import json from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional, Dict, Collection, Type from platypush.config import Config from platypush.plugins import Plugin from platypush.utils import get_plugin_name_by_class, get_redis from ._base import Entity _entity_registry_varname = '_platypush/plugin_entity_registry' def register_entity_plugin(entity_type: Type[Entity], plugin: Plugin): """ Associates a plugin as a manager for a certain entity type. If you use the `@manages` decorator then you usually don't have to call this method directly. """ plugin_name = get_plugin_name_by_class(plugin.__class__) or '' entity_type_name = entity_type.__name__.lower() redis = get_redis() registry = get_plugin_entity_registry() registry_by_plugin = set(registry['by_plugin'].get(plugin_name, [])) registry_by_entity_type = set(registry['by_entity_type'].get(entity_type_name, [])) registry_by_plugin.add(entity_type_name) registry_by_entity_type.add(plugin_name) registry['by_plugin'][plugin_name] = list(registry_by_plugin) registry['by_entity_type'][entity_type_name] = list(registry_by_entity_type) redis.mset({_entity_registry_varname: json.dumps(registry)}) def get_plugin_entity_registry() -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Collection[str]]]: """ Get the `plugin->entity_types` and `entity_type->plugin` mappings supported by the current configuration. """ redis = get_redis() registry = redis.mget([_entity_registry_varname])[0] try: registry = json.loads((registry or b'').decode()) except (TypeError, ValueError): return {'by_plugin': {}, 'by_entity_type': {}} enabled_plugins = set(Config.get_plugins().keys()) return { 'by_plugin': { plugin_name: entity_types for plugin_name, entity_types in registry['by_plugin'].items() if plugin_name in enabled_plugins }, 'by_entity_type': { entity_type: [p for p in plugins if p in enabled_plugins] for entity_type, plugins in registry['by_entity_type'].items() }, } class EntityManagerMixin: """ This mixin is injected on the fly into any plugin class declared with the @manages decorator. The class will therefore implement the `publish_entities` and `transform_entities` methods, which can be overridden if required. """ def transform_entities(self, entities): """ This method takes a list of entities in any (plugin-specific) format and converts them into a standardized collection of `Entity` objects. Since this method is called by :meth:`.publish_entities` before entity updates are published, you may usually want to extend it to pre-process the entities managed by your extension into the standard format before they are stored and published to all the consumers. """ entities = entities or [] for entity in entities: if # Entity IDs can only refer to the internal primary key entity.external_id = = None # type: ignore entity.plugin = get_plugin_name_by_class(self.__class__) # type: ignore entity.updated_at = datetime.utcnow() return entities def publish_entities(self, entities: Optional[Collection[Entity]]): """ Publishes a list of entities. The downstream consumers include: - The entity persistence manager - The web server - Any consumer subscribed to :class:`platypush.message.event.entities.EntityUpdateEvent` events (e.g. web clients) If your extension class uses the `@manages` decorator then you usually don't need to override this class (but you may want to extend :meth:`.transform_entities` instead if your extension doesn't natively handle `Entity` objects). """ from . import publish_entities entities = self.transform_entities(entities) publish_entities(entities) def manages(*entities: Type[Entity]): """ This decorator is used to register a plugin/backend class as a manager of one or more types of entities. """ def wrapper(plugin: Type[Plugin]): init = plugin.__init__ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): for entity_type in entities: register_entity_plugin(entity_type, self) init(self, *args, **kwargs) plugin.__init__ = __init__ # Inject the EntityManagerMixin if EntityManagerMixin not in plugin.__bases__: plugin.__bases__ = (EntityManagerMixin,) + plugin.__bases__ return plugin return wrapper