Functions | Variables

Manage alerts on a MySQL database


void * AI_mysql_alertparser_thread (void *arg)
 Thread for parsing alerts from MySQL database.
PRIVATE AI_snort_alert_AI_mysql_copy_alerts (AI_snort_alert *node)
 Create a copy of the alert log struct (this is done for leaving the alert log structure in this file as read-only).
AI_snort_alertAI_mysql_get_alerts ()
 Return the alerts parsed so far as a linked list.


PRIVATE AI_configconfig
PRIVATE AI_snort_alertalerts = NULL
PRIVATE pthread_mutex_t db_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER

Function Documentation

PRIVATE AI_snort_alert* _AI_mysql_copy_alerts ( AI_snort_alert node  ) 

Create a copy of the alert log struct (this is done for leaving the alert log structure in this file as read-only).

node Starting node (used for the recursion)
A copy of the alert log linked list
void* AI_mysql_alertparser_thread ( void *  arg  ) 

Thread for parsing alerts from MySQL database.

arg void* pointer to the module configuration
AI_snort_alert* AI_mysql_get_alerts ( void   ) 

Return the alerts parsed so far as a linked list.

An AI_snort_alert pointer identifying the list of alerts

Variable Documentation

PRIVATE AI_snort_alert* alerts = NULL
PRIVATE AI_config* config
PRIVATE pthread_mutex_t db_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER

pthread mutex for accessing database data

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