aerc(1) # NAME aerc - the world's best email client # SYNOPSIS _aerc_ For a guided tutorial, use *:help tutorial* from aerc, or *man aerc-tutorial* from your terminal. # RUNTIME COMMANDS To execute a command, press ':' to bring up the command interface. Commands may also be bound to keys, see *aerc-config*(5) for details. In some contexts, such as the terminal emulator, ';' is used to bring up the command interface. Different commands work in different contexts, depending on the kind of tab you have selected. ## GLOBAL COMMANDS These commands work in any context. *cd* Changes aerc's current working directory. *pwd* Displays aerc's current working directory in the status bar. *term* [command...] Opens a new terminal tab with a shell running in the current working directory, or the specified command. *prev-tab* [n], *next-tab* [n] Cycles to the previous or next tab in the list, repeating n times (default: 1). *quit* Exits aerc. ## MESSAGE COMMANDS These commands are valid in any context that has a selected message (e.g. the message list, the message in the message viewer, etc). *archive* Moves the selected message to the archive. The available schemes are: *flat*: No special structure, all messages in the archive directory *year*: Messages are stored in folders per year *month*: Messages are stored in folders per year and subfolders per month *copy* Copies the selected message to the target folder. *delete* Deletes the selected message. *forward* Opens the composer to forward the selected message to another recipient. *move* Moves the selected message to the target folder. *reply* [-aq] Opens the composer to reply to the selected message. *-a*: Reply all *-q*: Insert a quoted version of the selected message into the reply editor *read* Marks the selected message as read. *unread* Marks the selected message as unread. ## MESSAGE LIST COMMANDS *cf* Change the folder shown in the message list. *compose* Open the compose window to send a new email. The new email will be sent with the current account's outgoing transport configuration, see *aerc-config*(5) for details on configuring outgoing emails. *mkdir* Creates a new folder for this account and changes to that folder. *next-folder* , *prev-folder* Cycles to the next (or previous) folder shown in the sidebar, repeated n times (default: 1). *next* [%], *prev-message* [%] Selects the next (or previous) message in the message list. If specified as a percentage, the percentage is applied to the number of messages shown on screen and the cursor advances that far. *pipe* Downloads and pipes the selected message into the given shell command, and opens a new terminal tab to show the result. *select* Selects the nth message in the message list (and scrolls it into view if necessary). *view* Opens the message viewer to display the selected message. ## MESSAGE VIEW COMMANDS *pipe* Downloads and pipes the current message part into the given shell command, and opens a new terminal tab to show the result. *save* [-p] Saves the current message part to the given path. *-p*: Make any directories in the path that do not exist *close* Closes the message viewer. ## TERMINAL COMMANDS *close* Closes the terminal. # SEE ALSO *aerc-config*(5) *aerc-imap*(5) *aerc-smtp*(5) *aerc-tutorial*(7) # AUTHORS Maintained by Drew DeVault , who is assisted by other open source contributors. For more information about aerc development, see