{{template "base" .}} {{define "title"}}help -- {{.Site.Domain}}{{end}} {{define "meta"}} {{end}} {{define "body"}}

Need help?

Here are some common questions on using this platform that we would like to answer.

I get a permission denied when trying to SSH

Unfortunately SHA-2 RSA keys are not currently supported.

Unfortunately, due to a shortcoming in Go’s x/crypto/ssh package, Soft Serve does not currently support access via new SSH RSA keys: only the old SHA-1 ones will work. Until we sort this out you’ll either need an SHA-1 RSA key or a key with another algorithm, e.g. Ed25519. Not sure what type of keys you have? You can check with the following:

$ find ~/.ssh/id_*.pub -exec ssh-keygen -l -f {} \;

If you’re curious about the inner workings of this problem have a look at:

Generating a new SSH key

Github reference

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"
  1. When you're prompted to "Enter a file in which to save the key," press Enter. This accepts the default file location.
  2. At the prompt, type a secure passphrase.

How do I update a pastebin post?

Updating a post requires that you update the source document and then run the scp command again. If the filename remains the same, then the post will be updated.

How do I delete a post?

Because scp does not natively support deleting files, I didn't want to bake that behavior into my ssh server.

However, if a user wants to delete a post they can delete the contents of the file and then upload it to our server. If the file contains 0 bytes, we will remove the post. For example, if you want to delete delete.txt you could:

cp /dev/null delete.txt
scp ./delete.txt {{.Site.Domain}}:/

Alternatively, you can go to ssh {{.Site.Domain}} and select "Manage posts." Then you can highlight the post you want to delete and then press "X." It will ask for confirmation before actually removing the post.

When I want to publish a new post, do I have to upload all posts everytime?

Nope! Just scp the file you want to publish. For example, if you created a new post called taco-tuesday.md then you would publish it like this:

scp ./taco-tuesday.md {{.Site.Domain}}:

What is my pastebin URL?


Can I create multiple accounts?

Yes! You can either a) create a new keypair and use that for authentication or b) use the same keypair and ssh into our CMS using our special username ssh new@{{.Site.Domain}}.

Please note that if you use the same keypair for multiple accounts, you will need to always specify the user when logging into our CMS.

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