/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: modules.c * * Description: Support for extra correlation modules * * Version: 0.1 * Created: 26/10/2010 01:11:25 * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: BlackLight (http://0x00.ath.cx), * Licence: GNU GPL v.3 * Company: DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE, YOU ARE A PIRATE! * * ===================================================================================== */ #include "spp_ai.h" #include #include #include #include /** \defgroup modules Software component for loading extra user-provided modules for correlating alerts * @{ */ PRIVATE double (**corr_functions)(const AI_snort_alert*, const AI_snort_alert*) = NULL; PRIVATE size_t n_corr_functions = 0; PRIVATE double (**weight_functions)() = NULL; PRIVATE size_t n_weight_functions = 0; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPYTHON2_6 PRIVATE PyObject **py_corr_functions = NULL; PRIVATE size_t n_py_corr_functions = 0; PRIVATE PyObject **py_weight_functions = NULL; PRIVATE size_t n_py_weight_functions = 0; #endif /** * \brief Get the correlation functions from the extra correlation modules as array of function pointers * \param n_functions Number of function pointers in the array * \return The array of correlation functions */ double (**AI_get_corr_functions ( size_t *n_functions )) (const AI_snort_alert*, const AI_snort_alert*) { *n_functions = n_corr_functions; return corr_functions; } /* ----- end of function AI_get_corr_functions ----- */ /** * \brief Get the weights of the correlation extra modules as array of function pointers * \param n_functions Number of function pointers in the array * \return The array of correlation weights functions */ double (**AI_get_corr_weights ( size_t *n_functions )) () { *n_functions = n_weight_functions; return weight_functions; } /* ----- end of function AI_get_corr_weights ----- */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBPYTHON2_6 /** * \brief Get the correlation functions from the Python modules, if Python support is enabled * \param n_functions Reference to the number of functions in the array * \return The array of Python correlation functions as PyObject** */ PyObject** AI_get_py_functions ( size_t *n_functions ) { *n_functions = n_py_corr_functions; return py_corr_functions; } /* ----- end of function AI_get_py_functions ----- */ /** * \brief Get the correlation index weights from the Python modules, if Python support is enabled * \param n_functions Reference to the number of correlation weight functions in the array * \return The array of correlation weight functions as PyObject** */ PyObject** AI_get_py_weights ( size_t *n_functions ) { *n_functions = n_py_weight_functions; return py_weight_functions; } /* ----- end of function AI_get_py_weights ----- */ /** * \brief Convert an AI_snort_alert object to a PyAlert object that can be managed by a Python module * \param alert AI_snort_alert object to be converted * \return A PyAlert object wrapping the original AI_snort_alert object */ PyAlert* AI_alert_to_pyalert ( AI_snort_alert *alert ) { PyAlert *pyalert = NULL; char src_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] = { 0 }, dst_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] = { 0 }; if ( !( pyalert = (PyAlert*) malloc ( sizeof ( PyAlert )))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(alert->ip_src_addr), src_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(alert->ip_dst_addr), dst_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); pyalert->classification = alert->classification ? PyString_FromString ( alert->classification ) : Py_None; pyalert->clusteredAlertsCount = alert->grouped_alerts_count; pyalert->desc = alert->desc ? PyString_FromString ( alert->desc ) : Py_None; pyalert->gid = alert->gid; pyalert->ip_src_addr = ( strlen ( src_addr ) > 0 ) ? PyString_FromString ( src_addr ) : Py_None; pyalert->ip_dst_addr = ( strlen ( dst_addr ) > 0 ) ? PyString_FromString ( dst_addr ) : Py_None; pyalert->priority = alert->priority; pyalert->rev = alert->rev; pyalert->sid = alert->sid; pyalert->tcp_src_port = ntohs ( alert->tcp_src_port ); pyalert->tcp_dst_port = ntohs ( alert->tcp_dst_port ); pyalert->timestamp = alert->timestamp; return pyalert; } /* ----- end of function AI_alert_to_pyalert ----- */ #endif /** * \brief Initialize the extra modules provided by the user */ void AI_init_corr_modules () { void **dl_handles = NULL; DIR *dir = NULL; char *err = NULL; char *fname = NULL; size_t n_dl_handles = 0; struct dirent *dir_info = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPYTHON2_6 char *pyPath = NULL; PyObject *pObj = NULL; BOOL isPyInit = false; #endif if ( !( dir = opendir ( config->corr_modules_dir ))) { return; } while (( dir_info = readdir ( dir ))) { if ( preg_match ( "(\\.(l|s)o)|(\\.l?a)", dir_info->d_name, NULL, NULL )) { if ( !( dl_handles = (void**) realloc ( dl_handles, (++n_dl_handles) * sizeof ( void* )))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } if ( !( fname = (char*) malloc ( strlen ( config->corr_modules_dir ) + strlen ( dir_info->d_name ) + 4 ))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } sprintf ( fname, "%s/%s", config->corr_modules_dir, dir_info->d_name ); if ( !( dl_handles[n_dl_handles-1] = dlopen ( fname, RTLD_LAZY ))) { if (( err = dlerror() )) { _dpd.errMsg ( "dlopen: %s\n", err ); } AI_fatal_err ( "dlopen error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } free ( fname ); fname = NULL; if ( !( corr_functions = (double(**)(const AI_snort_alert*, const AI_snort_alert*)) realloc ( corr_functions, (++n_corr_functions) * sizeof ( double(*)(const AI_snort_alert*, const AI_snort_alert*) )))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } *(void**) (&(corr_functions[ n_corr_functions - 1 ])) = dlsym ( dl_handles[n_dl_handles-1], "AI_corr_index" ); if ( !corr_functions[ n_corr_functions - 1 ] ) { if (( err = dlerror() )) { _dpd.errMsg ( "dlsym: %s\n", err ); } AI_fatal_err ( "dlsym error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } if ( !( weight_functions = (double(**)()) realloc ( weight_functions, (++n_weight_functions) * sizeof ( double(*)() )))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } *(void**) (&(weight_functions[ n_weight_functions - 1 ])) = dlsym ( dl_handles[n_dl_handles-1], "AI_corr_index_weight" ); if ( !weight_functions[ n_weight_functions - 1 ] ) { if (( err = dlerror() )) { _dpd.errMsg ( "dlsym: %s\n", err ); } AI_fatal_err ( "dlsym error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } } else if ( preg_match ( "\\.py$", dir_info->d_name, NULL, NULL )) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPYTHON2_6 if ( !( pyPath = (char*) malloc ( strlen ( config->corr_modules_dir ) + strlen ( Py_GetPath() ) + 4 ))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } fname = strdup ( dir_info->d_name ); fname[strlen ( fname ) - 3] = 0; if ( !isPyInit ) { Py_Initialize(); isPyInit = true; } sprintf ( pyPath, "%s:%s", config->corr_modules_dir, Py_GetPath() ); PySys_SetPath ( pyPath ); if ( !( pObj = PyImport_ImportModule ( fname ))) { PyErr_Print(); AI_fatal_err ( "Could not load a Python correlation module", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } free ( fname ); fname = NULL; if ( !( py_corr_functions = (PyObject**) realloc ( py_corr_functions, (++n_py_corr_functions) * sizeof ( PyObject* )))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } if ( !( py_corr_functions[ n_py_corr_functions - 1 ] = PyObject_GetAttrString ( pObj, "AI_corr_index" ))) { AI_fatal_err ( "AI_corr_index() method not found in the Python correlation module", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } if ( !( py_weight_functions = (PyObject**) realloc ( py_weight_functions, (++n_py_weight_functions) * sizeof ( PyObject* )))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } if ( !( py_weight_functions[ n_py_weight_functions - 1 ] = PyObject_GetAttrString ( pObj, "AI_corr_index_weight" ))) { AI_fatal_err ( "AI_corr_index_weight() method not found in the Python correlation module", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } Py_DECREF ( pObj ); #endif } } closedir ( dir ); } /* ----- end of function AI_init_corr_modules ----- */ /** @} */