{{template "base" .}} {{define "title"}}{{.Site.Domain}} -- a pastebin for hackers{{end}} {{define "meta"}} {{end}} {{define "body"}}


a pastebin platform for hackers

discover some interesting pastebins

Create your account with Public-Key Cryptography

We don't want your email address.

To get started, simply ssh into our content management system:

ssh new@{{.Site.Domain}}
note: new is a special username that will always send you to account creation, even with multiple accounts associated with your key-pair.
note: getting permission denied? read this

After that, just set a username and you're ready to start writing! When you SSH again, use your username that you set in the CMS.

Publish your pastes with one command

When your post is ready to be published, copy the file to our server with a familiar command:

scp ~/pastes/* {{.Site.Domain}}:/

We'll either create or update the posts for you.

Terminal workflow without installation

Since we are leveraging tools you already have on your computer (ssh and scp), there is nothing to install.

This provides the convenience of a web app, but from inside your terminal!



  1. idk
{{template "marketing-footer" .}} {{end}}