# madblog This project provides a minimal blogging platform based on Markdown files. ## Installation ```shell $ python setup.py install ``` ## Usage ```shell # The application will listen on port 8000 and it will # serve the current folder $ madness ``` ``` usage: madblog [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--debug] [dir] Serve a Markdown folder as a web blog. The folder should have the following structure: . -> config.yaml [recommended] -> markdown -> article-1.md -> article-2.md -> ... -> img [recommended] -> favicon.ico -> icon.png -> image-1.png -> image-2.png -> ... positional arguments: dir Base path for the blog (default: current directory) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --config CONFIG Path to a configuration file (default: config.yaml in the blog root directory) --host HOST Bind host/address --port PORT Bind port (default: 8000) --debug Enable debug mode (default: False) ``` ## Configuration The application will look for a `config.yaml` file in the current directory if none was specified through the `-c` command-line option. The structure is the following: ```yaml title: Blog title description: Blog description link: https://link.to.your.blog # Use home_link if you have a different home/portal address # than your blog, otherwise it's the same as `link` home_link: https://link.to.home # Path/URL to the logo (default: /img/icon.png) logo: /path/or/url/here # Blog language (for the RSS feed) language: en-US categories: - category1 - category2 - category3 ``` ## Markdown files Articles are Markdown files stored under `pages`. For an article to be correctly rendered, you need to start the Markdown file with the following metadata header: ```markdown [//]: # (title: Title of the article) [//]: # (description: Short description of the content) [//]: # (image: /img/some-header-image.png) [//]: # (author: Author Name ) [//]: # (published: 2022-01-01) ``` ## Images Images are stored under `img`. You can reference them in your articles through the following syntax: ```markdown ![image description](/img/image.png) ``` You can also drop your `favicon.ico` under this folder. ## LaTeX support LaTeX support is built-in as long as you have the `latex` executable installed on your server. Syntax for inline LaTeX: ```markdown And we can therefore prove that \( c^2 = a^2 + b^2 \) ``` Syntax for LaTeX expression on a new line: ```markdown $$ c^2 = a^2 + b^2 $$ ``` ## RSS syndacation RSS feeds for the blog are provided under the `/rss` URL.