: bridge: hue # Bridge IP or hostname # lights: # Default lights you want to manage # - Living Room Ground Right # - Living Room Ground Left # - Hue bloom # - Kitchen Lampm # - Living room ceiling right # - Living room ceiling left # - Kitchen LED Strip # - Kitchen Table LED Strip groups: # Default groups you want to manage - Living Room # --- # --- Event hooks configuration # --- event.hook.AssistantConversationStarted: if: type: platypush.message.event.assistant.ConversationStartEvent then: action: shell.exec args: cmd: 'aplay /path/conv_start.wav' event.hook.MusicPlayAssistantCommand: if: type: platypush.message.event.assistant.SpeechRecognizedEvent phrase: "play (the)? music" # Regexes on single terms are supported then: action: event.hook.LightsOnAssistantCommand: if: type: platypush.message.event.assistant.SpeechRecognizedEvent phrase: "turn on (the)? lights" then: # Multiple actions are supported - action: light.hue.on args: groups: Living Room - action: switch.wemo.on args: device: Bulbs