
Show how to use a network already trained and saved to a binary file. In this case, a network trained to simply perform sums between two real numbers, that should have already been created using learnAdd.

#include <iostream>
#include <neural++.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace neuralpp;

#define NETFILE "network.xml"

int main()  {
        double a,b;
        NeuralNet net;

        // Load the pre-trained network from "adder.net" file
        try  {
                net = NeuralNet(NETFILE);

        catch (NetworkFileNotFoundException e)  {
                cerr << "Fatal error while opening " << NETFILE << ": " << e.what();
                return 1;

        cout << "First number to add: ";
        cin >> a;

        cout << "Second number to add: ";
        cin >> b;

        vector<double> v;

        // Set the numbers just read as input values, propagate those values, and get
        // the output
        cout << "Neural net output: " << net.getOutput() << endl;

        return 0;

Generated on Fri Sep 4 11:25:49 2009 for Neural++ by  doxygen 1.5.6