import json import socket import threading from platypush.context import get_backend from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action class MusicSnapcastPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to interact with a [Snapcast]( instance, control clients mute status, volume, playback etc. See for further reference about the returned API types. """ _DEFAULT_SNAPCAST_PORT = 1705 _SOCKET_EOL = '\r\n'.encode() def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=_DEFAULT_SNAPCAST_PORT, *args, **kwargs): """ :param host: Default Snapcast server host (default: localhost) :type host: str :param port: Default Snapcast server control port (default: 1705) :type port: int """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = host self.port = port self._latest_req_id = 0 self._latest_req_id_lock = threading.RLock() backend = get_backend('music.snapcast') backend_hosts = backend.hosts if backend else [] backend_ports = backend.ports if backend else [self.port] self.backend_hosts = backend_hosts self.backend_ports = backend_ports self.backend_hosts_json = json.dumps({ backend_hosts[i]: backend_ports[i] for i in range(len(backend_hosts)) }) def _get_req_id(self): with self._latest_req_id_lock: self._latest_req_id += 1 return self._latest_req_id def _connect(self, host=None, port=None): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((host or, port or self.port)) return sock @classmethod def _send(cls, sock, req): if isinstance(req, dict): req = json.dumps(req) if isinstance(req, str): req = req.encode() if not isinstance(req, bytes): raise RuntimeError('Unsupported type {} for Snapcast request: {}'. format(type(req), req)) sock.send(req + cls._SOCKET_EOL) @classmethod def _recv(cls, sock): buf = b'' while buf[-2:] != cls._SOCKET_EOL: buf += sock.recv(1) return json.loads(buf.decode().strip()).get('result') def _get_group(self, sock, group): for g in self._status(sock).get('groups', []): if group == g.get('id') or group == g.get('name'): return g def _get_client(self, sock, client): for g in self._status(sock).get('groups', []): clients = g.get('clients', []) for c in clients: if client == c.get('id') or \ client == c.get('name') or \ client == c.get('host', {}).get('name') or \ client == c.get('host', {}).get('ip'): c['group_id'] = g.get('id') return c def _status(self, sock): request = { 'id': self._get_req_id(), 'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'method':'Server.GetStatus' } self._send(sock, request) return self._recv(sock).get('server', {}) @action def status(self, host=None, port=None, client=None, group=None): """ Get the status either of a Snapcast server, client or group :param host: Snapcast server to query (default: default configured host) :type host: str :param port: Snapcast server port (default: default configured port) :type port: int :param client: Client ID or name (default: None) :type client: str :param group: Group ID or name (default: None) :type group: str :returns: dict. Example: .. codeblock:: json "output": { "groups": [ { "clients": [ { "config": { "instance": 1, "latency": 0, "name": "", "volume": { "muted": false, "percent": 96 } }, "connected": true, "host": { "arch": "x86_64", "ip": "YOUR_IP", "mac": "YOUR_MAC", "name": "YOUR_NAME", "os": "YOUR_OS" }, "id": "YOUR_ID", "lastSeen": { "sec": 1546648311, "usec": 86011 }, "snapclient": { "name": "Snapclient", "protocolVersion": 2, "version": "0.15.0" } } ], "id": "YOUR_ID", "muted": false, "name": "", "stream_id": "mopidy" } ], "server": { "host": { "arch": "armv7l", "ip": "", "mac": "", "name": "YOUR_NAME", "os": "YOUR_OS" }, "snapserver": { "controlProtocolVersion": 1, "name": "Snapserver", "protocolVersion": 1, "version": "0.15.0" } }, "streams": [ { "id": "mopidy", "meta": { "STREAM": "mopidy" }, "status": "playing", "uri": { "fragment": "", "host": "", "path": "/tmp/snapfifo", "query": { "buffer_ms": "20", "codec": "pcm", "name": "mopidy", "sampleformat": "48000:16:2" }, "raw": "pipe:////tmp/snapfifo?buffer_ms=20&codec=pcm&name=mopidy&sampleformat=48000:16:2", "scheme": "pipe" } } ] } """ sock = None try: sock = self._connect(host or, port or self.port) if client: return self._get_client(sock, client) if group: return self._get_group(sock, group) return self._status(sock) finally: try: sock.close() except: pass @action def mute(self, client=None, group=None, mute=None, host=None, port=None): """ Set the mute status of a connected client or group :param client: Client name or ID to mute :type client: str :param group: Group ID to mute :type group: str :param mute: Mute status. If not set, the mute status of the selected client/group will be toggled. :type mute: bool :param host: Snapcast server to query (default: default configured host) :type host: str :param port: Snapcast server port (default: default configured port) :type port: int """ if not client and not group: raise RuntimeError('Please specify either a client or a group') sock = None try: sock = self._connect(host or, port or self.port) request = { 'id': self._get_req_id(), 'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'method': 'Group.SetMute' if group else 'Client.SetVolume', 'params': {} } if group: group = self._get_group(sock, group) cur_muted = group['muted'] request['params']['id'] = group['id'] request['params']['mute'] = not cur_muted if mute is None else mute else: client = self._get_client(sock, client) cur_muted = client['config']['volume']['muted'] request['params']['id'] = client['id'] request['params']['volume'] = {} request['params']['volume']['percent'] = client['config']['volume']['percent'] request['params']['volume']['muted'] = not cur_muted if mute is None else mute