/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: correlation.c * * Description: Runs the correlation algorithm of the alerts * * Version: 0.1 * Created: 07/09/2010 22:04:27 * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: BlackLight (http://0x00.ath.cx), * Licence: GNU GPL v.3 * Company: DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE, YOU ARE A PIRATE! * * ===================================================================================== */ #include "spp_ai.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBGVC #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBPYTHON2_6 /*******************************************/ /* Avoid conflicts with Snort header files */ #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #endif #ifdef _XOPEN_C_SOURCE #undef _XOPEN_C_SOURCE #endif #ifdef _XOPEN_SOURCE #undef _XOPEN_SOURCE #endif /*******************************************/ #include #endif /** \defgroup correlation Module for the correlation of security alerts * @{ */ PRIVATE AI_snort_alert *alerts = NULL; PRIVATE AI_alert_correlation *correlation_table = NULL; PRIVATE pthread_mutex_t mutex; /** * \brief Clean up the correlation hash table */ PRIVATE void __AI_correlation_table_cleanup () { AI_alert_correlation *current; while ( correlation_table ) { current = correlation_table; HASH_DEL ( correlation_table, current ); free ( current ); } } /* ----- end of function __AI_correlation_table_cleanup ----- */ /** * \brief Recursively write a flow of correlated alerts to a .dot file, ready for being rendered as graph * \param corr Correlated alerts * \param fp File pointer */ PRIVATE void __AI_correlated_alerts_to_dot ( AI_alert_correlation *corr, FILE *fp ) { char src_addr1[INET_ADDRSTRLEN], dst_addr1[INET_ADDRSTRLEN], src_addr2[INET_ADDRSTRLEN], dst_addr2[INET_ADDRSTRLEN], src_port1[10], dst_port1[10], src_port2[10], dst_port2[10]; if ( !corr ) return; inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(corr->key.a->ip_src_addr), src_addr1, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(corr->key.a->ip_dst_addr), dst_addr1, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); snprintf ( src_port1, sizeof ( src_port1 ), "%d", ntohs ( corr->key.a->tcp_src_port )); snprintf ( dst_port1, sizeof ( dst_port1 ), "%d", ntohs ( corr->key.a->tcp_dst_port )); inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(corr->key.b->ip_src_addr), src_addr2, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(corr->key.b->ip_dst_addr), dst_addr2, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); snprintf ( src_port2, sizeof ( src_port2 ), "%d", ntohs ( corr->key.b->tcp_src_port )); snprintf ( dst_port2, sizeof ( dst_port2 ), "%d", ntohs ( corr->key.b->tcp_dst_port )); fprintf ( fp, "\t\"[%d.%d.%d] %s\\n" "%s:%s -> %s:%s\\n" "(%d alerts grouped)\" -> " "\"[%d.%d.%d] %s\\n" "%s:%s -> %s:%s\\n" "(%d alerts grouped)\";\n", corr->key.a->gid, corr->key.a->sid, corr->key.a->rev, corr->key.a->desc, src_addr1, src_port1, dst_addr1, dst_port1, corr->key.a->grouped_alerts_count, corr->key.b->gid, corr->key.b->sid, corr->key.b->rev, corr->key.b->desc, src_addr2, src_port2, dst_addr2, dst_port2, corr->key.b->grouped_alerts_count ); } /* ----- end of function __AI_correlated_alerts_to_dot ----- */ /** * \brief Recursively write the flow of correlated alerts to a .json file, ready for being rendered in the web interface */ PRIVATE void __AI_correlated_alerts_to_json () { AI_snort_alert *alert_iterator = NULL; struct pkt_info *pkt_iterator = NULL; FILE *fp; unsigned int i = 0, pkt_len = 0; char *strtime = NULL, *encoded_pkt = NULL, json_file[1040] = { 0 }, srcip[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] = { 0 }, dstip[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] = { 0 }, srcport[10] = { 0 }, dstport[10] = { 0 }; /* If there is no directory configured for the web interface, just exit */ if ( strlen ( config->webserv_dir ) == 0 ) return; snprintf ( json_file, sizeof ( json_file ), "%s/correlation_graph.json", config->webserv_dir ); if ( !