/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: cluster.c * * Description: Module for managing alarm clustering and cluter hierarchies * * Version: 0.1 * Created: 12/08/2010 12:43:28 * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: BlackLight (http://0x00.ath.cx), * Licence: GNU GPL v.3 * Company: DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE, YOU ARE A PIRATE! * * ===================================================================================== */ #include "spp_ai.h" #include #include #include #include #include /** \defgroup cluster Manage the clustering of alarms * @{ */ /** Identifier key for a cluster attribute value */ typedef struct { int min; int max; } attribute_key; /** Representation of a cluster attribute value */ typedef struct { attribute_key key; cluster_type type; unsigned int count; UT_hash_handle hh; } attribute_value; /** Structure containing the count of occurrences of the single alerts in the log */ typedef struct { AI_hyperalert_key key; unsigned int count; UT_hash_handle hh; } AI_alert_occurrence; PRIVATE hierarchy_node *h_root[CLUSTER_TYPES] = { NULL }; PRIVATE AI_snort_alert *alert_log = NULL; PRIVATE pthread_mutex_t mutex; /** * \brief Function that picks up the heuristic value for a clustering attribute in according to Julisch's heuristic (ACM, Vol.2, No.3, 09 2002, pag.124) * \param type Attribute type * \return The heuristic coefficient for that attribute, -1 if no clustering information is available for that attribute */ PRIVATE int _heuristic_func ( cluster_type type ) { AI_snort_alert *alert_iterator; attribute_key key; attribute_value *values = NULL; attribute_value *value = NULL; attribute_value *found = NULL; int max = 0; if ( type == none || !alert_log || !h_root[type] ) return -1; for ( alert_iterator = alert_log; alert_iterator; alert_iterator = alert_iterator->next ) { if ( !alert_iterator->h_node[type] ) continue; key.min = alert_iterator->h_node[type]->min_val; key.max = alert_iterator->h_node[type]->max_val; if ( values ) { HASH_FIND ( hh, values, &key, sizeof ( attribute_key ), found ); } if ( !found ) { if ( !( value = ( attribute_value* ) malloc ( sizeof ( attribute_value )) )) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation failure", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } memset ( value, 0, sizeof ( attribute_value )); value->key = key; value->type = type; value->count = 1; HASH_ADD ( hh, values, key, sizeof ( attribute_key ), value ); } else { found->count++; } } for ( value = values; value; value = ( attribute_value* ) value->hh.next ) { if ( value->count > max ) { max = value->count; } } while ( values ) { value = values; HASH_DEL ( values, value ); free ( value ); } return max; } /* ----- end of function _heuristic_func ----- */ /** * \brief Create a new clustering hierarchy node * \param label Label for the node * \param min_val Minimum value for the range represented by the node * \param max_val Maximum value for the range represented by the node * \return The brand new node if the allocation was ok, otherwise abort the application */ PRIVATE hierarchy_node* _hierarchy_node_new ( char *label, int min_val, int max_val ) { hierarchy_node *n = NULL; if ( !( n = ( hierarchy_node* ) malloc ( sizeof ( hierarchy_node )) )) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation failure", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } n->min_val = min_val; n->max_val = max_val; n->nchildren = 0; n->children = NULL; n->parent = NULL; strncpy ( n->label, label, sizeof ( n->label )); return n; } /* ----- end of function _hierarchy_node_new ----- */ /** * \brief Append a node to a clustering hierarchy node * \param parent Parent node * \param child Child node */ PRIVATE void _hierarchy_node_append ( hierarchy_node *parent, hierarchy_node *child ) { if ( !( parent->children = ( hierarchy_node** ) realloc ( parent->children, (++(parent->nchildren)) * sizeof ( hierarchy_node* )) )) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation failure", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } parent->children[ parent->nchildren - 1 ] = child; child->parent = parent; } /* ----- end of function _hierarchy_node_append ----- */ /** * \brief Get the minimum node in a hierarchy tree that matches a certain value * \param val Value to be matched in the range * \param root Root of the hierarchy * \return The minimum node that matches the value if any, NULL otherwise */ PRIVATE hierarchy_node* _AI_get_min_hierarchy_node ( int val, hierarchy_node *root ) { int i; hierarchy_node *next = NULL; if ( !root ) { return NULL; } if ( (unsigned) val < (unsigned) root->min_val || (unsigned) val > (unsigned) root->max_val ) { return NULL; } for ( i=0; i < root->nchildren && !next; i++ ) { if ( root->children[i]->min_val <= val && root->children[i]->max_val >= val ) { next = root->children[i]; } } if ( !next ) return root; return _AI_get_min_hierarchy_node ( val, next ); } /* ----- end of function _AI_get_min_hierarchy_node ----- */ /** * \brief Check if two alerts are semantically equal * \param a1 First alert * \param a2 Second alert * \return True if they are equal, false otherwise */ PRIVATE BOOL _AI_equal_alerts ( AI_snort_alert *a1, AI_snort_alert *a2 ) { if ( a1->gid != a2->gid || a1->sid != a2->sid || a1->rev != a2->rev ) { return false; } if ( a1->h_node[src_addr] && a2->h_node[src_addr] ) { if ( a1->h_node[src_addr]->min_val != a2->h_node[src_addr]->min_val || a1->h_node[src_addr]->max_val != a2->h_node[src_addr]->max_val ) return false; } if ( a1->h_node[dst_addr] && a2->h_node[dst_addr] ) { if ( a1->h_node[dst_addr]->min_val != a2->h_node[dst_addr]->min_val || a1->h_node[dst_addr]->max_val != a2->h_node[dst_addr]->max_val ) return false; } if ( a1->h_node[src_port] && a2->h_node[src_port] ) { if ( a1->h_node[src_port]->min_val != a2->h_node[src_port]->min_val || a1->h_node[src_port]->max_val != a2->h_node[src_port]->max_val ) return false; } if ( a1->h_node[dst_port] && a2->h_node[dst_port] ) { if ( a1->h_node[dst_port]->min_val != a2->h_node[dst_port]->min_val || a1->h_node[dst_port]->max_val != a2->h_node[dst_port]->max_val ) return false; } return true; } /* ----- end of function _AI_equal_alerts ----- */ /** * \brief Merge the alerts marked as equal in the log * \param log Alert log reference * \return The number of merged couples */ PRIVATE int _AI_merge_alerts ( AI_snort_alert **log ) { AI_snort_alert *tmp, *tmp2, *tmp3; AI_alerts_couple *alerts_couple; pthread_t db_thread; int count = 0; for ( tmp = *log; tmp; tmp = tmp->next ) { for ( tmp2 = *log; tmp2; ) { if ( tmp2->next ) { /* If the two alerts are in the same clustering time window (if a time window was defined...) */ if ( config->clusterMaxAlertInterval == 0 || ( config->clusterMaxAlertInterval > 0 && abs ( tmp->timestamp - tmp2->next->timestamp ) <= config->clusterMaxAlertInterval )) { if ( tmp != tmp2->next ) { /* If the two alerts are equal... */ if ( _AI_equal_alerts ( tmp, tmp2->next )) { /* If we are storing the outputs of the module to a database, save the cluster containing the two alerts */ if ( config->outdbtype != outdb_none ) { if ( !( alerts_couple = (AI_alerts_couple*) malloc ( sizeof ( AI_alerts_couple )))) AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); alerts_couple->alert1 = tmp; alerts_couple->alert2 = tmp2->next; if ( pthread_create ( &db_thread, NULL, AI_store_cluster_to_db_thread, alerts_couple ) != 0 ) { AI_fatal_err ( "Failed to create the cluster-to-database thread", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } if ( pthread_join ( db_thread, NULL ) != 0 ) { AI_fatal_err ( "Could not join the cluster-to-database thread", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } } /* Merge the two alerts */ if ( !( tmp->grouped_alerts = ( AI_snort_alert** ) realloc ( tmp->grouped_alerts, (++(tmp->grouped_alerts_count)) * sizeof ( AI_snort_alert* )))) AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); tmp->grouped_alerts[ tmp->grouped_alerts_count - 1 ] = tmp2->next; count++; tmp3 = tmp2->next->next; tmp2->next = tmp3; } } } tmp2 = tmp2->next; } else break; } } return count; } /* ----- end of function _AI_merge_alerts ----- */ /** * \brief Get the average heterogeneity coefficient of the set of alerts * \return The average heterogeneity coefficient of the set of alerts */ double _AI_get_alerts_heterogeneity ( int *alert_count ) { double heterogeneity = 0.0; int distinct_count = 0; AI_hyperalert_key key; AI_snort_alert *alert_iterator = NULL; AI_alert_occurrence *table = NULL, *found = NULL; *alert_count = 0; for ( alert_iterator = alert_log; alert_iterator; alert_iterator = alert_iterator->next ) { found = NULL; *alert_count += alert_iterator->grouped_alerts_count; key.gid = alert_iterator->gid; key.sid = alert_iterator->sid; key.rev = alert_iterator->rev; HASH_FIND ( hh, table, &key, sizeof ( AI_hyperalert_key ), found ); if ( !found ) { if ( !( found = (AI_alert_occurrence*) malloc ( sizeof ( AI_alert_occurrence )))) AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); found->key = key; found->count = 1; HASH_ADD ( hh, table, key, sizeof ( AI_hyperalert_key ), found ); } else { found->count++; } } for ( found = table; found; found = (AI_alert_occurrence*) found->hh.next ) distinct_count++; if ( *alert_count > 0 ) heterogeneity = (double) distinct_count / (double) *alert_count; else heterogeneity = 0.0; while ( table ) { found = table; HASH_DEL ( table, found ); free ( found ); } return heterogeneity; } /* ----- end of function _AI_get_alerts_heterogeneity ----- */ /** * \brief Print the clustered alerts to a log file * \param log Log containing the alerts * \param fp File pointer where the alerts will be printed */ PRIVATE void _AI_print_clustered_alerts ( AI_snort_alert *log, FILE *fp ) { AI_snort_alert *tmp; char ip[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; char timestamp[128]; struct tm *_tm; for ( tmp = log; tmp; tmp = tmp->next ) { fprintf ( fp, "[**] [%d:%d:%d] %s [**]\n", tmp->gid, tmp->sid, tmp->rev, tmp->desc ); if ( tmp->classification ) fprintf ( fp, "[Classification: %s] ", tmp->classification ); fprintf ( fp, "[Priority: %d]\n", tmp->priority ); _tm = localtime ( &tmp->timestamp ); strftime ( timestamp, sizeof ( timestamp ), "%a %b %d %Y, %H:%M:%S", _tm ); fprintf ( fp, "[Grouped alerts: %d] [Starting from: %s]\n", tmp->grouped_alerts_count, timestamp ); if ( h_root[src_addr] && tmp->h_node[src_addr] ) { fprintf ( fp, "[%s]:", (tmp->h_node[src_addr]->label) ? tmp->h_node[src_addr]->label : "no label" ); } else { inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(tmp->ip_src_addr), ip, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); fprintf ( fp, "%s:", ip ); } if ( h_root[src_port] && tmp->h_node[src_port] ) { fprintf ( fp, "[%s] -> ", (tmp->h_node[src_port]->label) ? tmp->h_node[src_port]->label : "no label" ); } else { fprintf ( fp, "%d -> ", htons ( tmp->tcp_src_port )); } if ( h_root[dst_addr] && tmp->h_node[dst_addr] ) { fprintf ( fp, "[%s]:", (tmp->h_node[dst_addr]->label) ? tmp->h_node[dst_addr]->label : "no label" ); } else { inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(tmp->ip_dst_addr), ip, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); fprintf ( fp, "%s:", ip ); } if ( h_root[dst_port] && tmp->h_node[dst_port] ) { fprintf ( fp, "[%s]\n", (tmp->h_node[dst_port]->label) ? tmp->h_node[dst_port]->label : "no label" ); } else { fprintf ( fp, "%d\n", htons ( tmp->tcp_dst_port )); } fprintf ( fp, "\n" ); } } /* ----- end of function _AI_print_clustered_alerts ----- */ /** * \brief Thread for periodically clustering the log information */ PRIVATE void* _AI_cluster_thread ( void* arg ) { AI_snort_alert *tmp; hierarchy_node *node, *child; cluster_type type; cluster_type best_type; FILE *cluster_fp; char label[256]; int hostval; int netval; int minval; int heuristic_val; int cluster_min_size = 1; int alert_count = 0; int old_alert_count = 0; int single_alerts_count = 0; double heterogeneity = 0; pthread_mutex_init ( &mutex, NULL ); while ( 1 ) { /* Between an execution of the thread and the next one, sleep for alert_clustering_interval seconds */ sleep ( config->alertClusteringInterval ); /* Set the lock over the alert log until it's done with the clustering operation */ pthread_mutex_lock ( &mutex ); /* Free the current alert log and get the latest one */ if ( alert_log ) { AI_free_alerts ( alert_log ); alert_log = NULL; } if ( !( alert_log = get_alerts() )) { pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); continue; } for ( tmp = alert_log, alert_count=0; tmp; tmp = tmp->next, alert_count++ ) { /* If an alert has an unitialized "grouped alarms count", set its counter to 1 (it only groupes the current alert) */ if ( tmp->grouped_alerts_count == 0 ) { tmp->grouped_alerts_count = 1; } /* Initialize the clustering hierarchies in the current alert */ for ( type=0; type < CLUSTER_TYPES; type++ ) { /* If "type" is a valid clustering hierarchy but the corresponding node in the alert is not initialized, initialize it */ if ( h_root[type] && !tmp->h_node[type] ) { switch ( type ) { case src_addr: case dst_addr: netval = ( type == src_addr ) ? tmp->ip_src_addr : tmp->ip_dst_addr; hostval = ntohl ( netval ); inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(netval), label, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); break; case src_port: case dst_port: netval = ( type == src_port ) ? tmp->tcp_src_port : tmp->tcp_dst_port; hostval = ntohs ( netval ); snprintf ( label, sizeof(label), "%d", hostval ); break; default: pthread_exit (( void* ) 0 ); return (void*) 0; } node = _AI_get_min_hierarchy_node ( hostval, h_root[type] ); if ( node ) { if ( node->min_val < node->max_val ) { child = _hierarchy_node_new ( label, hostval, hostval); _hierarchy_node_append ( node, child ); node = child; } tmp->h_node[type] = node; } } } } alert_count -= _AI_merge_alerts ( &alert_log ); heterogeneity = _AI_get_alerts_heterogeneity( &single_alerts_count ); /* Get the minimum size for the clusters in function of the heterogeneity of alerts' set */ if ( heterogeneity > 0 ) cluster_min_size = (int) round ( 1/heterogeneity ); else cluster_min_size = 1; do { old_alert_count = alert_count; minval = INT_MAX; best_type = none; /* Choose the best attribute to cluster using the heuristic function */ for ( type = 0; type < CLUSTER_TYPES; type++ ) { if ( type != none && h_root[type] ) { if (( heuristic_val = _heuristic_func ( type )) > 0 && heuristic_val < minval ) { minval = heuristic_val; best_type = type; } } } /* For all the alerts, the corresponing clustering value is the parent of the current one in the hierarchy */ for ( tmp = alert_log; tmp; tmp = tmp->next ) { if ( tmp->grouped_alerts_count < cluster_min_size && tmp->h_node[best_type] ) { if ( tmp->h_node[best_type]->parent ) { tmp->h_node[best_type] = tmp->h_node[best_type]->parent; } } } alert_count -= _AI_merge_alerts ( &alert_log ); } while ( old_alert_count != alert_count ); pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); if ( !