neural++.hpp File Reference

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include "neural++_exception.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  neuralpp
namespace  neuralpp::neuralutils


class  neuralpp::NeuralNet
 Main project's class. More...
class  neuralpp::Synapsis
 Class for managing synapsis. More...
class  neuralpp::Neuron
 Class for managing neurons. More...
class  neuralpp::Layer
 Class for managing layers of neurons. More...
struct  neuralpp::netrecord
struct  neuralpp::neuronrecord
struct  neuralpp::synrecord


#define RAND   (double) ( (rand() / 10.0) / ((double) RAND_MAX) )
#define BETA0   0.8


double neuralpp::df (double(*f)(double), double x)
double neuralpp::__actv (double prop)
std::vector< double > neuralpp::neuralutils::split (char delim, std::string str)
 Split a string into a vector of doubles, given a delimitator.
std::vector< std::string > neuralpp::neuralutils::splitLines (std::string str)
 Split the lines of a string.
void neuralpp::neuralutils::toLower (std::string &str)
 Convert the characters of a string to lower case.
void neuralpp::neuralutils::toUpper (std::string &str)
 Convert the characters of a string to upper case.

Define Documentation

#define BETA0   0.8

#define RAND   (double) ( (rand() / 10.0) / ((double) RAND_MAX) )

Generated on Fri Sep 4 11:25:49 2009 for Neural++ by  doxygen 1.5.6