/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: postgresql.c * * Description: Interface to a PostgreSQL database * * Version: 0.1 * Created: 16/09/2010 00:23:34 * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: BlackLight (http://0x00.ath.cx), * Licence: GNU GPL v.3 * Company: DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE, YOU ARE A PIRATE! * * ===================================================================================== */ #include "spp_ai.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBPQ #include #include #include "db.h" /** \defgroup postgresql Module for the interface with a PostgreSQL DBMS * @{ */ PRIVATE PGconn *db = NULL; void* postgresql_do_init ( AI_config *config ) { char *conninfo = NULL; int conninfo_max_length = ((config->dbhost) ? strlen ( config->dbhost ) : 0) + ((config->dbuser) ? strlen ( config->dbuser ) : 0) + ((config->dbpass) ? strlen ( config->dbpass ) : 0) + ((config->dbname) ? strlen ( config->dbname ) : 0) + 100; if ( !( conninfo = (char*) alloca ( conninfo_max_length ))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal dynamic memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); memset ( conninfo, 0, conninfo_max_length ); snprintf ( conninfo, conninfo_max_length, "dbname=%s", config->dbname ); if ( config->dbuser ) sprintf ( conninfo, "%s user=%s", conninfo, config->dbuser ); if ( config->dbpass ) sprintf ( conninfo, "%s password=%s", conninfo, config->dbpass ); if ( config->dbhost ) sprintf ( conninfo, "%s hostaddr=%s", conninfo, config->dbhost ); if ( PQstatus ( db = PQconnectdb ( conninfo )) != CONNECTION_OK ) return NULL; return (void*) db; } PSQL_result* postgresql_do_query ( const char *query ) { int i, j, ntuples, nfields; PSQL_result *res = NULL; if ( !( res = (PSQL_result*) malloc ( sizeof ( PSQL_result )))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal dynamic memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); if ( PQresultStatus ( res->res = PQexec( db, query )) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK ) { PQfinish ( db ); return NULL; } ntuples = PQntuples ( res->res ); res->index = 0; res->rows = NULL; if ( !( res->rows = ( char*** ) malloc ( ntuples * sizeof ( char** )))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal dynamic memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); for ( i=0; i < ntuples; i++ ) { nfields = PQnfields ( res->res ); if ( !( res->rows[i] = ( char** ) malloc ( nfields * sizeof ( char* )))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal dynamic memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); for ( j=0; j < nfields; j++ ) { res->rows[i][j] = PQgetvalue ( res->res, i, j ); } } return res; } int postgresql_num_rows ( PSQL_result *res ) { return PQntuples ( res->res ); } char** postgresql_fetch_row ( PSQL_result *res ) { if ( (res->index++) >= PQntuples ( res->res )) return NULL; return res->rows[ res->index - 1]; } void postgresql_free_result ( PSQL_result *res ) { int i, j, ntuples; if ( res ) { ntuples = PQntuples ( res->res ); for ( i=0; i < ntuples; i++ ) free ( res->rows[i] ); free ( res->rows ); PQclear ( res->res ); free ( res ); } } void postgresql_do_close () { if ( db ) PQfinish ( db ); db = NULL; } /* @} */ #endif