/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: mysql.c * * Description: Interface to a MySQL database * * Version: 0.1 * Created: 04/09/2010 20:16:47 * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: BlackLight (http://0x00.ath.cx), * Licence: GNU GPL v.3 * Company: DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE, YOU ARE A PIRATE! * * ===================================================================================== */ #include "spp_ai.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBMYSQLCLIENT #include #include /** \defgroup mysql Module for the interface with a MySQL DBMS * @{ */ /***************************/ /* Database descriptors */ PRIVATE MYSQL *db = NULL; PRIVATE MYSQL *outdb = NULL; /***************************/ /*************************************************************/ /* Private functions (operating on the database descriptors) */ PRIVATE bool __mysql_is_init ( MYSQL *__DB ) { return ( __DB != NULL ); } PRIVATE void* __mysql_do_init ( MYSQL **__DB, bool is_out ) { if ( __mysql_is_init ( *__DB ) ) return (void*) *__DB; if ( !( *__DB = (MYSQL*) malloc ( sizeof ( MYSQL )))) { return NULL; } if ( !( mysql_init ( *__DB ))) { return NULL; } if ( is_out ) { if ( !mysql_real_connect ( *__DB, config->outdbhost, config->outdbuser, config->outdbpass, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 )) { return NULL; } if ( mysql_select_db ( *__DB, config->outdbname )) { return NULL; } } else { if ( !mysql_real_connect ( *__DB, config->dbhost, config->dbuser, config->dbpass, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 )) return NULL; if ( mysql_select_db ( *__DB, config->dbname )) return NULL; } return (void*) *__DB; } PRIVATE void __mysql_do_close ( MYSQL **__DB ) { if ( *__DB ) mysql_close ( *__DB ); free ( *__DB ); *__DB = NULL; } PRIVATE MYSQL_RES* __mysql_do_query ( MYSQL *__DB, const char *query ) { MYSQL_RES *res = NULL; if ( mysql_query ( __DB, query )) { return NULL; } if ( !( res = mysql_store_result ( __DB ))) return NULL; return res; } /* End of private functions */ /****************************/ /********************/ /* Public functions */ bool mysql_is_init () { return __mysql_is_init ( db ); } void* mysql_do_init () { return __mysql_do_init ( &db, false ); } bool mysql_is_gone () { return (( mysql_errno ( db ) == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR ) || ( mysql_errno ( db ) == CR_SERVER_LOST )); } MYSQL_RES* mysql_do_query ( const char *query ) { if ( !db ) mysql_do_init(); return __mysql_do_query ( db, query ); } unsigned long mysql_do_escape_string ( char **to, const char *from, unsigned long length ) { if ( !from ) return 0; if ( strlen ( from ) == 0 ) return 0; return mysql_real_escape_string ( db, *to, from, length ); } const char* mysql_do_error () { return mysql_error ( db ); } void mysql_do_close () { __mysql_do_close ( &db ); } /* Output database functions */ bool mysql_is_out_init () { return __mysql_is_init ( outdb ); } void* mysql_do_out_init () { return __mysql_do_init ( &outdb, true ); } bool mysql_is_out_gone () { return (( mysql_errno ( outdb ) == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR ) || ( mysql_errno ( outdb ) == CR_SERVER_LOST )); } MYSQL_RES* mysql_do_out_query ( const char *query ) { if ( !outdb ) mysql_do_out_init(); return __mysql_do_query ( outdb, query ); } unsigned long mysql_do_out_escape_string ( char **to, const char *from, unsigned long length ) { if ( !from ) return 0; if ( strlen ( from ) == 0 ) return 0; return mysql_real_escape_string ( outdb, *to, from, length ); } const char* mysql_do_out_error () { return mysql_error ( outdb ); } void mysql_do_out_close () { __mysql_do_close ( &outdb ); } /* End of public functions */ /***************************/ /** @} */ #endif