import logging import json import requests import websocket from .. import Backend class PushbulletBackend(Backend): def _init(self, token, device): self.token = token self.device_name = device self.device_id = self.get_device_id() @staticmethod def _on_init(ws):'Connection opened') @staticmethod def _on_close(ws):'Connection closed') @staticmethod def _on_msg(ws, msg): ws.backend._on_push(msg) @staticmethod def _on_error(ws, e): logging.exception(e) self._init_socket() def _on_push(self, data): try: data = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else push except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) return if data['type'] != 'push': return # Not a push notification push = data['push'] logging.debug('Received push: {}'.format(push)) if 'body' not in push: return body = push['body'] try: body = json.loads(body) except ValueError as e: return self.on_msg(body) def _init_socket(self): = websocket.WebSocketApp( 'wss://' + self.token, on_open = self._on_init, on_message = self._on_msg, on_error = self._on_error, on_close = self._on_close) = self def get_device_id(self): response = requests.get( u'', headers = { 'Access-Token': self.token }, ).json() devices = [dev for dev in response['devices'] if 'nickname' in dev and dev['nickname'] == self.device_name] if not devices: raise RuntimeError('No such Pushbullet device: {}' .format(self.device_name)) return devices[0]['iden'] def send_msg(self, msg): if isinstance(msg, dict): msg = json.dumps(msg) if not isinstance(msg, str): raise RuntimeError('Invalid non-JSON message') response = u'', headers = { 'Access-Token': self.token }, json = { 'type': 'note', 'device_iden': self.device_id, 'body': msg, } ).json() if 'dismissed' not in response or response['dismissed'] is True: raise RuntimeError('Error while pushing the message: {}'. format(response)) def run(self): self._init_socket()'Initialized Pushbullet backend - device_id: {}' .format(self.device_name)) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: