 * Originally grabbed from the official RaphaelJS Documentation
 * http://raphaeljs.com/graffle.html
 * Adopted (arrows) and commented by Philipp Strathausen http://blog.ameisenbar.de
 * Licenced under the MIT licence.

 * Usage:
 * connect two shapes
 * parameters: 
 *      source shape [or connection for redrawing], 
 *      target shape,
 *      style with { fg : linecolor, bg : background color, directed: boolean }
 * returns:
 *      connection { draw = function() }
Raphael.fn.connection = function (obj1, obj2, style) {
    var selfRef = this;
    /* create and return new connection */
    var edge = {/*
        from : obj1,
        to : obj2,
        style : style,*/
        draw : function() {
            /* get bounding boxes of target and source */
            var bb1 = obj1.getBBox();
            var bb2 = obj2.getBBox();
            var off1 = 0;
            var off2 = 0;
            /* coordinates for potential connection coordinates from/to the objects */
            var p = [
                {x: bb1.x + bb1.width / 2, y: bb1.y - off1},              /* NORTH 1 */
                {x: bb1.x + bb1.width / 2, y: bb1.y + bb1.height + off1}, /* SOUTH 1 */
                {x: bb1.x - off1, y: bb1.y + bb1.height / 2},             /* WEST  1 */
                {x: bb1.x + bb1.width + off1, y: bb1.y + bb1.height / 2}, /* EAST  1 */
                {x: bb2.x + bb2.width / 2, y: bb2.y - off2},              /* NORTH 2 */
                {x: bb2.x + bb2.width / 2, y: bb2.y + bb2.height + off2}, /* SOUTH 2 */
                {x: bb2.x - off2, y: bb2.y + bb2.height / 2},             /* WEST  2 */
                {x: bb2.x + bb2.width + off2, y: bb2.y + bb2.height / 2}  /* EAST  2 */
            /* distances between objects and according coordinates connection */
            var d = {}, dis = [];

             * find out the best connection coordinates by trying all possible ways
            /* loop the first object's connection coordinates */
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                /* loop the seond object's connection coordinates */
                for (var j = 4; j < 8; j++) {
                    var dx = Math.abs(p[i].x - p[j].x),
                        dy = Math.abs(p[i].y - p[j].y);
                    if ((i == j - 4) || (((i != 3 && j != 6) || p[i].x < p[j].x) && ((i != 2 && j != 7) || p[i].x > p[j].x) && ((i != 0 && j != 5) || p[i].y > p[j].y) && ((i != 1 && j != 4) || p[i].y < p[j].y))) {
                        dis.push(dx + dy);
                        d[dis[dis.length - 1].toFixed(3)] = [i, j];
            var res = dis.length == 0 ? [0, 4] : d[Math.min.apply(Math, dis).toFixed(3)];
            /* bezier path */
            var x1 = p[res[0]].x,
                y1 = p[res[0]].y,
                x4 = p[res[1]].x,
                y4 = p[res[1]].y,
                dx = Math.max(Math.abs(x1 - x4) / 2, 10),
                dy = Math.max(Math.abs(y1 - y4) / 2, 10),
                x2 = [x1, x1, x1 - dx, x1 + dx][res[0]].toFixed(3),
                y2 = [y1 - dy, y1 + dy, y1, y1][res[0]].toFixed(3),
                x3 = [0, 0, 0, 0, x4, x4, x4 - dx, x4 + dx][res[1]].toFixed(3),
                y3 = [0, 0, 0, 0, y1 + dy, y1 - dy, y4, y4][res[1]].toFixed(3);
            /* assemble path and arrow */
            var path = ["M", x1.toFixed(3), y1.toFixed(3), "C", x2, y2, x3, y3, x4.toFixed(3), y4.toFixed(3)].join(",");
            /* arrow */
            if(style && style.directed) {
                /* magnitude, length of the last path vector */
                var mag = Math.sqrt((y4 - y3) * (y4 - y3) + (x4 - x3) * (x4 - x3));
                /* vector normalisation to specified length  */
                var norm = function(x,l){return (-x*(l||5)/mag);};
                /* calculate array coordinates (two lines orthogonal to the path vector) */
                var arr = [
                    {x:(norm(x4-x3)+norm(y4-y3)+x4).toFixed(3), y:(norm(y4-y3)+norm(x4-x3)+y4).toFixed(3)},
                    {x:(norm(x4-x3)-norm(y4-y3)+x4).toFixed(3), y:(norm(y4-y3)-norm(x4-x3)+y4).toFixed(3)}
                path = path + ",M"+arr[0].x+","+arr[0].y+",L"+x4+","+y4+",L"+arr[1].x+","+arr[1].y; 
            /* applying path(s) */
            edge.fg && edge.fg.attr({path:path}) 
                || (edge.fg = selfRef.path(path).attr({stroke: style && style.stroke || "#000", fill: "none"}).toBack());
            edge.bg && edge.bg.attr({path:path})
                || style && style.fill && (edge.bg = style.fill.split && selfRef.path(path).attr({stroke: style.fill.split("|")[0], fill: "none", "stroke-width": style.fill.split("|")[1] || 3}).toBack());
            /* setting label */
            style && style.label 
                && (edge.label && edge.label.attr({x:(x1+x4)/2, y:(y1+y4)/2}) 
                    || (edge.label = selfRef.text((x1+x4)/2, (y1+y4)/2, style.label).attr({fill: "#000", "font-size":"14px"})));
//                && selfRef.text(x4, y4, style.label).attr({stroke: style && style.stroke || "#fff", "font-weight":"bold", "font-size":"20px"})
//            style && style.callback && style.callback(edge);
    return edge;