from collections import defaultdict import importlib import inspect import json import os import pathlib import pickle import pkgutil from types import ModuleType from typing import Callable, Dict, Generator, Optional, Type, Union from platypush.backend import Backend from platypush.config import Config from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action from platypush.message.event import Event from platypush.message.response import Response from platypush.utils import ( get_backend_class_by_name, get_backend_name_by_class, get_plugin_class_by_name, get_plugin_name_by_class, ) from platypush.utils.manifest import Manifest, scan_manifests from ._context import ComponentContext from ._model import ( BackendModel, EventModel, Model, PluginModel, ResponseModel, ) from ._serialize import ProcedureEncoder class InspectPlugin(Plugin): """ This plugin can be used to inspect platypush plugins and backends """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._components_cache_file = os.path.join( Config.get('workdir'), # type: ignore 'components.cache', # type: ignore ) self._components_context: Dict[type, ComponentContext] = defaultdict( ComponentContext ) self._components_cache: Dict[type, dict] = defaultdict(dict) self._load_components_cache() def _load_components_cache(self): """ Loads the components cache from disk. """ try: with open(self._components_cache_file, 'rb') as f: self._components_cache = pickle.load(f) except OSError: return def _flush_components_cache(self): """ Flush the current components cache to disk. """ with open(self._components_cache_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self._components_cache, f) def _get_cached_component( self, base_type: type, comp_type: type ) -> Optional[Model]: """ Retrieve a cached component's ``Model``. :param base_type: The base type of the component (e.g. ``Plugin`` or ``Backend``). :param comp_type: The specific type of the component (e.g. ``MusicMpdPlugin`` or ``HttpBackend``). :return: The cached component's ``Model`` if it exists, otherwise null. """ return self._components_cache.get(base_type, {}).get(comp_type) def _cache_component( self, base_type: type, comp_type: type, model: Model, index_by_module: bool = False, ): """ Cache the ``Model`` object for a component. :param base_type: The base type of the component (e.g. ``Plugin`` or ``Backend``). :param comp_type: The specific type of the component (e.g. ``MusicMpdPlugin`` or ``HttpBackend``). :param model: The ``Model`` object to cache. :param index_by_module: If ``True``, the ``Model`` object will be indexed according to the ``base_type -> module -> comp_type`` mapping, otherwise ``base_type -> comp_type``. """ if index_by_module: if not self._components_cache.get(base_type, {}).get(model.package): self._components_cache[base_type][model.package] = {} self._components_cache[base_type][model.package][comp_type] = model else: self._components_cache[base_type][comp_type] = model def _scan_integrations(self, base_type: type): """ A generator that scans the manifest files given a ``base_type`` (``Plugin`` or ``Backend``) and yields the parsed submodules. """ for mf_file in scan_manifests(base_type): manifest = Manifest.from_file(mf_file) try: yield importlib.import_module(manifest.package) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug( 'Could not import module %s: %s', manifest.package, e, ) continue def _scan_modules(self, base_type: type) -> Generator[ModuleType, None, None]: """ A generator that scan the modules given a ``base_type`` (e.g. ``Event``). Unlike :meth:`._scan_integrations`, this method recursively scans the modules using ``pkgutil`` instead of using the information provided in the integrations' manifest files. """ prefix = base_type.__module__ + '.' path = str(pathlib.Path(inspect.getfile(base_type)).parent) for _, modname, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages( path=[path], prefix=prefix, onerror=lambda _: None ): try: yield importlib.import_module(modname) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Could not import module %s: %s', modname, e) continue def _init_component( self, base_type: type, comp_type: type, model_type: Type[Model], index_by_module: bool = False, ) -> Model: """ Initialize a component's ``Model`` object and cache it. :param base_type: The base type of the component (e.g. ``Plugin`` or ``Backend``). :param comp_type: The specific type of the component (e.g. ``MusicMpdPlugin`` or ``HttpBackend``). :param model_type: The type of the ``Model`` object that should be created. :param index_by_module: If ``True``, the ``Model`` object will be indexed according to the ``base_type -> module -> comp_type`` mapping, otherwise ``base_type -> comp_type``. :return: The initialized component's ``Model`` object. """ prefix = base_type.