/** * Sample configuration and contents */ { "banner" : "blash version 0.1
" + "Copyright (C) 2010 BlackLight <blacklight@autistici.org>" + "
Licence GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later " + "<" + "http://gnu.org/licences/gpl.html>
" + "Source code available at " + "https://github.com/BlackLight/blash

" + "This is free software; you are free to change and " + "redistribuite it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the " + "extent permitted by law.
" + "Type 'man blash' for help on usage and available commands

", "user" : "guest", "machine" : "localhost", "shellName" : "blash", "basepath" : "/", "promptText" : "[#{800}%n#{888}@#{800}%m#{888} %W] $ ", "promptSequences" : [ { "sequence" : "%n", "default_text" : "guest", "text" : function () { return shell.user; } }, { "sequence" : "%m", "default_text" : "localhost", "text" : function () { return shell.json.machine; } }, { "sequence" : "%W", "default_text" : "/", "text" : function () { return shell.path; } } ], "modules" : [ { "name" : "users", "enabled" : true } ], "commands" : [ "cat", "cd", "chmod", "clear", "echo", "eval", "find", "grep", "logout", "ls", "man", "mkdir", "nano", "passwd", "pwd", "rm", "rmdir", "su", "touch", "useradd", "whoami" ] }