from sqlalchemy import ( Boolean, Column, ForeignKey, Integer, JSON, String, ) from platypush.common.db import Base from .devices import Device if 'bluetooth_device' not in Base.metadata: class BluetoothDevice(Device): """ Entity that represents a Bluetooth device. """ __tablename__ = 'bluetooth_device' id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE'), primary_key=True ) connected = Column(Boolean, default=False) """ Whether the device is connected. """ paired = Column(Boolean, default=False) """ Whether the device is paired. """ trusted = Column(Boolean, default=False) """ Whether the device is trusted. """ blocked = Column(Boolean, default=False) """ Whether the device is blocked. """ rssi = Column(Integer, default=None) """ Received Signal Strength Indicator. """ tx_power = Column(Integer, default=None) """ Reported transmission power. """ manufacturers = Column(JSON) """ Registered manufacturers for the device, as an ID -> Name map. """ uuids = Column(JSON) """ Service/characteristic UUIDs exposed by the device, as a UUID -> Name map. """ brand = Column(String) """ Device brand, as a string. """ model = Column(String) """ Device model, as a string. """ model_id = Column(String) """ Device model ID. """ manufacturer_data = Column(JSON) """ Latest manufacturer data published by the device, as a ``manufacturer_id -> data`` map, where ``data`` is a hexadecimal string. """ service_data = Column(JSON) """ Latest service data published by the device, as a ``service_uuid -> data`` map, where ``data`` is a hexadecimal string. """ __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': __tablename__, }