
regex.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <regex.h>


int preg_match (const char *expr, char *str, char ***matches, int *nmatches)
 Check if a string matches a regular expression.

Function Documentation

int preg_match ( const char *  expr,
char *  str,
char ***  matches,
int *  nmatches 

Check if a string matches a regular expression.

FUNCTION: preg_match

expr Regular expression to be matched
str String to be checked
matches Reference to a char** that will contain the submatches (NULL if you don't need it)
nmatches Reference to a int containing the number of submatches found (NULL if you don't need it)
-1 if the regex is wrong, 0 if no match was found, 1 otherwise
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