import enum import functools import os import queue import re import subprocess import tempfile import threading import urllib.request import urllib.parse from platypush.config import Config from platypush.context import get_plugin, get_backend from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action class PlayerState(enum.Enum): STOP = 'stop' PLAY = 'play' PAUSE = 'pause' IDLE = 'idle' class MediaPlugin(Plugin): """ Generic plugin to interact with a media player. Requires: * A media player installed (supported so far: mplayer, vlc, mpv, omxplayer, chromecast) * The :class:`` plugin for optional torrent support through webtorrent (recommended) * **python-libtorrent** (``pip install python-libtorrent``), optional, for torrent support over native library * **youtube-dl** installed on your system (see your distro instructions), optional for YouTube support * **requests** (``pip install requests``), optional, for local files over HTTP streaming supporting * **ffmpeg**,optional, to get media files metadata To start the local media stream service over HTTP you will also need the :class:`platypush.backend.http.HttpBackend` backend enabled. """ # A media plugin can either be local or remote (e.g. control media on # another device) _is_local = True _NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR = NotImplementedError( 'This method must be implemented in a derived class') # Supported audio extensions audio_extensions = { '3gp', 'aa', 'aac', 'aax', 'act', 'aiff', 'amr', 'ape', 'au', 'awb', 'dct', 'dss', 'dvf', 'flac', 'gsm', 'iklax', 'ivs', 'm4a', 'm4b', 'm4p', 'mmf', 'mp3', 'mpc', 'msv', 'nmf', 'nsf', 'ogg,', 'opus', 'ra,', 'raw', 'sln', 'tta', 'vox', 'wav', 'wma', 'wv', 'webm', '8svx', } # Supported video extensions video_extensions = { 'webm', 'mkv', 'flv', 'flv', 'vob', 'ogv', 'ogg', 'drc', 'gif', 'gifv', 'mng', 'avi', 'mts', 'm2ts', 'mov', 'qt', 'wmv', 'yuv', 'rm', 'rmvb', 'asf', 'amv', 'mp4', 'm4p', 'm4v', 'mpg', 'mp2', 'mpeg', 'mpe', 'mpv', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'm2v', 'm4v', 'svi', '3gp', '3g2', 'mxf', 'roq', 'nsv', 'flv', 'f4v', 'f4p', 'f4a', 'f4b', } _supported_media_plugins = {'media.mplayer', 'media.omxplayer', 'media.mpv', 'media.vlc', 'media.chromecast'} _supported_media_types = ['file', 'torrent', 'youtube'] _default_search_timeout = 60 # 60 seconds def __init__(self, media_dirs=None, download_dir=None, env=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param media_dirs: Directories that will be scanned for media files when a search is performed (default: none) :type media_dirs: list :param download_dir: Directory where external resources/torrents will be downloaded (default: none) :type download_dir: str :param env: Environment variables key-values to pass to the player executable (e.g. DISPLAY, XDG_VTNR, PULSE_SINK etc.) :type env: dict """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if media_dirs is None: media_dirs = [] player = None player_config = {} if self.__class__.__name__ == 'MediaPlugin': # Abstract class, initialize with the default configured player for plugin in Config.get_plugins().keys(): if plugin in self._supported_media_plugins: player = plugin if get_plugin(player).is_local(): # Local players have priority as default if configured break else: player = self # Derived concrete class if not player: raise AttributeError('No media plugin configured') media_dirs = media_dirs or player_config.get('media_dirs', []) download_dir = download_dir or player_config.get('download_dir') if self.__class__.__name__ == 'MediaPlugin': # Populate this plugin with the actions of the configured player plugin = get_plugin(player) for act in plugin.registered_actions: setattr(self, act, getattr(plugin, act)) self.registered_actions.add(act) self._env = env or {} self.media_dirs = set( filter( lambda _: os.path.isdir(_), map( lambda _: os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(_)), media_dirs ) ) ) if download_dir: self.download_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(download_dir)) if not os.path.isdir(self.download_dir): raise RuntimeError('download_dir [{}] is not a valid directory' .format(self.download_dir)) self.media_dirs.add(self.download_dir) self._is_playing_torrent = False self._videos_queue = [] def _get_resource(self, resource): """ :param resource: Resource to play/parse. Supported types: * Local files (format: ``file:///``) * Remote videos (format: ``https:///``) * YouTube videos (format: ````) * Torrents (format: Magnet links, Torrent URLs or local Torrent files) """ if resource.startswith('youtube:') \ or resource.startswith(''): if self.__class__.__name__ == 'MediaChromecastPlugin': # The Chromecast has already its native way to handle YouTube return resource resource = self.get_youtube_url(resource).output elif resource.startswith('magnet:?'): try: get_plugin('media.webtorrent') return resource # media.webtorrent will handle this except Exception: pass torrents = get_plugin('torrent')'Downloading torrent {} to {}'.format( resource, self.download_dir)) response =, download_dir=self.download_dir) resources = [f for f in response.output if self._is_video_file(f)] if resources: self._videos_queue = sorted(resources) resource = self._videos_queue.pop(0) else: raise RuntimeError('Unable to download torrent {}'.format(resource)) return resource def _stop_torrent(self): if self._is_playing_torrent: try: get_plugin('media.webtorrent').quit() except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('Cannot quit the webtorrent instance: {}'. format(str(e))) @action def play(self, resource, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def pause(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def quit(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def voldown(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def volup(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def back(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def next(self): """ Play the next item in the queue """ self.stop() if self._videos_queue: video = self._videos_queue.pop(0) return @action def toggle_subtitles(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def set_subtitles(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def remove_subtitles(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def is_playing(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def load(self, resource, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def mute(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def seek(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def set_position(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def set_volume(self, volume): raise self._NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR @action def search(self, query, types=None, queue_results=False, autoplay=False, search_timeout=_default_search_timeout): """ Perform a video search. :param query: Query string, video name or partial name :type query: str :param types: Video types to search (default: ``["youtube", "file", "torrent"]``) :type types: list :param queue_results: Append the results to the current playing queue (default: False) :type queue_results: bool :param autoplay: Play the first result of the search (default: False) :type autoplay: bool :param search_timeout: Search timeout (default: 60 seconds) :type search_timeout: float """ results = {} results_queues = {} worker_threads = {} if types is None: types = self._supported_media_types for media_type in types: results[media_type] = [] results_queues[media_type] = queue.Queue() search_hndl = self._get_search_handler_by_type(media_type) worker_threads[media_type] = threading.Thread( target=self._search_worker(query=query, search_hndl=search_hndl, results_queue=results_queues[media_type])) worker_threads[media_type].start() for media_type in types: try: results[media_type].extend( results_queues[media_type].get(timeout=search_timeout)) except queue.Empty: self.logger.warning('Search for "{}" media type {} timed out'. format(query, media_type)) flattened_results = [] for media_type in self._supported_media_types: if media_type in results: for result in results[media_type]: result['type'] = media_type flattened_results += results[media_type] results = flattened_results if results: if queue_results: self._videos_queue = [_['url'] for _ in results] if autoplay: elif autoplay:[0]['url']) return results @staticmethod def _search_worker(query, search_hndl, results_queue): def thread(): results_queue.put( return thread def _get_search_handler_by_type(self, search_type): if search_type == 'file': from .search import LocalMediaSearcher return LocalMediaSearcher(self.media_dirs) if search_type == 'torrent': from .search import TorrentMediaSearcher return TorrentMediaSearcher() if search_type == 'youtube': from .search import YoutubeMediaSearcher return YoutubeMediaSearcher() self.logger.warning('Unsupported search type: {}'.format(search_type)) @classmethod def _is_video_file(cls, filename): return filename.lower().split('.')[-1] in cls.video_extensions @classmethod def _is_audio_file(cls, filename): return filename.lower().split('.')[-1] in cls.audio_extensions @action def start_streaming(self, media, download=False): """ Starts streaming local media over the specified HTTP port. The stream will be available to HTTP clients on `http://{this-ip}:{http_backend_port}/media/` :param media: Media to stream :type media: str :param download: Set to True if you prefer to download the file from the streaming link instead of streaming it :type download: bool :returns: dict containing the streaming URL.Example:: { "id": "0123456abcdef.mp4", "source": "file:///mnt/media/movies/movie.mp4", "mime_type": "video/mp4", "url": "" } """ import requests http = get_backend('http') if not http: self.logger.warning('Unable to stream {}: HTTP backend unavailable'. format(media)) return'Starting streaming {}'.format(media)) response = requests.put('{url}/media{download}'.format( url=http.local_base_url, download='?download' if download else ''), json={'source': media}) if not response.ok: self.logger.warning('Unable to start streaming: {}'. format(response.text or response.reason)) return None, (response.text or response.reason) return response.json() @action def stop_streaming(self, media_id): import requests http = get_backend('http') if not http: self.logger.warning('Cannot unregister {}: HTTP backend unavailable'. format(media_id)) return response = requests.delete('{url}/media/{id}'. format(url=http.local_base_url, id=media_id)) if not response.ok: self.logger.warning('Unable to unregister media_id {}: {}'.format( media_id, response.reason)) return return response.json() @staticmethod def _youtube_search_api(query): return [ { 'url': '' + item['id']['videoId'], 'title': item.get('snippet', {}).get('title', ''), } for item in get_plugin('').search(query=query).output if item.get('id', {}).get('kind') == 'youtube#video' ] def _youtube_search_html_parse(self, query): query = urllib.parse.quote(query) url = "" + query response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) html ='utf-8') results = [] while html: m ='()', html) if m: results.append({ 'url': '' +, 'title': }) html = html.split([1] else: html = '''{} YouTube video results for the search query "{}"' .format(len(results), query)) return results @action def get_youtube_url(self, url): m = re.match('youtube:video:(.*)', url) if m: url = '{}'.format( proc = subprocess.Popen(['youtube-dl', '-f', 'best', '-g', url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return"utf-8", "strict")[:-1] @action def get_youtube_info(self, url): m = re.match('youtube:video:(.*)', url) if m: url = '{}'.format( proc = subprocess.Popen(['youtube-dl', '-j', url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return"utf-8", "strict")[:-1] @action def get_media_file_duration(self, filename): """ Get the duration of a media file in seconds. Requires ffmpeg """ if filename.startswith('file://'): filename = filename[7:] result = subprocess.Popen(["ffprobe", filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return functools.reduce( lambda t, t_i: t + t_i, [float(t) * pow(60, i) for (i, t) in enumerate( '^Duration:\s*([^,]+)', [x.decode() for x in result.stdout.readlines() if "Duration" in x.decode()] .pop().strip() ).group(1).split(':')[::-1])] ) def is_local(self): return self._is_local @staticmethod def get_subtitles_file(subtitles): if not subtitles: return if subtitles.startswith('file://'): subtitles = subtitles[len('file://'):] if os.path.isfile(subtitles): return os.path.abspath(subtitles) else: import requests content = requests.get(subtitles).content f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='media_subs_', suffix='.srt', delete=False) with f: f.write(content) return # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: