/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: stream.c * * Description: It manages the streams of TCP packets, keeping them in a hashtable * * Version: 0.1 * Created: 30/07/2010 15:02:54 * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: BlackLight (http://0x00.ath.cx), * Licence: GNU GPL v.3 * Company: DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE, YOU ARE A PIRATE! * * ===================================================================================== */ #include "spp_ai.h" #include #include #include #include PRIVATE struct pkt_info *hash = NULL; PRIVATE time_t start_time = 0; /** pthread mutex for managing the access of multiple readers/writers to the hash table */ PRIVATE pthread_mutex_t hash_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /** \defgroup stream Manage streams, sorting them into hash tables and linked lists * @{ */ /** * \brief Remove a stream from the hash table (private function) * \param stream Stream to be removed */ PRIVATE void __AI_stream_free ( struct pkt_info* stream ) { struct pkt_info *tmp = NULL; /* If the provided stream is empty, or the hash table contains no element, just return */ if ( !stream || !hash || HASH_COUNT(hash) == 0 ) return; /* Lock the mutex over the hash table and search for a stream having the provided key */ pthread_mutex_lock ( &hash_mutex ); HASH_FIND ( hh, hash, &(stream->key), sizeof(struct pkt_key), tmp ); pthread_mutex_unlock ( &hash_mutex ); /* If that key is not there, just return */ if ( !tmp ) return; /* If the stream has no IP or TCP header, return */ if ( stream->pkt ) { if ( !stream->pkt->ip4_header ) return; if ( stream->pkt->ip4_header->proto != IPPROTO_TCP || !stream->pkt->tcp_header ) return; } /* Remove the stream from the hash table */ pthread_mutex_lock ( &hash_mutex ); HASH_DEL ( hash, stream ); pthread_mutex_unlock ( &hash_mutex ); /* Remove all the packets contained in the stream */ while ( stream ) { tmp = stream->next; if ( stream->pkt ) { free ( stream->pkt ); stream->pkt = NULL; } free ( stream ); stream = tmp; } stream = NULL; } /* ----- end of function __AI_stream_free ----- */ /** * \brief Thread called for cleaning up the hash table from the traffic streams older than * a certain threshold */ void* AI_hashcleanup_thread ( void* arg ) { struct pkt_info *h, *stream, *tmp; time_t max_timestamp; int pkt_count, pkt_rm; bool has_old_streams; if ( config->hashCleanupInterval == 0 ) { pthread_exit ((void*) 0); return (void*) 0; } while ( 1 ) { /* Sleep for the specified number of seconds */ sleep ( config->hashCleanupInterval ); /* If the hash is empty, come back to sleep */ if ( !hash || !HASH_COUNT(hash) ) continue; has_old_streams = true; while ( has_old_streams ) { has_old_streams = false; /* Check all the streams in the hash */ for ( h = hash; h; h = (struct pkt_info*) h->next ) { if ( h->observed ) { continue; } if ( h->next ) { if ( h->next->observed ) { if ( config->max_hash_pkt_number != 0 ) { if ( h->next->n_packets == 0 ) { for ( stream = h->next, pkt_count=0; stream; stream = (struct pkt_info*) stream->next, pkt_count++ ); h->next->n_packets = pkt_count; } else { pkt_count = h->next->n_packets; } /* If this stream has too many packets inside, remove the oldest ones */ if ( pkt_count > config->max_hash_pkt_number ) { for ( stream = h->next, pkt_rm = 0; stream && pkt_rm < pkt_count - config->max_hash_pkt_number; stream = stream->next, pkt_rm++ ) { tmp = stream->next; __AI_stream_free ( stream ); stream = tmp; } h->next = stream; } } } } max_timestamp = 0; /* Find the maximum timestamp in the flow */ for ( stream = h; stream; stream = (struct pkt_info*) stream->next ) { if ( stream->timestamp > max_timestamp ) max_timestamp = stream->timestamp; } /* If the most recent packet in the stream is older than the specified threshold, remove that stream */ if ( time (NULL) - max_timestamp > config->streamExpireInterval ) { has_old_streams = true; stream = h; if ( stream ) { __AI_stream_free ( stream ); } } } } } /* Hey we'll never reach this point unless 1 becomes != 1, but I have to place it * for letting not gcc annoy us */ pthread_exit ((void*) 0); return (void*) 0; } /* ----- end of function AI_hashcleanup_thread ----- */ /** * \brief Function called for appending a new packet to the hash table, * creating a new stream or appending it to an existing stream * \param pkt Packet to be appended */ void AI_pkt_enqueue ( SFSnortPacket* pkt ) { struct pkt_key key; struct pkt_info *info; struct pkt_info *tmp; struct pkt_info *found = NULL; if ( start_time == 0 ) start_time = time (NULL); /* If we are not using the stream hash table, just return */ if ( config->use_stream_hash_table == 0 ) return; /* If this is not an IP and/or TCP packet, it's not for me */ if ( !