__module__ + '.' comp_file = inspect.getsourcefile(comp_type) model = None mtime = None if comp_file: mtime = os.stat(comp_file).st_mtime cached_model = self._get_cached_component(base_type, comp_type) # Only update the component model if its source file was # modified since the last time it was scanned if ( cached_model and cached_model.last_modified and mtime <= cached_model.last_modified ): model = cached_model if not model:'Scanning component %s', comp_type.__name__) model = model_type(comp_type, prefix=prefix, last_modified=mtime) self._cache_component( base_type, comp_type, model, index_by_module=index_by_module ) return model def _init_modules( self, base_type: type, model_type: Type[Model], ): """ Initializes, parses and caches all the components of a given type. Unlike :meth:`._scan_integrations`, this method inspects all the members of a ``module`` for those that match the given ``base_type`` instead of relying on the information provided in the manifest. It is a bit more inefficient, but it works fine for simple components (like entities and messages) that don't require extra recursive parsing logic for their docs (unlike plugins). """ for module in self._scan_modules(base_type): for _, obj_type in inspect.getmembers(module): if ( inspect.isclass(obj_type) and issubclass(obj_type, base_type) # Exclude the base_type itself and obj_type != base_type ): self._init_component( base_type=base_type, comp_type=obj_type, model_type=model_type, index_by_module=True, ) def _init_integrations( self, base_type: Type[Union[Plugin, Backend]], model_type: Type[Union[PluginModel, BackendModel]], class_by_name: Callable[[str], Optional[type]], ): """ Initializes, parses and caches all the integrations of a given type. :param base_type: The base type of the component (e.g. ``Plugin`` or ``Backend``). :param model_type: The type of the ``Model`` objects that should be created. :param class_by_name: A function that returns the class of a given integration given its qualified name. """ for module in self._scan_integrations(base_type): comp_name = '.'.join(module.__name__.split('.')[2:]) comp_type = class_by_name(comp_name) if not comp_type: continue self._init_component( base_type=base_type, comp_type=comp_type, model_type=model_type, ) self._flush_components_cache() def _init_plugins(self): """ Initializes and caches all the available plugins. """ self._init_integrations( base_type=Plugin, model_type=PluginModel, class_by_name=get_plugin_class_by_name, ) def _init_backends(self): """ Initializes and caches all the available backends. """ self._init_integrations( base_type=Backend, model_type=BackendModel, class_by_name=get_backend_class_by_name, ) def _init_events(self): """ Initializes and caches all the available events. """ self._init_modules( base_type=Event, model_type=EventModel, ) def _init_responses(self): """ Initializes and caches all the available responses. """ self._init_modules( base_type=Response, model_type=ResponseModel, ) def _init_components(self, base_type: type, initializer: Callable[[], None]): """ Context manager boilerplate for the other ``_init_*`` methods. """ ctx = self._components_context[base_type] with ctx.init_lock: if not ctx.refreshed.is_set(): initializer() ctx.refreshed.set() @action def get_all_plugins(self): """ Get information about all the available plugins. """ self._init_components(Plugin, self._init_plugins) return json.dumps( { get_plugin_name_by_class(cls): dict(plugin) for cls, plugin in self._components_cache.get(Plugin, {}).items() } ) @action def get_all_backends(self): """ Get information about all the available backends. """ self._init_components(Backend, self._init_backends) return json.dumps( { get_backend_name_by_class(cls): dict(backend) for cls, backend in self._components_cache.get(Backend, {}).items() } ) @action def get_all_events(self): """ Get information about all the available events. """ self._init_components(Event, self._init_events) return json.dumps( { package: { obj_type.__name__: dict(event_model) for obj_type, event_model in events.items() } for package, events in self._components_cache.get(Event, {}).items() } ) @action def get_all_responses(self): """ Get information about all the available responses. """ self._init_components(Response, self._init_responses) return json.dumps( { package: { obj_type.__name__: dict(response_model) for obj_type, response_model in responses.items() } for package, responses in self._components_cache.get( Response, {} ).items() } ) @action def get_procedures(self) -> dict: """ Get the list of procedures installed on the device. """ return json.loads(json.dumps(Config.get_procedures(), cls=ProcedureEncoder)) @action def get_config(self, entry: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[dict]: """ Return the configuration of the application or of a section. :param entry: [Optional] configuration entry name to retrieve (e.g. ``workdir`` or ``backend.http``). :return: The requested configuration object. """ if entry: return Config.get(entry) return Config.get() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: