/* * Dracula Graph Layout and Drawing Framework 0.0.3alpha * (c) 2010 Philipp Strathausen , http://strathausen.eu * * based on the Graph JavaScript framework, version 0.0.1 * (c) 2006 Aslak Hellesoy * (c) 2006 Dave Hoover * * Ported from Graph::Layouter::Spring in * http://search.cpan.org/~pasky/Graph-Layderer-0.02/ * The algorithm is based on a spring-style layouter of a Java-based social * network tracker PieSpy written by Paul Mutton Epaul@jibble.orgE. * * This code is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. * For details, see the Graph web site: http://dev.buildpatternd.com/trac * * Links: * * Graph Dracula JavaScript Framework: * http://graphdracula.net * * Demo of the original applet: * http://redsquirrel.com/dave/work/webdep/ * * Mirrored original source code at snipplr: * http://snipplr.com/view/1950/graph-javascript-framework-version-001/ * * Original usage example: * http://ajaxian.com/archives/new-javascriptcanvas-graph-library * /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Graph */ var Graph = function() { this.nodes = []; this.nodelist = []; // nodes by index number, only used once TODO use only one node container this.edges = []; this.snapshots = []; // previous graph states }; Graph.prototype = { /* * add a node * @id the node's ID (string or number) * @content (optional, dictionary) can contain any information that is * being interpreted by the layout algorithm or the graph * representation */ addNode: function(id, content) { /* testing if node is already existing in the graph */ if(this.nodes[id] == undefined) { this.nodes[id] = new Graph.Node(id, content || {"id" : id}); /* nodes indexed by node id */ this.nodelist.push(this.nodes[id]); /* node list indexed by numbers */ } return this.nodes[id]; }, // TODO rename style to content addEdge: function(source, target, style) { var s = this.addNode(source); var t = this.addNode(target); var edge = { source: s, target: t, style: style, weight: style&&style.weight||1 }; // TODO tidy up here s.edges.push(edge); this.edges.push(edge); /* add an edge back if graph undirected */ if(!style || !style.directed) { var backedge = { source: t, target: s, style: style, weight : style&&style.weight||1, backedge : edge }; // TODO tidy up here this.edges.push(backedge); t.edges.push(backedge); } }, /* * Preserve a copy of the graph state (nodes, positions, ...) * @comment a comment describing the state * @about a list with objects to be marked as significant in this state (TODO) */ snapShot: function(comment, about) { // TODO get rid of the jQuery plugin dependence just for the deep copying var graph = new Graph(); jQuery.extend(true, graph.nodes, this.nodes); jQuery.extend(true, graph.nodelist, this.nodelist); jQuery.extend(true, graph.edges, this.edges); graph.snapShot = null; this.snapshots.push({comment: comment, graph: graph}); } }; /* * Node */ Graph.Node = function(id, value){ value.id = id; value.edges = []; return value; }; Graph.Node.prototype = { }; /* * Renderer base class */ Graph.Renderer = {}; /* * Renderer implementation using RaphaelJS */ Graph.Renderer.Raphael = function(element, graph, width, height) { this.width = width||400; this.height = height||400; var selfRef = this; this.r = Raphael(element, this.width, this.height); this.radius = 40; /* max dimension of a node */ this.graph = graph; this.mouse_in = false; /* TODO default node rendering function */ if(!this.graph.render) { this.graph.render = function() { return; } } /* * Dragging */ this.isDrag = false; this.dragger = function (e) { this.dx = e.clientX; this.dy = e.clientY; selfRef.isDrag = this; this.set && this.set.animate({"fill-opacity": .1}, 200) && this.set.toFront(); e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(); }; document.onmousemove = function (e) { e = e || window.event; if (selfRef.isDrag) { var bBox = selfRef.isDrag.set.getBBox(); // TODO round the coordinates here (eg. for proper image representation) var newX = e.clientX - selfRef.isDrag.dx + (bBox.x + bBox.width / 2); var newY = e.clientY - selfRef.isDrag.dy + (bBox.y + bBox.height / 2); /* prevent shapes from being dragged out of the canvas */ var clientX = e.clientX - (newX < 20 ? newX - 20 : newX > selfRef.width - 20 ? newX - selfRef.width + 20 : 0); var clientY = e.clientY - (newY < 20 ? newY - 20 : newY > selfRef.height - 20 ? newY - selfRef.height + 20 : 0); selfRef.isDrag.set.translate(clientX - selfRef.isDrag.dx, clientY - selfRef.isDrag.dy); for (var i in selfRef.graph.edges) { selfRef.graph.edges[i].connection && selfRef.graph.edges[i].connection.draw(); } //selfRef.r.safari(); selfRef.isDrag.dx = clientX; selfRef.isDrag.dy = clientY; } }; document.onmouseup = function () { selfRef.isDrag && selfRef.isDrag.set.animate({"fill-opacity": .6}, 500); selfRef.isDrag = false; }; }; Graph.Renderer.Raphael.prototype = { translate: function(point) { return [ Math.round((point[0] - this.graph.layoutMinX) * this.factorX + this.radius), Math.round((point[1] - this.graph.layoutMinY) * this.factorY + this.radius) ]; }, rotate: function(point, length, angle) { var dx = length * Math.cos(angle); var dy = length * Math.sin(angle); return [point[0]+dx, point[1]+dy]; }, draw: function() { this.factorX = (this.width - 2 * this.radius) / (this.graph.layoutMaxX - this.graph.layoutMinX); this.factorY = (this.height - 2 * this.radius) / (this.graph.layoutMaxY - this.graph.layoutMinY); for (i in this.graph.nodes) { this.drawNode(this.graph.nodes[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < this.graph.edges.length; i++) { this.drawEdge(this.graph.edges[i]); } }, drawNode: function(node) { var point = this.translate([node.layoutPosX, node.layoutPosY]); node.point = point; /* if node has already been drawn, move the nodes */ if(node.shape) { var oBBox = node.shape.getBBox(); var opoint = [ oBBox.x + Math.round(oBBox.width / 2) , oBBox.y + Math.round(oBBox.height / 2) ]; node.shape.translate(point[0]-opoint[0], point[1]-opoint[1]); this.r.safari(); return; }/* else, draw new nodes */ var shape; /* if a node renderer function is provided by the user, then use it */ if(node.render) { shape = node.render(this.r, node); /* or check for an ajax representation of the nodes */ } else if(node.shape) { // TODO ajax representation /* the default node drawing */ } else { var color = Raphael.getColor(); shape = this.r.set(). push(this.r.ellipse(point[0], point[1], 30, 20).attr({fill: color, stroke: color, "stroke-width": 2})). push(this.r.text(point[0], point[1] + 30, node.label || node.id)); } shape.attr({"fill-opacity": .6}); /* reference to the node an element belongs to, needed for dragging all elements of a node */ shape.items.forEach(function(item){ item.set = shape; item.node.style.cursor = "move"; }); shape.mousedown(this.dragger); node.shape = shape; }, drawEdge: function(edge) { /* if this edge already exists the other way around and is undirected */ if(edge.backedge) return; /* if edge already has been drawn, only refresh the edge */ edge.connection && edge.connection.draw(); if(!edge.connection) { edge.style && edge.style.callback && edge.style.callback(edge);//TODO move this somewhere else edge.connection = this.r.connection(edge.source.shape, edge.target.shape, edge.style); } } }; Graph.Layout = {}; Graph.Layout.Spring = function(graph) { this.graph = graph; this.iterations = 500; this.maxRepulsiveForceDistance = 6; this.k = 2; this.c = 0.01; this.maxVertexMovement = 0.5; }; Graph.Layout.Spring.prototype = { layout: function() { this.layoutPrepare(); for (var i = 0; i < this.iterations; i++) { this.layoutIteration(); } this.layoutCalcBounds(); }, layoutPrepare: function() { for (i in this.graph.nodes) { var node = this.graph.nodes[i]; node.layoutPosX = 0; node.layoutPosY = 0; node.layoutForceX = 0; node.layoutForceY = 0; } }, layoutCalcBounds: function() { var minx = Infinity, maxx = -Infinity, miny = Infinity, maxy = -Infinity; for (i in this.graph.nodes) { var x = this.graph.nodes[i].layoutPosX; var y = this.graph.nodes[i].layoutPosY; if(x > maxx) maxx = x; if(x < minx) minx = x; if(y > maxy) maxy = y; if(y < miny) miny = y; } this.graph.layoutMinX = minx; this.graph.layoutMaxX = maxx; this.graph.layoutMinY = miny; this.graph.layoutMaxY = maxy; }, layoutIteration: function() { // Forces on nodes due to node-node repulsions for (var i = 0; i < this.graph.nodelist.length; i++) { var node1 = this.graph.nodelist[i]; for (var j = i + 1; j < this.graph.nodelist.length; j++) { var node2 = this.graph.nodelist[j]; this.layoutRepulsive(node1, node2); } } // Forces on nodes due to edge attractions for (var i = 0; i < this.graph.edges.length; i++) { var edge = this.graph.edges[i]; this.layoutAttractive(edge); } // Move by the given force for (i in this.graph.nodes) { var node = this.graph.nodes[i]; var xmove = this.c * node.layoutForceX; var ymove = this.c * node.layoutForceY; var max = this.maxVertexMovement; if(xmove > max) xmove = max; if(xmove < -max) xmove = -max; if(ymove > max) ymove = max; if(ymove < -max) ymove = -max; node.layoutPosX += xmove; node.layoutPosY += ymove; node.layoutForceX = 0; node.layoutForceY = 0; } }, layoutRepulsive: function(node1, node2) { var dx = node2.layoutPosX - node1.layoutPosX; var dy = node2.layoutPosY - node1.layoutPosY; var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; if(d2 < 0.01) { dx = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1; dy = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1; var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; } var d = Math.sqrt(d2); if(d < this.maxRepulsiveForceDistance) { var repulsiveForce = this.k * this.k / d; node2.layoutForceX += repulsiveForce * dx / d; node2.layoutForceY += repulsiveForce * dy / d; node1.layoutForceX -= repulsiveForce * dx / d; node1.layoutForceY -= repulsiveForce * dy / d; } }, layoutAttractive: function(edge) { var node1 = edge.source; var node2 = edge.target; var dx = node2.layoutPosX - node1.layoutPosX; var dy = node2.layoutPosY - node1.layoutPosY; var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; if(d2 < 0.01) { dx = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1; dy = 0.1 * Math.random() + 0.1; var d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; } var d = Math.sqrt(d2); if(d > this.maxRepulsiveForceDistance) { d = this.maxRepulsiveForceDistance; d2 = d * d; } var attractiveForce = (d2 - this.k * this.k) / this.k; if(edge.attraction == undefined) edge.attraction = 1; attractiveForce *= Math.log(edge.attraction) * 0.5 + 1; node2.layoutForceX -= attractiveForce * dx / d; node2.layoutForceY -= attractiveForce * dy / d; node1.layoutForceX += attractiveForce * dx / d; node1.layoutForceY += attractiveForce * dy / d; } }; /* * usefull JavaScript extensions, */ //Array.prototype.forEach = function(f) { // var l = this.length; // for( var i = 0; i < l; i++) f(this[i]); //}; function log(a) {console.log&&console.log(a);} // this will eventually mess up array usage with for-in-loops //Array.prototype.onEach = function(f, arg) { // var l = this.length; // for( var i = 0; i < l; i++) this[i][f]( arg ); //} /* * Raphael Tooltip Plugin * - attaches an element as a tooltip to another element * * Usage example, adding a rectangle as a tooltip to a circle: * * paper.circle(100,100,10).tooltip(paper.rect(0,0,20,30)); * * If you want to use more shapes, you'll have to put them into a set. * */ Raphael.el.tooltip = function (tp) { this.tp = tp; this.tp.o = {x: 0, y: 0}; this.tp.hide(); this.hover( function(event){ this.mousemove(function(event){ this.tp.translate(event.clientX - this.tp.o.x,event.clientY - this.tp.o.y); this.tp.o = {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY}; }); this.tp.show().toFront(); }, function(event){ this.tp.hide(); this.unmousemove(); }); return this; };