( cluster_fp = fopen ( config->clusterfile, "w" )) ) { pthread_exit ((void*) 0 ); return (void*) 0; } _AI_print_clustered_alerts ( alert_log, cluster_fp ); fclose ( cluster_fp ); } pthread_exit ((void*) 0 ); return (void*) 0; } /* ----- end of function AI_cluster_thread ----- */ /** * \brief Check if a certain node's range (minimum and maximum value) are already present in a clustering hierarchy * \param node Node to be checked * \param root Clustering hierarchy * \return True if 'node' is already in 'root', false otherwise */ PRIVATE BOOL _AI_check_duplicate ( hierarchy_node *node, hierarchy_node *root ) { int i; if ( !node || !root ) return false; if ( root->min_val == node->min_val && root->max_val == node->max_val ) return true; for ( i=0; i < root->nchildren; i++ ) { if ( _AI_check_duplicate ( node, root->children[i] )) return true; } return false; } /* ----- end of function _AI_check_duplicate ----- */ /** * \brief Build the clustering hierarchy trees * \param nodes Nodes containing the information about the clustering ranges * \param n_nodes Number of nodes */ void AI_hierarchies_build ( hierarchy_node **nodes, int n_nodes ) { int i, j; int min_range = 0; pthread_t cluster_thread; hierarchy_node *root = NULL; hierarchy_node *cover = NULL; for ( i=0; i < n_nodes; i++ ) { switch ( nodes[i]->type ) { case src_port: case dst_port: if ( !h_root[ nodes[i]->type ] ) h_root[ nodes[i]->type ] = _hierarchy_node_new ( "1-65535", 1, 65535 ); min_range = 65534; break; case src_addr: case dst_addr: if ( !h_root[ nodes[i]->type ] ) h_root[ nodes[i]->type ] = _hierarchy_node_new ( "", 0x0, 0xffffffff ); min_range = 0xffffffff; break; /* TODO Manage ranges for timestamps (and something more?) */ default: return; } root = h_root[ nodes[i]->type ]; cover = NULL; if ( _AI_check_duplicate ( nodes[i], root )) { AI_fatal_err ( "Parse error: duplicate cluster range in module configuration", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } for ( j=0; j < n_nodes; j++ ) { if ( i != j ) { if ( (unsigned) nodes[j]->min_val <= (unsigned) nodes[i]->min_val && (unsigned) nodes[j]->max_val >= (unsigned) nodes[i]->max_val ) { if (( (unsigned) nodes[i]->min_val - (unsigned) nodes[j]->min_val + (unsigned) nodes[j]->max_val - (unsigned) nodes[i]->max_val ) <= min_range ) { cover = nodes[j]; min_range = nodes[i]->min_val - nodes[j]->min_val + nodes[j]->max_val - nodes[i]->max_val; } } } } if ( cover ) { _hierarchy_node_append ( cover, nodes[i] ); } else { if ( (unsigned) nodes[i]->min_val >= (unsigned) root->min_val && (unsigned) nodes[i]->max_val <= (unsigned) root->max_val && ( (unsigned) nodes[i]->min_val != (unsigned) root->min_val || (unsigned) nodes[i]->max_val != (unsigned) root->max_val )) { _hierarchy_node_append ( root, nodes[i] ); } } } if ( pthread_create ( &cluster_thread, NULL, _AI_cluster_thread, NULL ) != 0 ) { AI_fatal_err ( "Failed to create the hash cleanup thread", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } } /* ----- end of function AI_hierarchies_build ----- */ /** * \brief Return a copy of the clustered alerts * \return An AI_snort_alert pointer identifying the list of clustered alerts */ PRIVATE AI_snort_alert* _AI_copy_clustered_alerts ( AI_snort_alert *node ) { AI_snort_alert *current = NULL, *next = NULL; if ( !node ) { return NULL; } if ( node->next ) { next = _AI_copy_clustered_alerts ( node->next ); } if ( !( current = ( AI_snort_alert* ) malloc ( sizeof ( AI_snort_alert )) )) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation failure", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } memcpy ( current, node, sizeof ( AI_snort_alert )); current->next = next; return current; } /* ----- end of function _AI_copy_clustered_alerts ----- */ /** * \brief Return the alerts parsed so far as a linked list * \return An AI_snort_alert pointer identifying the list of clustered alerts */ AI_snort_alert* AI_get_clustered_alerts () { AI_snort_alert *alerts_copy; pthread_mutex_lock ( &mutex ); alerts_copy = _AI_copy_clustered_alerts ( alert_log ); pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); return alerts_copy; } /* ----- end of function AI_get_clustered_alerts ----- */ /** @} */