self._send(sock, request) return self._recv(sock) finally: try: sock.close() except: pass @action def volume(self, client, volume=None, delta=None, mute=None, host=None, port=None): """ Set the volume of a connected client :param client: Client name or ID :type client: str :param volume: Absolute volume to set between 0 and 100 :type volume: int :param delta: Relative volume change in percentage (e.g. +10 or -10) :type delta: int :param mute: Set to true or false if you want to toggle the muted status :type mute: bool :param host: Snapcast server (default: default configured host) :type host: str :param port: Snapcast server port (default: default configured port) :type port: int """ if volume is None and delta is None and mute is None: raise RuntimeError('Please specify either an absolute volume or ' + 'relative delta') sock = None try: sock = self._connect(host or, port or self.port) request = { 'id': self._get_req_id(), 'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'method': 'Client.SetVolume', 'params': {} } client = self._get_client(sock, client) cur_volume = int(client['config']['volume']['percent']) cur_mute = bool(client['config']['volume']['muted']) if volume is not None: volume = int(volume) elif delta is not None: volume = cur_volume + int(delta) if volume is not None: if volume > 100: volume = 100 if volume < 0: volume = 0 else: volume = cur_volume if mute is None: mute = cur_mute request['params']['id'] = client['id'] request['params']['volume'] = {} request['params']['volume']['percent'] = volume request['params']['volume']['muted'] = mute self._send(sock, request) return self._recv(sock) finally: try: sock.close() except: pass @action def set_client_name(self, client, name, host=None, port=None): """ Set/change the name of a connected client :param client: Current client name or ID to rename :type client: str :param name: New name :type name: str :param host: Snapcast server (default: default configured host) :type host: str :param port: Snapcast server port (default: default configured port) :type port: int """ sock = None try: sock = self._connect(host or, port or self.port) request = { 'id': self._get_req_id(), 'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'method': 'Client.SetName', 'params': {} } client = self._get_client(sock, client) request['params']['id'] = client['id'] request['params']['name'] = name self._send(sock, request) return self._recv(sock) finally: try: sock.close() except: pass @action def set_latency(self, client, latency, host=None, port=None): """ Set/change the latency of a connected client :param client: Client name or ID :type client: str :param latency: New latency in milliseconds :type latency: float :param host: Snapcast server (default: default configured host) :type host: str :param port: Snapcast server port (default: default configured port) :type port: int """ sock = None try: sock = self._connect(host or, port or self.port) request = { 'id': self._get_req_id(), 'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'method': 'Client.SetLatency', 'params': { 'latency': latency } } client = self._get_client(sock, client) request['params']['id'] = client['id'] self._send(sock, request) return self._recv(sock) finally: try: sock.close() except: pass @action def delete_client(self, client, host=None, port=None): """ Delete a client from the Snapcast server :param client: Client name or ID :type client: str :param host: Snapcast server (default: default configured host) :type host: str :param port: Snapcast server port (default: default configured port) :type port: int """ sock = None try: sock = self._connect(host or, port or self.port) request = { 'id': self._get_req_id(), 'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'method': 'Server.DeleteClient', 'params': {} } client = self._get_client(sock, client) request['params']['id'] = client['id'] self._send(sock, request) return self._recv(sock) finally: try: sock.close() except: pass @action def group_set_clients(self, group, clients, host=None, port=None): """ Sets the clients for a group on a Snapcast server :param group: Group name or ID :type group: str :param clients: List of client names or IDs :type clients: list[str] :param host: Snapcast server (default: default configured host) :type host: str :param port: Snapcast server port (default: default configured port) :type port: int """ sock = None try: sock = self._connect(host or, port or self.port) group = self._get_group(sock, group) request = { 'id': self._get_req_id(), 'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'method': 'Group.SetClients', 'params': { 'id': group['id'], 'clients': [] } } for client in clients: client = self._get_client(sock, client) request['params']['clients'].append(client['id']) self._send(sock, request) return self._recv(sock) finally: try: sock.close() except: pass @action def group_set_stream(self, group, stream_id, host=None, port=None): """ Sets the active stream for a group. :param group: Group name or ID :type group: str :param stream_id: Stream ID :type stream_id: str :param host: Snapcast server (default: default configured host) :type host: str :param port: Snapcast server port (default: default configured port) :type port: int """ sock = None try: sock = self._connect(host or, port or self.port) group = self._get_group(sock, group) request = { 'id': self._get_req_id(), 'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'method': 'Group.SetStream', 'params': { 'id': group['id'], 'stream_id': stream_id, } } self._send(sock, request) return self._recv(sock) finally: try: sock.close() except: pass # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: