<?php include 'userlist.php'; $action = $_REQUEST['action']; if ( $action == null ) { die (""); } switch ( $action ) { case 'add': $username = $_REQUEST['user']; $password = $_REQUEST['pass']; if ( !( $username != null && $password != null )) { die (""); } if ( preg_match ( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', $username )) { print "The username can only contain characters in the charset '[a-zA-Z0-9_]'\n"; return 1; } if ( preg_match ( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', $password ) || strlen ( $password ) != 32 ) { print "The provided password is not a valid hash\n"; return 1; } if ( !( $xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( $xmlcontent ))) { print "Unable to open the users XML file\n"; return 1; } for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $xml->user ); $i++ ) { if ( !strcasecmp ( $xml->user[$i]['name'], $username )) { print "The specified user already exists\n"; return 1; } } $newuser = $xml->addChild ( 'user' ); $newuser->addAttribute ( 'name', $username ); $newuser->addAttribute ( 'pass', $password ); $newuser->addAttribute ( 'home', '/home/' . $username ); if ( !( $fp = fopen ( 'userlist.php', 'w' ))) { print "Unable to add the specified user, unknown error\n"; return 1; } fwrite ( $fp, "<?php\n\n\$xmlcontent = <<<XML\n" . $xml->asXML() . "\nXML;\n\n?>\n" ); fclose ( $fp ); print 'User "'.$username.' successfully added, home directory set to "/home/'.$username."\"\n"; break; case 'login': $username = $_REQUEST['user']; $password = $_REQUEST['pass']; if ( !( $username != null && $password != null )) { die (""); } if ( preg_match ( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', $username )) { print "The username can only contain characters in the charset '[a-zA-Z0-9_]'\n"; return 1; } if ( !( $xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( $xmlcontent ))) { print "Unable to open the users XML file\n"; return 1; } for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $xml->user ) && !$found; $i++ ) { if ( !strcasecmp ( $xml->user[$i]['name'], $username )) { if ( strcasecmp ( $xml->user[$i]['pass'], $password )) { print "Wrong password provided for user '$username'\n"; return 1; } else { $auth = md5 ( $xml->user[$i]['name'] . $xml->user[$i]['pass'] ); setcookie ( 'username', $xml->user[$i]['name'], 0, "/" ); setcookie ( 'auth', $auth, 0, "/" ); print "Successfully logged in as '$username' $auth\n"; return 0; } } } print "Username not found: '$username'\n"; break; case 'getuser': if ( isset ( $_COOKIE['username'] ) && isset ( $_COOKIE['auth'] )) { if ( !( $xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( $xmlcontent ))) { print "Unable to open the users XML file\n"; return 1; } for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $xml->user ) && !$found; $i++ ) { if ( !strcasecmp ( $xml->user[$i]['name'], $_COOKIE['username'] )) { $auth = md5 ( $xml->user[$i]['name'] . $xml->user[$i]['pass'] ); if ( !strcasecmp ( $auth, $_COOKIE['auth'] )) { print $xml->user[$i]['name']; return 0; } else { print "guest"; return 1; } } } print "guest"; return 1; } print "guest"; return 1; break; } ?>