The installation procedure is the usual one:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

If  you did not install Snort in /usr directory you may need to use the --prefix
option with configure for selecting the directory where you installed Snort (for
 example    ./configure   --prefix=$HOME/local/snort).   If   the   prefix   was
specified  correctly,  and  it  actually  points to the location where Snort was
installed,      the      module     binaries     should     be     placed     in
$SNORT_DIR/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor    after    the    installation,    and
automatically  loaded  by  Snort  at  the  next start. Moreover, a new directory
named  corr_rules  will  be  created, in /etc/snort if the prefix was /usr or in
$SNORT_DIR/etc  otherwise,  containing  XML files describing default correlation
rules provided by the developer. This set can be enriched in any moment with new
XML  files,  provided  by  third parts or created by the user itself, describing
more hyperalerts.

For more details, see the README file.