Vue.component('execute', { template: '#tmpl-execute', props: ['config'], data: function() { return { loading: false, running: false, structuredInput: true, actionChanged: false, selectedDoc: undefined, selectedProcedure: { name: undefined, args: {}, }, response: undefined, error: undefined, htmlDoc: false, rawRequest: undefined, actions: {}, plugins: {}, procedures: {}, action: { name: undefined, args: {}, extraArgs: [], supportsExtraArgs: false, }, }; }, methods: { refresh: async function() { this.loading = true; this.procedures = JSON.parse(this.config); this.plugins = await request('inspect.get_all_plugins', {html_doc: true}); for (const plugin of Object.values(this.plugins)) { if (plugin.html_doc) this.htmlDoc = true; for (const action of Object.values(plugin.actions)) { = + '.' +; action.supportsExtraArgs = !!action.has_kwargs; delete action.has_kwargs; this.actions[] = action; } } const self = this; autocomplete(this.$refs.actionName, Object.keys(this.actions).sort(), (evt, value) => { = value; self.updateAction(); }); this.loading = false; }, updateAction: function() { if (!this.actionChanged || !( in this.actions)) return; this.loading = true; this.action = { ...this.actions[], args: Object.entries(this.actions[].args).reduce((args, entry) => { args[entry[0]] = { ...entry[1], value: entry[1].default, }; return args; }, {}), extraArgs: [], }; this.selectedDoc = this.action.doc; this.actionChanged = false; this.response = undefined; this.error = undefined; this.loading = false; }, updateProcedure: function(name) { if ('type') === 'submit') { return; } if ( === name) { this.selectedProcedure = { name: undefined, args: {}, }; return; } if (!(name in this.procedures)) { console.warn('Procedure not found: ' + name); return; } this.selectedProcedure = { name: name, args: this.procedures[name].args.reduce((args, arg) => { args[arg] = undefined; return args; }, {}), }; }, addParameter: function() { this.action.extraArgs.push({ name: undefined, value: undefined, }) }, removeParameter: function(i) { this.action.extraArgs.pop(i); }, selectAttrDoc: function(name) { this.response = undefined; this.error = undefined; this.selectedDoc = this.action.args[name].doc; }, resetDoc: function() { this.response = undefined; this.error = undefined; this.selectedDoc = this.action.doc; }, onInputTypeChange: function(structuredInput) { this.structuredInput = structuredInput; this.response = undefined; this.error = undefined; }, onResponse: function(response) { this.response = '
' + JSON.stringify(response, null, 2) + '
'; this.error = undefined; }, onError: function(error) { this.response = undefined; this.error = '
' + error + '
'; }, onDone: function() { this.running = false; }, executeAction: function() { if (! && !this.rawRequest || this.running) return; this.running = true; if (this.structuredInput) { const args = { ...Object.entries(this.action.args).reduce((args, param) => { if (param[1].value != null) { let value = param[1].value; try {value = JSON.parse(value);} catch (e) {} args[param[0]] = value; } return args; }, {}), ...this.action.extraArgs.reduce((args, param) => { let value = args[param.value]; try {value = JSON.parse(value);} catch (e) {} args[] = value; return args; }, {}) }; request(, args).then(this.onResponse).catch(this.onError).finally(this.onDone); } else { execute(JSON.parse(this.rawRequest)).then(this.onResponse).catch(this.onError).finally(this.onDone); } }, executeProcedure: function(event) { if (! || this.running) return; event.stopPropagation(); this.running = true; const args = { ...Object.entries(this.selectedProcedure.args).reduce((args, param) => { if (param[1] != null) { let value = param[1]; try {value = JSON.parse(value);} catch (e) {} args[param[0]] = value; } return args; }, {}), }; request('procedure.' +, args) .then(this.onResponse).catch(this.onError).finally(this.onDone); }, }, created: function() { this.refresh(); }, });