( fp = fopen ( json_file, "w" ))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Unable to write on correlated_graph.json in htdocs directory", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } fprintf ( fp, "[\n" ); for ( alert_iterator = alerts; alert_iterator; alert_iterator = alert_iterator->next ) { strtime = ctime ( &(alert_iterator->timestamp )); strtime[ strlen(strtime) - 1 ] = 0; inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(alert_iterator->ip_src_addr), srcip, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(alert_iterator->ip_dst_addr), dstip, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); snprintf ( srcport, sizeof ( srcport ), "%d", htons ( alert_iterator->tcp_src_port )); snprintf ( dstport, sizeof ( dstport ), "%d", htons ( alert_iterator->tcp_dst_port )); fprintf ( fp, "{\n" "\t\"id\": %lu,\n" "\t\"snortSID\": \"%u\",\n" "\t\"snortGID\": \"%u\",\n" "\t\"snortREV\": \"%u\",\n" "\t\"label\": \"%s\",\n" "\t\"date\": \"%s\",\n" "\t\"clusteredAlertsCount\": %u,\n" "\t\"from\": \"%s:%s\",\n" "\t\"to\": \"%s:%s\",\n" "\t\"latitude\": \"%f\",\n" "\t\"longitude\": \"%f\"", alert_iterator->alert_id, alert_iterator->sid, alert_iterator->gid, alert_iterator->rev, alert_iterator->desc, strtime, alert_iterator->grouped_alerts_count, srcip, srcport, dstip, dstport, alert_iterator->geocoord[0], alert_iterator->geocoord[1] ); if ( alert_iterator->stream ) { fprintf ( fp, ",\n" "\t\"packets\": [\n" ); for ( pkt_iterator = alert_iterator->stream; pkt_iterator; pkt_iterator = pkt_iterator->next ) { encoded_pkt = NULL; pkt_len = pkt_iterator->pkt->pcap_header->len + pkt_iterator->pkt->payload_size; if ( !( encoded_pkt = (char*) calloc ( 4*pkt_len + 1, sizeof ( char )))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } base64_encode ( (const char*) pkt_iterator->pkt->pkt_data, pkt_len, &encoded_pkt ); fprintf ( fp, "\t\t\"%s\"%s\n", encoded_pkt, ((pkt_iterator->next) ? "," : "")); free ( encoded_pkt ); encoded_pkt = NULL; } fprintf ( fp, "\t]" ); } for ( i=1; i < alert_iterator->grouped_alerts_count; i++ ) { if ( i == 1 ) { fprintf ( fp, ",\n\t\"clusteredAlerts\": [\n" ); } if ( alert_iterator->grouped_alerts ) { if ( alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i] ) { strtime = ctime ( &(alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->timestamp )); strtime[ strlen ( strtime ) - 1 ] = 0; inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->ip_src_addr), srcip, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); inet_ntop ( AF_INET, &(alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->ip_dst_addr), dstip, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ); snprintf ( srcport, sizeof ( srcport ), "%d", htons ( alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->tcp_src_port )); snprintf ( dstport, sizeof ( dstport ), "%d", htons ( alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->tcp_dst_port )); fprintf ( fp, "\t\t{\n" "\t\t\t\"id\": %lu,\n" "\t\t\t\"label\": \"%s\",\n" "\t\t\t\"date\": \"%s\",\n" "\t\t\t\"from\": \"%s:%s\",\n" "\t\t\t\"to\": \"%s:%s\",\n" "\t\t\t\"latitude\": \"%f\",\n" "\t\t\t\"longitude\": \"%f\"%s", alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->alert_id, alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->desc, strtime, srcip, srcport, dstip, dstport, alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->geocoord[0], alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->geocoord[1], (( alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->stream ) ? ",\n" : "\n" ) ); if ( alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->stream ) { fprintf ( fp, "\t\t\t\"packets\": [\n" ); for ( pkt_iterator = alert_iterator->grouped_alerts[i]->stream; pkt_iterator; pkt_iterator = pkt_iterator->next ) { if ( !pkt_iterator->pkt->ip4_header ) { pkt_len = pkt_iterator->pkt->pcap_header->len + pkt_iterator->pkt->tcp_options_length + pkt_iterator->pkt->payload_size; } else { pkt_len = pkt_iterator->pkt->ip4_header->data_length; } if ( !( encoded_pkt = (char*) malloc ( 4*pkt_len + 1 ))) { AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } memset ( encoded_pkt, 0, 4*pkt_len + 1 ); base64_encode ( (const char*) pkt_iterator->pkt->pkt_data, pkt_len, &encoded_pkt ); fprintf ( fp, "\t\t\t\t\"%s\"%s\n", encoded_pkt, ((pkt_iterator->next) ? "," : "")); } fprintf ( fp, "\t\t\t]\n" ); } fprintf ( fp, "\t\t}%s\n", (( i < alert_iterator->grouped_alerts_count - 1 ) ? "," : "" )); } } if ( i == alert_iterator->grouped_alerts_count - 1 ) { fprintf ( fp, "\t]" ); } } for ( i=0; i < alert_iterator->n_derived_alerts; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 ) { fprintf ( fp, ",\n\t\"connectedTo\": [\n" ); } fprintf ( fp, "\t\t{ \"id\": %lu }%s\n", alert_iterator->derived_alerts[i]->alert_id, ((i < alert_iterator->n_derived_alerts - 1) ? "," : "")); if ( i == alert_iterator->n_derived_alerts - 1 ) { fprintf ( fp, "\t]" ); } } fprintf ( fp, "\n}%s\n", (alert_iterator->next ? "," : "")); } fprintf ( fp, "]\n" ); fclose ( fp ); chmod ( json_file, 0644 ); } /* ----- end of function __AI_correlated_alerts_to_json ----- */ /** * \brief Thread for correlating clustered alerts */ void* AI_alert_correlation_thread ( void *arg ) { int i; struct stat st; char corr_dot_file[4096] = { 0 }; #ifdef HAVE_LIBGVC char corr_ps_file [4096] = { 0 }; #endif double avg_correlation = 0.0, std_deviation = 0.0, corr_threshold = 0.0, kb_correlation = 0.0, bayesian_correlation = 0.0, neural_correlation = 0.0; size_t n_correlations = 0, n_corr_functions = 0, n_corr_weights = 0; FILE *fp = NULL; AI_alert_correlation_key corr_key; AI_alert_correlation *corr = NULL; AI_alert_type_pair_key pair_key; AI_alert_type_pair *pair = NULL, *unpair = NULL; AI_snort_alert *alert_iterator = NULL, *alert_iterator2 = NULL; pthread_t manual_corr_thread; #ifdef HAVE_LIBGVC char corr_png_file[4096] = { 0 }; GVC_t *gvc = NULL; graph_t *g = NULL; #endif double (**corr_functions)( const AI_snort_alert*, const AI_snort_alert* ) = NULL; double (**corr_weights)() = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPYTHON2_6 PyObject *pyA = NULL, *pyB = NULL; PyObject *pArgs = NULL, *pRet = NULL; PyObject **py_corr_functions = NULL; PyObject **py_weight_functions = NULL; size_t n_py_corr_functions = 0; size_t n_py_weight_functions = 0; double py_value = 0.0, py_weight = 0.0; py_corr_functions = AI_get_py_functions ( &n_py_corr_functions ); py_weight_functions = AI_get_py_weights ( &n_py_weight_functions ); #endif corr_functions = AI_get_corr_functions ( &n_corr_functions ); corr_weights = AI_get_corr_weights ( &n_corr_weights ); pthread_mutex_init ( &mutex, NULL ); /* Start the thread for parsing manual correlations from XML */ if ( pthread_create ( &manual_corr_thread, NULL, AI_manual_correlations_parsing_thread, NULL ) != 0 ) { AI_fatal_err ( "Failed to create the manual correlations parsing thread", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } while ( 1 ) { sleep ( config->correlationGraphInterval ); if ( stat ( config->corr_rules_dir, &st ) < 0 ) { _dpd.errMsg ( "AIPreproc: Correlation rules directory '%s' not found, the correlation thread won't be active\n", config->corr_rules_dir ); pthread_exit (( void* ) 0 ); return ( void* ) 0; } /* Set the lock flag to true, and keep it this way until I've done with correlating alerts */ pthread_mutex_lock ( &mutex ); if ( alerts ) { AI_free_alerts ( alerts ); alerts = NULL; } if ( !( alerts = AI_get_clustered_alerts() )) { pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); continue; } if ( config->use_knowledge_base_correlation_index != 0 ) { AI_kb_index_init ( alerts ); } __AI_correlation_table_cleanup(); correlation_table = NULL; /* Fill the table of correlated alerts */ for ( alert_iterator = alerts; alert_iterator; alert_iterator = alert_iterator->next ) { for ( alert_iterator2 = alerts; alert_iterator2; alert_iterator2 = alert_iterator2->next ) { if ( alert_iterator != alert_iterator2 && ! ( alert_iterator->gid == alert_iterator2->gid && alert_iterator->sid == alert_iterator2->sid && alert_iterator->rev == alert_iterator2->rev )) { if ( !( corr = ( AI_alert_correlation* ) malloc ( sizeof ( AI_alert_correlation )))) AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); corr_key.a = alert_iterator; corr_key.b = alert_iterator2; corr->key = corr_key; corr->correlation = 0.0; n_correlations = 0; kb_correlation = AI_kb_correlation_coefficient ( corr_key.a, corr_key.b ); bayesian_correlation = AI_alert_bayesian_correlation ( corr_key.a, corr_key.b ); neural_correlation = AI_alert_neural_som_correlation ( corr_key.a, corr_key.b ); /* Use the correlation indexes for which we have a value */ if ( bayesian_correlation != 0.0 && config->bayesianCorrelationInterval != 0 ) { corr->correlation += AI_bayesian_correlation_weight() * bayesian_correlation; n_correlations++; } if ( kb_correlation != 0.0 && config->use_knowledge_base_correlation_index ) { corr->correlation += kb_correlation; n_correlations++; } if ( neural_correlation != 0.0 && config->neuralNetworkTrainingInterval != 0 ) { corr->correlation += AI_neural_correlation_weight() * neural_correlation; n_correlations++; } /* Get the correlation indexes from extra correlation modules */ if (( corr_functions )) { for ( i=0; i < n_corr_functions; i++ ) { if ( corr_weights[i]() != 0.0 ) { corr->correlation += corr_weights[i]() * corr_functions[i] ( corr_key.a, corr_key.b ); n_correlations++; } } } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPYTHON2_6 if (( py_corr_functions )) { pyA = AI_alert_to_pyalert ( corr_key.a ); pyB = AI_alert_to_pyalert ( corr_key.b ); if ( pyA && pyB ) { for ( i=0; i < n_py_corr_functions; i++ ) { if ( !( pArgs = Py_BuildValue ( "(OO)", pyA, pyB ))) { PyErr_Print(); AI_fatal_err ( "Could not initialize the Python arguments for the call", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } if ( !( pRet = PyEval_CallObject ( py_corr_functions[i], pArgs ))) { PyErr_Print(); AI_fatal_err ( "Could not call the correlation function from the Python module", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } if ( !( PyArg_Parse ( pRet, "d", &py_value ))) { PyErr_Print(); AI_fatal_err ( "Could not parse the correlation value out of the Python correlation function", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } Py_DECREF ( pRet ); Py_DECREF ( pArgs ); if ( !( pRet = PyEval_CallObject ( py_weight_functions[i], (PyObject*) NULL ))) { PyErr_Print(); AI_fatal_err ( "Could not call the correlation function from the Python module", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } if ( !( PyArg_Parse ( pRet, "d", &py_weight ))) { PyErr_Print(); AI_fatal_err ( "Could not parse the correlation weight out of the Python correlation function", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } Py_DECREF ( pRet ); if ( py_weight != 0.0 ) { corr->correlation += py_weight * py_value; n_correlations++; } } Py_DECREF ( pyA ); Py_DECREF ( pyB ); /* free ( pyA ); free ( pyB ); */ pyA = NULL; pyB = NULL; } } #endif if ( n_correlations != 0 ) { corr->correlation /= (double) n_correlations; } HASH_ADD ( hh, correlation_table, key, sizeof ( AI_alert_correlation_key ), corr ); } } } if ( HASH_COUNT ( correlation_table ) > 0 ) { avg_correlation = 0.0; std_deviation = 0.0; /* Compute the average correlation coefficient */ for ( corr = correlation_table; corr; corr = ( AI_alert_correlation* ) corr->hh.next ) { avg_correlation += corr->correlation; } avg_correlation /= (double) HASH_COUNT ( correlation_table ); /* Compute the standard deviation */ for ( corr = correlation_table; corr; corr = ( AI_alert_correlation* ) corr->hh.next ) { std_deviation += ( corr->correlation - avg_correlation ) * ( corr->correlation - avg_correlation ); } std_deviation = sqrt ( std_deviation / (double) HASH_COUNT ( correlation_table )); corr_threshold = avg_correlation + ( config->correlationThresholdCoefficient * std_deviation ); snprintf ( corr_dot_file, sizeof ( corr_dot_file ), "%s/correlated_alerts.dot", config->corr_alerts_dir ); if ( stat ( config->corr_alerts_dir, &st ) < 0 ) { if ( mkdir ( config->corr_alerts_dir, 0755 ) < 0 ) { AI_fatal_err ( "Unable to create directory the correlated alerts directory", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } } else if ( !S_ISDIR ( st.st_mode )) { AI_fatal_err ( "The specified directory for correlated alerts is not a directory", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } if ( !( fp = fopen ( corr_dot_file, "w" ))) AI_fatal_err ( "Could not write on the correlated alerts .dot file", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); fprintf ( fp, "digraph G {\n" ); /* Find correlated alerts */ for ( corr = correlation_table; corr; corr = ( AI_alert_correlation* ) corr->hh.next ) { pair_key.from_sid = corr->key.a->sid; pair_key.from_gid = corr->key.a->gid; pair_key.from_rev = corr->key.a->rev; pair_key.to_sid = corr->key.b->sid; pair_key.to_gid = corr->key.b->gid; pair_key.to_rev = corr->key.b->rev; HASH_FIND ( hh, manual_correlations, &pair_key, sizeof ( pair_key ), pair ); HASH_FIND ( hh, manual_uncorrelations, &pair_key, sizeof ( pair_key ), unpair ); /* Yes, BlackLight wrote this line of code in a pair of minutes and immediately * compiled it without a single error */ if ( !unpair && ( pair || ( corr->correlation >= corr_threshold && corr_threshold != 0.0 && corr->key.a->timestamp <= corr->key.b->timestamp && ! ( corr->key.a->gid == corr->key.b->gid && corr->key.a->sid == corr->key.b->sid && corr->key.a->rev == corr->key.b->rev ) && ( corr->key.a->ip_src_addr == corr->key.b->ip_src_addr || ( (corr->key.a->h_node[src_addr] && corr->key.b->h_node[src_addr]) ? ( corr->key.a->h_node[src_addr]->max_val == corr->key.b->h_node[src_addr]->max_val && corr->key.a->h_node[src_addr]->min_val == corr->key.b->h_node[src_addr]->min_val ) : 0 )) && ( corr->key.a->ip_dst_addr == corr->key.b->ip_dst_addr || ( (corr->key.a->h_node[dst_addr] && corr->key.b->h_node[dst_addr]) ? ( corr->key.a->h_node[dst_addr]->max_val == corr->key.b->h_node[dst_addr]->max_val && corr->key.a->h_node[dst_addr]->min_val == corr->key.b->h_node[dst_addr]->min_val ) : 0 )) ) ) ) { if ( !( corr->key.a->derived_alerts = ( AI_snort_alert** ) realloc ( corr->key.a->derived_alerts, (++corr->key.a->n_derived_alerts) * sizeof ( AI_snort_alert* )))) AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); if ( !( corr->key.b->parent_alerts = ( AI_snort_alert** ) realloc ( corr->key.b->parent_alerts, (++corr->key.b->n_parent_alerts) * sizeof ( AI_snort_alert* )))) AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation error", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); corr->key.a->derived_alerts[ corr->key.a->n_derived_alerts - 1 ] = corr->key.b; corr->key.b->parent_alerts [ corr->key.b->n_parent_alerts - 1 ] = corr->key.a; __AI_correlated_alerts_to_dot ( corr, fp ); if ( config->outdbtype != outdb_none ) { AI_store_correlation_to_db ( corr ); } } } fprintf ( fp, "}\n" ); fclose ( fp ); #ifdef HAVE_LIBGVC snprintf ( corr_png_file, sizeof ( corr_png_file ), "%s/correlated_alerts.png", config->corr_alerts_dir ); snprintf ( corr_ps_file , sizeof ( corr_ps_file ), "%s/correlated_alerts.ps" , config->corr_alerts_dir ); if ( !( gvc = gvContext() )) { pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); continue; } if ( !( fp = fopen ( corr_dot_file, "r" ))) { pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); continue; } if ( !( g = agread ( fp ))) { pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); continue; } gvLayout ( gvc, g, "dot" ); gvRenderFilename ( gvc, g, "png", corr_png_file ); gvRenderFilename ( gvc, g, "ps" , corr_ps_file ); gvFreeLayout ( gvc, g ); agclose ( g ); fclose ( fp ); #endif /* If no database output is defined, then the alerts have no alert_id, so we cannot use the * web interface for correlating them, as they have no unique identifier */ if ( config->outdbtype != outdb_none ) { if ( strlen ( config->webserv_dir ) != 0 ) { __AI_correlated_alerts_to_json (); } } } pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); } pthread_exit (( void* ) 0 ); return (void*) 0; } /* ----- end of function AI_alert_correlation_thread ----- */ /** @} */