/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: correlation.c * * Description: Runs the correlation algorithm of the alerts * * Version: 0.1 * Created: 07/09/2010 22:04:27 * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: BlackLight (http://0x00.ath.cx), * Licence: GNU GPL v.3 * Company: DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE, YOU ARE A PIRATE! * * ===================================================================================== */ #include "spp_ai.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBGVC #include #endif /** \defgroup correlation Module for the correlation of hyperalerts * @{ */ #ifndef LIBXML_READER_ENABLED #error "libxml2 reader not enabled\n" #endif /** Enumeration for the types of XML tags */ enum { inHyperAlert, inSnortIdTag, inPreTag, inPostTag, TAG_NUM }; PRIVATE AI_hyperalert_info *hyperalerts = NULL; PRIVATE AI_snort_alert *alerts = NULL; PRIVATE AI_alert_correlation *correlation_table = NULL; PRIVATE pthread_mutex_t mutex; /** * \brief Clean up the correlation hash table */ PRIVATE void _AI_correlation_table_cleanup () { AI_alert_correlation *current; while ( correlation_table ) { current = correlation_table; HASH_DEL ( correlation_table, current ); free ( current ); } } /* ----- end of function _AI_correlation_table_cleanup ----- */ /** * \brief Recursively write a flow of correlated alerts to a .dot file, ready for being rendered as graph * \param corr Correlated alerts * \param fp File pointer */ PRIVATE void _AI_print_correlated_alerts ( AI_alert_correlation *corr, FILE *fp ) { char src_addr1[INET_ADDRSTRLEN], dst_addr1[INET_ADDRSTRLEN], src_addr2[INET_ADDRSTRLEN], dst_addr2[INET_ADDRSTRLEN], src_port1[10], dst_port1[10], src_port2[10], dst_port2[10], timestamp1[40], timestamp2[40]; struct tm *t1, *t2; if ( !corr ) return; inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(corr->key.a->ip_src_addr), src_addr1, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(corr->key.a->ip_dst_addr), dst_addr1, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); snprintf ( src_port1, sizeof ( src_port1 ), "%d", ntohs ( corr->key.a->tcp_src_port )); snprintf ( dst_port1, sizeof ( dst_port1 ), "%d", ntohs ( corr->key.a->tcp_dst_port )); t1 = localtime ( &(corr->key.a->timestamp )); strftime ( timestamp1, sizeof ( timestamp1 ), "%a %b %d %Y, %H:%M:%S", t1 ); inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(corr->key.b->ip_src_addr), src_addr2, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(corr->key.b->ip_dst_addr), dst_addr2, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); snprintf ( src_port2, sizeof ( src_port2 ), "%d", ntohs ( corr->key.b->tcp_src_port )); snprintf ( dst_port2, sizeof ( dst_port2 ), "%d", ntohs ( corr->key.b->tcp_dst_port )); t2 = localtime ( &(corr->key.b->timestamp )); strftime ( timestamp2, sizeof ( timestamp2 ), "%a %b %d %Y, %H:%M:%S", t2 ); fprintf ( fp, "\t\"[%d.%d.%d] %s\\n" "%s:%s -> %s:%s\\n" "%s\\n" "(%d alerts grouped)\" -> " "\"[%d.%d.%d] %s\\n" "%s:%s -> %s:%s\\n" "%s\\n" "(%d alerts grouped)\";\n", corr->key.a->gid, corr->key.a->sid, corr->key.a->rev, corr->key.a->desc, src_addr1, src_port1, dst_addr1, dst_port1, timestamp1, corr->key.a->grouped_alerts_count, corr->key.b->gid, corr->key.b->sid, corr->key.b->rev, corr->key.b->desc, src_addr2, src_port2, dst_addr2, dst_port2, timestamp2, corr->key.b->grouped_alerts_count ); } /* ----- end of function _AI_correlation_flow_to_file ----- */ /** * \brief Get the name of the function called by a pre-condition or post-condition predicate * \param orig_stmt Statement representing a pre-condition or post-condition * \return The name of the function called by that statement */ PRIVATE char* _AI_get_function_name ( const char *orig_stmt ) { int parenthesis_pos, function_name_len; char function_name[4096]; char *stmt = NULL; if ( !( stmt = (char*) alloca ( strlen ( orig_stmt )))) return NULL; strcpy ( stmt, orig_stmt ); memset ( function_name, 0, sizeof ( function_name )); if ( !( parenthesis_pos = (int) strstr ( stmt, "(" ))) return NULL; parenthesis_pos -= (int) stmt; function_name_len = ( parenthesis_pos < sizeof ( function_name )) ? parenthesis_pos : sizeof ( function_name ); strncpy ( function_name, stmt, function_name_len ); return strdup(function_name); } /* ----- end of function _AI_get_function_name ----- */ /** * \brief Get the arguments passed to a function predicate in a pre-condition or post-condition (comma-separated values) * \param orig_stmt Statement representing a pre-condition or post-condition * \param n_args Reference to an integer that will contain the number of arguments read * \return An array of strings containing the arguments of the function */ PRIVATE char** _AI_get_function_arguments ( char *orig_stmt, int *n_args ) { char **args = NULL; char *tok = NULL; char *stmt = NULL; int par_pos = 0; *n_args = 0; if ( !( stmt = (char*) alloca ( strlen ( orig_stmt )))) return NULL; strcpy ( stmt, orig_stmt ); if ( !( par_pos = (int) strstr ( stmt, "(" ))) return NULL; par_pos -= (int) stmt; stmt += par_pos + 1; if ( stmt [ strlen(stmt) - 1 ] == ')' ) stmt[ strlen(stmt) - 1 ] = 0; tok = (char*) strtok ( stmt, "," ); while ( tok ) { if ( !( args = (char**) realloc ( args, (++(*n_args)) * sizeof ( char* )))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); args [ (*n_args) - 1 ] = strdup ( tok ); tok = (char*) strtok ( NULL, " " ); } if ( !(*n_args) ) return NULL; return args; } /* ----- end of function _AI_get_function_arguments ----- */ /** * \brief Compute the correlation coefficient between two alerts, as #INTERSECTION(pre(B), post(A)) / #UNION(pre(B), post(A)), on the basis of preconditions and postconditions in the knowledge base's correlation rules * \param a Alert a * \param b Alert b * \return The correlation coefficient between A and B as coefficient in [0,1] */ PRIVATE double _AI_kb_correlation_coefficient ( AI_snort_alert *a, AI_snort_alert *b ) { unsigned int i, j, k, l, n_intersection = 0, n_union = 0; char **args1 = NULL, **args2 = NULL, **matches = NULL, *function_name1 = NULL, *function_name2 = NULL, new_stmt1[4096] = {0}, new_stmt2[4096] = {0}; int n_args1 = 0, n_args2 = 0, n_matches = 0, min_addr = 0, max_addr = 0, ipaddr = 0, netmask = 0; if ( !a->hyperalert || !b->hyperalert ) return 0.0; if ( a->hyperalert->n_postconds == 0 || b->hyperalert->n_preconds == 0 ) return 0.0; n_union = a->hyperalert->n_postconds + b->hyperalert->n_preconds; for ( i=0; i < a->hyperalert->n_postconds; i++ ) { for ( j=0; j < b->hyperalert->n_preconds; j++ ) { if ( !strcasecmp ( a->hyperalert->postconds[i], b->hyperalert->preconds[j] )) { n_intersection += 2; } else { /* Check if the predicates are the same, have the same number of arguments, and * substitute possible occurrencies of +ANY_ADDR+ and +ANY_PORT+ or IP netmasks */ function_name1 = _AI_get_function_name ( a->hyperalert->postconds[i] ); function_name2 = _AI_get_function_name ( b->hyperalert->preconds[j] ); if ( !strcasecmp ( function_name1, function_name2 )) { args1 = _AI_get_function_arguments ( a->hyperalert->postconds[i], &n_args1 ); args2 = _AI_get_function_arguments ( b->hyperalert->preconds[j] , &n_args2 ); if ( args1 && args2 ) { if ( n_args1 == n_args2 ) { memset ( new_stmt1, 0, sizeof ( new_stmt1 )); memset ( new_stmt2, 0, sizeof ( new_stmt2 )); for ( k=0; k < n_args1; k++ ) { /* If any occurrence of +ANY_ADDR+ or +ANY_PORT+ is found in any of the arguments, * substitute that occurrence with the associated value */ if ( !strcasecmp ( args1[k], "+ANY_ADDR+" ) || !strcasecmp ( args1[k], "+ANY_PORT+" )) { free ( args1[k] ); args1[k] = args2[k]; } if ( !strcasecmp ( args2[k], "+ANY_ADDR+" ) || !strcasecmp ( args2[k], "+ANY_PORT+" )) { free ( args2[k] ); args2[k] = args1[k]; } /* Substitute any occurrence of an IP netmask in any of the two arguments with * the associated IP value */ if ( preg_match ( "^([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})/([0-9]{1,2})$", args1[k], &matches, &n_matches )) { if ( preg_match ( "^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}$", args2[k], NULL, NULL )) { if (( netmask = strtol ( matches[1], NULL, 10 )) > 32 ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Invalid netmask value in '%s'\n", args1[k] ); if (( min_addr = inet_addr ( matches[0] )) == INADDR_NONE ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Invalid base IP address in '%s'\n", args1[k] ); ipaddr = inet_addr ( args2[k] ); if ( ipaddr == INADDR_NONE ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Invalid base IP address in '%s'\n", args2[k] ); netmask = 1 << (( 8*sizeof ( uint32_t )) - netmask ); min_addr = ntohl ( min_addr ) & (~(netmask - 1)); max_addr = min_addr | (netmask - 1); ipaddr = ntohl ( ipaddr ); if ( ipaddr >= min_addr && ipaddr <= max_addr ) { free ( args1[k] ); args1[k] = args2[k]; } } for ( l=0; l < n_matches; l++ ) free ( matches[l] ); free ( matches ); } if ( preg_match ( "^([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})/([0-9]{1,2})$", args2[k], &matches, &n_matches )) { if ( preg_match ( "^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}$", args1[k], NULL, NULL )) { if (( netmask = strtol ( matches[1], NULL, 10 )) > 32 ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Invalid netmask value in '%s'\n", args2[k] ); if (( min_addr = inet_addr ( matches[0] )) == INADDR_NONE ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Invalid base IP address in '%s'\n", args2[k] ); ipaddr = inet_addr ( args1[k] ); if ( ipaddr == INADDR_NONE ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Invalid base IP address in '%s'\n", args1[k] ); netmask = 1 << (( 8*sizeof ( uint32_t )) - netmask ); min_addr = ntohl ( min_addr ) & (~(netmask - 1)); max_addr = min_addr | (netmask - 1); ipaddr = ntohl ( ipaddr ); if ( ipaddr >= min_addr && ipaddr <= max_addr ) { free ( args2[k] ); args2[k] = args1[k]; } } for ( l=0; l < n_matches; l++ ) free ( matches[l] ); free ( matches ); } } snprintf ( new_stmt1, sizeof ( new_stmt1 ), "%s(", function_name1 ); snprintf ( new_stmt2, sizeof ( new_stmt2 ), "%s(", function_name2 ); for ( k=0; k < n_args1; k++ ) { if ( strlen ( new_stmt1 ) + strlen ( args1[k] ) + 1 < sizeof ( new_stmt1 )) sprintf ( new_stmt1, "%s%s%s", new_stmt1, args1[k], ( k < n_args1 - 1 ) ? "," : ")" ); if ( strlen ( new_stmt2 ) + strlen ( args2[k] ) + 1 < sizeof ( new_stmt2 )) sprintf ( new_stmt2, "%s%s%s", new_stmt2, args2[k], ( k < n_args2 - 1 ) ? "," : ")" ); } if ( !strcmp ( new_stmt1, new_stmt2 )) { n_intersection += 2; } } for ( k=0; k < n_args1; k++ ) { if ( args1[k] ) { free ( args1[k] ); args1[k] = NULL; } } if ( args1 ) { free ( args1 ); args1 = NULL; } for ( k=0; k < n_args2; k++ ) { if ( args2[k] ) { /* free ( args2[k] ); */ args2[k] = NULL; } } if ( args2 ) { free ( args2 ); args2 = NULL; } } } if ( function_name1 ) { free ( function_name1 ); function_name1 = NULL; } if ( function_name2 ) { free ( function_name2 ); function_name2 = NULL; } } } } return (double) ((double) n_intersection / (double) n_union ); } /* ----- end of function _AI_kb_correlation_coefficient ----- */ /** * \brief Substitute the macros in hyperalert pre-conditions and post-conditions with their associated values * \param alert Reference to the hyperalert to work on */ PRIVATE void _AI_macro_subst ( AI_snort_alert **alert ) { /* * Recognized macros: * +SRC_ADDR+, +DST_ADDR+, +SRC_PORT+, +DST_PORT+, +ANY_ADDR+, +ANY_PORT+ */ int i; char src_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN], dst_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; char src_port[10], dst_port[10]; char *tmp; for ( i=0; i < (*alert)->hyperalert->n_preconds; i++ ) { tmp = (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i]; (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i] = str_replace_all ( (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i], " ", "" ); free ( tmp ); if ( strstr ( (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i], "+SRC_ADDR+" )) { inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &((*alert)->ip_src_addr), src_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); tmp = (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i]; (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i] = str_replace ( (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i], "+SRC_ADDR+", src_addr ); free ( tmp ); } if ( strstr ( (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i], "+DST_ADDR+" )) { inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &((*alert)->ip_dst_addr), dst_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); tmp = (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i]; (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i] = str_replace ( (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i], "+DST_ADDR+", dst_addr ); free ( tmp ); } if ( strstr ( (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i], "+SRC_PORT+" )) { snprintf ( src_port, sizeof ( src_port ), "%d", ntohs ((*alert)->tcp_src_port) ); tmp = (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i]; (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i] = str_replace ( (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i], "+SRC_PORT+", src_port ); free ( tmp ); } if ( strstr ( (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i], "+DST_PORT+" )) { snprintf ( dst_port, sizeof ( dst_port ), "%d", ntohs ((*alert)->tcp_dst_port) ); tmp = (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i]; (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i] = str_replace ( (*alert)->hyperalert->preconds[i], "+DST_PORT+", dst_port ); free ( tmp ); } } for ( i=0; i < (*alert)->hyperalert->n_postconds; i++ ) { tmp = (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i]; (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i] = str_replace_all ( (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i], " ", "" ); free ( tmp ); if ( strstr ( (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i], "+SRC_ADDR+" )) { inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &((*alert)->ip_src_addr), src_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); tmp = (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i]; (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i] = str_replace ( (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i], "+SRC_ADDR+", src_addr ); free ( tmp ); } if ( strstr ( (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i], "+DST_ADDR+" )) { inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &((*alert)->ip_dst_addr), dst_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); tmp = (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i]; (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i] = str_replace ( (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i], "+DST_ADDR+", dst_addr ); free ( tmp ); } if ( strstr ( (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i], "+SRC_PORT+" )) { snprintf ( src_port, sizeof ( src_port ), "%d", ntohs ((*alert)->tcp_src_port) ); tmp = (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i]; (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i] = str_replace ( (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i], "+SRC_PORT+", src_port ); free ( tmp ); } if ( strstr ( (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i], "+DST_PORT+" )) { snprintf ( dst_port, sizeof ( dst_port ), "%d", ntohs ((*alert)->tcp_dst_port) ); tmp = (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i]; (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i] = str_replace ( (*alert)->hyperalert->postconds[i], "+DST_PORT+", dst_port ); free ( tmp ); } } } /* ----- end of function _AI_macro_subst ----- */ /** * \brief Parse info about a hyperalert from a correlation XML file, if it exists * \param key Key (gid, sid, rev) identifying the alert * \return A hyperalert structure containing the info about the current alert, if the XML file was found */ PRIVATE AI_hyperalert_info* _AI_hyperalert_from_XML ( AI_hyperalert_key key ) { char hyperalert_file[1024] = {0}; char snort_id[1024] = {0}; BOOL xmlFlags[TAG_NUM] = { false }; struct stat st; xmlTextReaderPtr xml; const xmlChar *tagname, *tagvalue; AI_hyperalert_info *hyp; if ( !( hyp = ( AI_hyperalert_info* ) malloc ( sizeof ( AI_hyperalert_info )))) { _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } memset ( hyp, 0, sizeof ( AI_hyperalert_info )); memset ( hyperalert_file, 0, sizeof ( hyperalert_file )); hyp->key = key; snprintf ( hyperalert_file, sizeof ( hyperalert_file ), "%s/%d-%d-%d.xml", config->corr_rules_dir, key.gid, key.sid, key.rev ); if ( stat ( hyperalert_file, &st ) < 0 ) return NULL; LIBXML_TEST_VERSION if ( !( xml = xmlReaderForFile ( hyperalert_file, NULL, 0 ))) return NULL; while ( xmlTextReaderRead ( xml )) { if ( !( tagname = xmlTextReaderConstName ( xml ))) continue; if ( xmlTextReaderNodeType ( xml ) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT ) { if ( !strcasecmp ((const char*) tagname, "hyperalert" )) { if ( xmlFlags[inHyperAlert] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': the hyperalert tag was opened twice\n", hyperalert_file ); else xmlFlags[inHyperAlert] = true; } else if ( !strcasecmp ((const char*) tagname, "snort-id" )) { if ( xmlFlags[inSnortIdTag] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': 'snort-id' tag open inside of another 'snort-id' tag\n", hyperalert_file ); else if ( !xmlFlags[inHyperAlert] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': 'snort-id' tag open outside of 'hyperalert' tag\n", hyperalert_file ); else xmlFlags[inSnortIdTag] = true; } else if ( !strcasecmp ((const char*) tagname, "pre" )) { if ( xmlFlags[inPreTag] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': 'pre' tag open inside of another 'pre' tag\n", hyperalert_file ); else if ( !xmlFlags[inHyperAlert] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': 'pre' tag open outside of 'hyperalert' tag\n", hyperalert_file ); else xmlFlags[inPreTag] = true; } else if ( !strcasecmp ((const char*) tagname, "post" )) { if ( xmlFlags[inPostTag] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': 'post' tag open inside of another 'post' tag\n", hyperalert_file ); else if ( !xmlFlags[inHyperAlert] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': 'post' tag open outside of 'hyperalert' tag\n", hyperalert_file ); else xmlFlags[inPostTag] = true; } else if ( !strcasecmp ((const char*) tagname, "desc" )) {} else { _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Unrecognized tag '%s' in XML file '%s'\n", tagname, hyperalert_file ); } } else if ( xmlTextReaderNodeType ( xml ) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT ) { if ( !strcasecmp ((const char*) tagname, "hyperalert" )) { if ( !xmlFlags[inHyperAlert] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': hyperalert tag closed but never opend\n", hyperalert_file ); else xmlFlags[inHyperAlert] = false; } else if ( !strcasecmp ((const char*) tagname, "snort-id" )) { if ( !xmlFlags[inSnortIdTag] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': snort-id tag closed but never opend\n", hyperalert_file ); else xmlFlags[inSnortIdTag] = false; } else if ( !strcasecmp ((const char*) tagname, "pre" )) { if ( !xmlFlags[inPreTag] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': pre tag closed but never opend\n", hyperalert_file ); else xmlFlags[inPreTag] = false; } else if ( !strcasecmp ((const char*) tagname, "post" )) { if ( !xmlFlags[inPostTag] ) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Error in XML file '%s': post tag closed but never opend\n", hyperalert_file ); else xmlFlags[inPostTag] = false; } else if ( !strcasecmp ((const char*) tagname, "desc" )) {} else { _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Unrecognized tag '%s' in XML file '%s'\n", tagname, hyperalert_file ); } } else if ( xmlTextReaderNodeType ( xml ) == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT ) { if ( !( tagvalue = xmlTextReaderConstValue ( xml ))) continue; if ( xmlFlags[inSnortIdTag] ) { snprintf ( snort_id, sizeof ( snort_id ), "%d.%d.%d", key.gid, key.sid, key.rev ); if ( strcmp ( snort_id, (const char*) tagvalue )) { _dpd.errMsg ( "AIPreproc: Found the file associated to hyperalert: '%s', " "but the 'snort-id' field in there has a different value\n", hyperalert_file ); return NULL; } } else if ( xmlFlags[inPreTag] ) { if ( !( hyp->preconds = (char**) realloc ( hyp->preconds, (++hyp->n_preconds)*sizeof(char*) ))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal allocation memory error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); hyp->preconds[hyp->n_preconds-1] = strdup ((const char*) tagvalue ); } else if ( xmlFlags[inPostTag] ) { if ( !( hyp->postconds = (char**) realloc ( hyp->postconds, (++hyp->n_postconds)*sizeof(char*) ))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal allocation memory error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); hyp->postconds[hyp->n_postconds-1] = strdup ((const char*) tagvalue ); } } } xmlFreeTextReader ( xml ); xmlCleanupParser(); return hyp; } /* ----- end of function _AI_hyperalert_from_XML ----- */ /** * \brief Thread for correlating clustered alerts */ void* AI_alert_correlation_thread ( void *arg ) { int i; struct stat st; char corr_dot_file[4096] = { 0 }, corr_ps_file [4096] = { 0 }; double avg_correlation = 0.0, std_deviation = 0.0, corr_threshold = 0.0, kb_correlation = 0.0, bayesian_correlation = 0.0; FILE *fp = NULL; AI_alert_correlation_key corr_key; AI_alert_correlation *corr = NULL; AI_hyperalert_key key; AI_hyperalert_info *hyp = NULL; AI_snort_alert *alert_iterator = NULL, *alert_iterator2 = NULL; pthread_t db_thread; #ifdef HAVE_LIBGVC char corr_png_file[4096] = { 0 }; GVC_t *gvc = NULL; graph_t *g = NULL; #endif pthread_mutex_init ( &mutex, NULL ); while ( 1 ) { sleep ( config->correlationGraphInterval ); if ( stat ( config->corr_rules_dir, &st ) < 0 ) { _dpd.errMsg ( "AIPreproc: Correlation rules directory '%s' not found, the correlation thread won't be active\n", config->corr_rules_dir ); pthread_exit (( void* ) 0 ); return ( void* ) 0; } /* Set the lock flag to true, and keep it this way until I've done with generating the new hyperalerts */ pthread_mutex_lock ( &mutex ); if ( alerts ) { AI_free_alerts ( alerts ); alerts = NULL; } if ( !( alerts = AI_get_clustered_alerts() )) { pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); continue; } for ( alert_iterator = alerts; alert_iterator; alert_iterator = alert_iterator->next ) { /* Check if my hash table of hyperalerts already contains info about this alert */ key.gid = alert_iterator->gid; key.sid = alert_iterator->sid; key.rev = alert_iterator->rev; HASH_FIND ( hh, hyperalerts, &key, sizeof ( AI_hyperalert_key ), hyp ); /* If not, try to read info from the XML file, if it exists */ if ( !hyp ) { /* If there is no hyperalert knowledge on XML for this alert, ignore it and get the next one */ if ( !( hyp = _AI_hyperalert_from_XML ( key ))) continue; /* If the XML file exists and it's valid, add the hypertalert to the hash table */ HASH_ADD ( hh, hyperalerts, key, sizeof ( AI_hyperalert_key ), hyp ); } /* Fill the hyper alert info for the current alert */ if ( !( alert_iterator->hyperalert = ( AI_hyperalert_info* ) malloc ( sizeof ( AI_hyperalert_info )))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); alert_iterator->hyperalert->key = hyp->key; alert_iterator->hyperalert->n_preconds = hyp->n_preconds; alert_iterator->hyperalert->n_postconds = hyp->n_postconds; if ( !( alert_iterator->hyperalert->preconds = ( char** ) malloc ( alert_iterator->hyperalert->n_preconds * sizeof ( char* )))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); for ( i=0; i < alert_iterator->hyperalert->n_preconds; i++ ) alert_iterator->hyperalert->preconds[i] = strdup ( hyp->preconds[i] ); if ( !( alert_iterator->hyperalert->postconds = ( char** ) malloc ( alert_iterator->hyperalert->n_postconds * sizeof ( char* )))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); for ( i=0; i < alert_iterator->hyperalert->n_postconds; i++ ) alert_iterator->hyperalert->postconds[i] = strdup ( hyp->postconds[i] ); _AI_macro_subst ( &alert_iterator ); } _AI_correlation_table_cleanup(); correlation_table = NULL; for ( alert_iterator = alerts; alert_iterator; alert_iterator = alert_iterator->next ) { for ( alert_iterator2 = alerts; alert_iterator2; alert_iterator2 = alert_iterator2->next ) { if ( alert_iterator != alert_iterator2 && ! ( alert_iterator->gid == alert_iterator2->gid && alert_iterator->sid == alert_iterator2->sid && alert_iterator->rev == alert_iterator2->rev )) { if ( !( corr = ( AI_alert_correlation* ) malloc ( sizeof ( AI_alert_correlation )))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); corr_key.a = alert_iterator; corr_key.b = alert_iterator2; corr->key = corr_key; kb_correlation = _AI_kb_correlation_coefficient ( corr_key.a, corr_key.b ); bayesian_correlation = AI_alert_bayesian_correlation ( corr_key.a, corr_key.b ); if ( bayesian_correlation == 0.0 || config->bayesianCorrelationInterval == 0 ) corr->correlation = kb_correlation; else if ( kb_correlation == 0.0 ) corr->correlation = bayesian_correlation; else corr->correlation = ( kb_correlation + bayesian_correlation ) / 2; HASH_ADD ( hh, correlation_table, key, sizeof ( AI_alert_correlation_key ), corr ); } } } if ( HASH_COUNT ( correlation_table ) > 0 ) { avg_correlation = 0.0; std_deviation = 0.0; /* Compute the average correlation coefficient */ for ( corr = correlation_table; corr; corr = ( AI_alert_correlation* ) corr->hh.next ) { avg_correlation += corr->correlation; } avg_correlation /= (double) HASH_COUNT ( correlation_table ); /* Compute the standard deviation */ for ( corr = correlation_table; corr; corr = ( AI_alert_correlation* ) corr->hh.next ) { std_deviation += ( corr->correlation - avg_correlation ) * ( corr->correlation - avg_correlation ); } std_deviation = sqrt ( std_deviation / (double) HASH_COUNT ( correlation_table )); corr_threshold = avg_correlation + ( config->correlationThresholdCoefficient * std_deviation ); snprintf ( corr_dot_file, sizeof ( corr_dot_file ), "%s/correlated_alerts.dot", config->corr_alerts_dir ); if ( stat ( config->corr_alerts_dir, &st ) < 0 ) { if ( mkdir ( config->corr_alerts_dir, 0755 ) < 0 ) { _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Unable to create directory '%s'\n", config->corr_alerts_dir ); } } else if ( !S_ISDIR ( st.st_mode )) { _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: '%s' found but it's not a directory\n", config->corr_alerts_dir ); } if ( !( fp = fopen ( corr_dot_file, "w" ))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Could not write on file '%s'\n", corr_dot_file ); fprintf ( fp, "digraph G {\n" ); /* Find correlated alerts */ for ( corr = correlation_table; corr; corr = ( AI_alert_correlation* ) corr->hh.next ) { if ( corr->correlation >= corr_threshold && corr_threshold != 0.0 && corr->key.a->timestamp <= corr->key.b->timestamp && ! ( corr->key.a->gid == corr->key.b->gid && corr->key.a->sid == corr->key.b->sid && corr->key.a->rev == corr->key.b->rev )) { if ( !( corr->key.a->derived_alerts = ( AI_snort_alert** ) realloc ( corr->key.a->derived_alerts, (++corr->key.a->n_derived_alerts) * sizeof ( AI_snort_alert* )))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); if ( !( corr->key.b->parent_alerts = ( AI_snort_alert** ) realloc ( corr->key.b->parent_alerts, (++corr->key.b->n_parent_alerts) * sizeof ( AI_snort_alert* )))) _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal memory allocation error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); corr->key.a->derived_alerts[ corr->key.a->n_derived_alerts - 1 ] = corr->key.b; corr->key.b->parent_alerts [ corr->key.b->n_parent_alerts - 1 ] = corr->key.a; _AI_print_correlated_alerts ( corr, fp ); if ( config->outdbtype != outdb_none ) { if ( pthread_create ( &db_thread, NULL, AI_store_correlation_to_db_thread, corr ) != 0 ) { _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Failed to create the correlation-to-database storing thread: %s\n", strerror ( errno )); } if ( pthread_join ( db_thread, NULL ) != 0 ) { _dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Failed to join the correlation-to-database storing thread: %s\n", strerror ( errno )); } } } } fprintf ( fp, "}\n" ); fclose ( fp ); #ifdef HAVE_LIBGVC snprintf ( corr_png_file, sizeof ( corr_png_file ), "%s/correlated_alerts.png", config->corr_alerts_dir ); snprintf ( corr_ps_file , sizeof ( corr_ps_file ), "%s/correlated_alerts.ps" , config->corr_alerts_dir ); if ( !( gvc = gvContext() )) continue; if ( !( fp = fopen ( corr_dot_file, "r" ))) continue; if ( !( g = agread ( fp ))) continue; gvLayout ( gvc, g, "dot" ); gvRenderFilename ( gvc, g, "png", corr_png_file ); gvRenderFilename ( gvc, g, "ps" , corr_ps_file ); gvFreeLayout ( gvc, g ); agclose ( g ); fclose ( fp ); #endif } pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); } pthread_exit (( void* ) 0 ); return (void*) 0; } /* ----- end of function AI_alert_correlation_thread ----- */ /** @} */