( pkt->ip4_header && pkt->tcp_header )) return; if ( !( info = (struct pkt_info*) malloc( sizeof(struct pkt_info) )) ) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } memset ( &key, 0, sizeof(struct pkt_key)); key.src_ip = pkt->ip4_header->source.s_addr; key.dst_port = pkt->tcp_header->destination_port; info->key = key; info->timestamp = time(NULL); info->observed = false; info->n_packets = 0; info->next = NULL; if ( !( info->pkt = (SFSnortPacket*) malloc ( sizeof (SFSnortPacket) )) ) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } memcpy ( info->pkt, pkt, sizeof (SFSnortPacket) ); if ( hash ) { pthread_mutex_lock ( &hash_mutex ); HASH_FIND ( hh, hash, &key, sizeof(struct pkt_key), found ); pthread_mutex_unlock ( &hash_mutex ); } /* If there is already an element of this traffic stream in my hash table, * append the packet just received to this stream*/ if ( found ) { /* If the current packet contains a RST or a FIN, just deallocate the stream */ if ( ( info->pkt->tcp_header->flags & TCPHEADER_RST ) || (( info->pkt->tcp_header->flags & TCPHEADER_FIN ) && ( info->pkt->tcp_header->flags & TCPHEADER_ACK )) ) { pthread_mutex_lock ( &hash_mutex ); HASH_FIND ( hh, hash, &key, sizeof(struct pkt_key), found ); pthread_mutex_unlock ( &hash_mutex ); if ( found ) { if ( !found->observed ) { __AI_stream_free ( found ); } } } else { tmp = NULL; for ( ; found->next; found = found->next ) { /* Stupid memory bug fixed in a stupid and unelegant way */ if ( (unsigned long int) found->next->pkt < 0x100 ) break; /* If the sequence number of the next packet in the stream * is bigger than the sequence number of the current packet, * place the current packet before that */ if ( ntohl( found->next->pkt->tcp_header->sequence ) > ntohl( info->pkt->tcp_header->sequence ) ) { tmp = found->next; found->next = info; info->next = tmp; break; } } if ( !tmp ) { found->next = info; } } } else { /* If the packet contains the ACK flag, no payload and it is * associated to no active stream, just ignore it */ /* if ( pkt->tcp_header->flags & TCPHEADER_ACK ) { */ /* return; */ /* } */ /* If there is no stream associated to this packet, create * a new node in the hash table */ pthread_mutex_lock ( &hash_mutex ); HASH_ADD ( hh, hash, key, sizeof(struct pkt_key), info ); pthread_mutex_unlock ( &hash_mutex ); } return; } /* ----- end of function AI_pkt_enqueue ----- */ /** * \brief Get a TCP stream by key * \param key Key of the stream to be picked up (struct pkt_key) * \return A pkt_info pointer to the stream if found, NULL otherwise */ struct pkt_info* AI_get_stream_by_key ( struct pkt_key key ) { struct pkt_info *info = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock ( &hash_mutex ); HASH_FIND ( hh, hash, &key, sizeof (struct pkt_key), info ); pthread_mutex_unlock ( &hash_mutex ); /* If no stream was found with that key, return */ if ( info == NULL ) return NULL; /* If the timestamp of the stream is older than the start time, return */ if ( info->timestamp < start_time ) return NULL; return info; } /* ----- end of function AI_get_stream_by_key ----- */ /** * \brief Set the flag "observed" on a stream associated to a security alert, so that it won't be removed from the hash table * \param key Key of the stream to be set as "observed" */ void AI_set_stream_observed ( struct pkt_key key ) { struct pkt_info *info = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock ( &hash_mutex ); HASH_FIND ( hh, hash, &key, sizeof (struct pkt_key), info ); pthread_mutex_unlock ( &hash_mutex ); if ( info == NULL ) return; pthread_mutex_lock ( &hash_mutex ); info->observed = true; pthread_mutex_unlock ( &hash_mutex ); } /* ----- end of function AI_set_stream_observed ----- */ /** @} */