import enum import logging import threading import time from platypush.message.response import Response from platypush.plugins import Plugin from platypush.context import get_plugin from platypush.config import Config class Direction(enum.Enum): DIR_UP = 'up' DIR_DOWN = 'down' DIR_LEFT = 'left' DIR_RIGHT = 'right' DIR_AUTO = 'auto' class GpioZeroborgPlugin(Plugin): _drive_thread = None _can_run = False _direction = None _power_offsets = { Direction.DIR_LEFT: { Direction.DIR_UP: 0.315, Direction.DIR_DOWN: 0.285, }, Direction.DIR_RIGHT: { Direction.DIR_UP: 0, Direction.DIR_DOWN: 0.242, }, } def __init__(self, v_in=8.4, v_out=6.0): import platypush.plugins.gpio.zeroborg.lib as ZeroBorg self.v_in = v_in self.v_out = v_out self.max_power = v_out / float(v_in) self.auto_mode = False self._direction = None self.zb = ZeroBorg.ZeroBorg() self.zb.Init() self.zb.SetCommsFailsafe(True) self.zb.ResetEpo() def get_distance(self): distance_sensor = get_plugin('gpio.sensor.distance') if not distance_sensor: raise RuntimeError('No gpio.sensor.distance configuration found') return distance_sensor.get_distance() def drive(self, direction): prev_direction = self._direction self._can_run = True self._direction = direction.lower()'Received ZeroBorg drive command: {}'.format(direction)) def _run(): while self._can_run and self._direction: left = 0.0 right = 0.0 if self._direction == Direction.DIR_AUTO.value: self.auto_mode = True if self.auto_mode: distance = None while distance is None: distance = self.get_distance() print(distance) if distance > 300.0: # distance in mm self._direction = Direction.DIR_UP.value else:'Physical obstacle detected at {} mm'. format(distance)) self._direction = Direction.DIR_LEFT.value time.sleep(0.1) if self._direction == Direction.DIR_UP.value: left = 1.0 + self._power_offsets[Direction.DIR_LEFT][Direction.DIR_UP] right = 1.0 + self._power_offsets[Direction.DIR_RIGHT][Direction.DIR_UP] elif self._direction == Direction.DIR_DOWN.value: left = -1.0 - self._power_offsets[Direction.DIR_LEFT][Direction.DIR_DOWN] right = -1.0 - self._power_offsets[Direction.DIR_RIGHT][Direction.DIR_DOWN] elif self._direction == Direction.DIR_LEFT.value: left = -1.25 - self._power_offsets[Direction.DIR_LEFT][Direction.DIR_DOWN] right = 2.0 + self._power_offsets[Direction.DIR_RIGHT][Direction.DIR_UP] elif self._direction == Direction.DIR_RIGHT.value: left = 2.0 + self._power_offsets[Direction.DIR_LEFT][Direction.DIR_UP] right = -1.25 - self._power_offsets[Direction.DIR_RIGHT][Direction.DIR_DOWN] elif self._direction is not None: logging.warning('Invalid direction: {}'.format(direction)) self.stop() power = 0.75 # Still debugging the right power range self.zb.SetMotor1(power * left * self.max_power) self.zb.SetMotor2(power * left * self.max_power) self.zb.SetMotor3(power * -right * self.max_power) self.zb.SetMotor4(power * -right * self.max_power) self.auto_mode = False self._drive_thread = threading.Thread(target=_run) self._drive_thread.start() return Response(output={'status': 'running', 'direction': direction}) def stop(self): self._can_run = False if self._drive_thread and threading.get_ident() != self._drive_thread.ident: self._drive_thread.join() self.zb.MotorsOff() self.zb.ResetEpo() return Response(output={'status':'stopped'}) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: