--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: default volumes: - name: docs host: path: /opt/docs/platypush steps: ### ### Mirror the current repository state to Github ### - name: github-mirror image: alpine environment: SSH_PUBKEY: from_secret: ssh_pubkey SSH_PRIVKEY: from_secret: ssh_privkey commands: - apk add --update --no-cache git openssh - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - echo $SSH_PUBKEY > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub - | cat <<EOF > ~/.ssh/id_rsa $SSH_PRIVKEY EOF - chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - ssh-keyscan github.com >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts 2>/dev/null - git config --global --add safe.directory $PWD - git remote add github git@github.com:/BlackLight/platypush.git - git pull --rebase github "$(git branch | head -1 | awk '{print $2}')" || echo "No such branch on Github" - git push --all -v github ### ### Synchronize the `stable` branch to the new release ### - name: sync-stable-branch image: alpine environment: SSH_PUBKEY: from_secret: ssh_pubkey SSH_PRIVKEY: from_secret: ssh_privkey PGP_KEY: from_secret: pgp_key PGP_KEY_ID: from_secret: pgp_key_id commands: - apk add --update --no-cache git bash gnupg openssh # Backup the original git configuration before changing attributes - export GIT_CONF=$PWD/.git/config - cp $GIT_CONF /tmp/git.config.orig - git config --global --add safe.directory $PWD # Install the SSH and PGP keys - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - | cat <<EOF | gpg --import --armor $PGP_KEY EOF - echo $SSH_PUBKEY > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub - | cat <<EOF > ~/.ssh/id_rsa $SSH_PRIVKEY EOF - chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - ssh-keyscan git.platypush.tech >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts 2>/dev/null # Git configuration - git config user.name "Platypush CI/CD Automation" - git config user.email "admin@platypush.tech" - git config commit.gpgsign true - git config user.signingkey $PGP_KEY_ID - git remote rm origin - git remote add origin git@git.platypush.tech:platypush/platypush.git # Merge and push to the `stable` branch - git checkout stable - git rebase master - git push -u origin stable - git checkout master # Restore the original git configuration - mv /tmp/git.config.orig $GIT_CONF when: event: - tag ### ### Rebuild the docs ### - name: docs image: alpine volumes: - name: docs path: /docs commands: - echo "Installing required build dependencies" - apk add --update --no-cache make py3-sphinx py3-pip py3-paho-mqtt $(cat platypush/install/requirements/alpine.txt) - pip install -U hid sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx-book-theme - pip install . - mkdir -p /docs/current - export APPDIR=$PWD - rm -rf "$APPDIR/docs/build" - echo "Building the updated documentation" - cd "$APPDIR/docs" - make html - rm -f config*.yaml - cd "$APPDIR" - echo "Copying the new documentation files to the target folder" - mv -v "$APPDIR/docs/build" /docs/new - cd /docs - mv current old - mv new current - rm -rf old when: event: - tag depends_on: - sync-stable-branch ### ### Run the tests ### - name: tests image: alpine commands: - apk add --update --no-cache $(cat platypush/install/requirements/alpine.txt) - pip install . - pip install -r requirements-tests.txt - pytest tests ### ### Rebuild the UI files ### - name: build-ui image: node:current-alpine3.18 environment: SSH_PUBKEY: from_secret: ssh_pubkey SSH_PRIVKEY: from_secret: ssh_privkey PGP_KEY: from_secret: pgp_key PGP_KEY_ID: from_secret: pgp_key_id when: branch: - master event: - push depends_on: - tests commands: - apk add --update --no-cache git # Backup the original git configuration before changing attributes - export GIT_CONF=$PWD/.git/config - cp $GIT_CONF /tmp/git.config.orig - git config --global --add safe.directory $PWD - cd platypush/backend/http/webapp - | if [ $(git log --pretty=oneline $DRONE_COMMIT_AFTER...$DRONE_COMMIT_BEFORE . | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then echo "No UI changes detected, skipping build" exit 0 fi - | if [ "$(git log --pretty=format:%s HEAD...HEAD~1 | head -1)" == "[Automatic] Updated UI files" ]; then echo "UI changes have already been committed, skipping build" exit 0 fi - rm -rf node_modules - npm install - npm run build - | if [ $(git status --porcelain dist | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then echo "No build files have been changed" exit 0 fi - apk add --update --no-cache bash gnupg openssh - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - | cat <<EOF | gpg --import --armor $PGP_KEY EOF - echo $SSH_PUBKEY > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub - | cat <<EOF > ~/.ssh/id_rsa $SSH_PRIVKEY EOF - chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - ssh-keyscan git.platypush.tech >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts 2>/dev/null - git config user.name "Platypush CI/CD Automation" - git config user.email "admin@platypush.tech" - git config commit.gpgsign true - git config user.signingkey $PGP_KEY_ID - git add dist - git commit dist -S -m "[Automatic] Updated UI files" --no-verify - git remote rm origin - git remote add origin git@git.platypush.tech:platypush/platypush.git - git push -f origin master # Restore the original git configuration - mv /tmp/git.config.orig $GIT_CONF ### ### Update the Arch packages ### - name: update-arch-packages image: python:3.11-alpine environment: WORKDIR: /tmp/workdir SSH_PUBKEY: from_secret: ssh_pubkey SSH_PRIVKEY: from_secret: ssh_privkey when: branch: - master event: - push depends_on: - build-ui commands: - echo "-- Installing dependencies" - apk add --update --no-cache curl git openssh pacman sudo - echo "--- Parsing metadata" - git config --global --add safe.directory $PWD - git pull --rebase origin master --tags - export VERSION=$(python setup.py --version) - export HEAD=$(git log --pretty=format:%h HEAD...HEAD~1 | head -1) - export GIT_VERSION="$VERSION.r$(git log --pretty=oneline HEAD...v$VERSION | wc -l).$HEAD" - export TAG_URL="https://git.platypush.tech/platypush/platypush/archive/v$VERSION.tar.gz" - echo "--- Preparing environment" - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - echo $SSH_PUBKEY > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub - | cat <<EOF > ~/.ssh/id_rsa $SSH_PRIVKEY EOF - chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - ssh-keyscan git.platypush.tech >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts 2>/dev/null - ssh-keyscan aur.archlinux.org >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts 2>/dev/null - adduser -u 1000 -D build - mkdir -p $WORKDIR - echo "--- Updating Arch git version" - export PKGDIR=$WORKDIR/git - git clone ssh://aur@aur.archlinux.org/platypush-git.git $PKGDIR - git config --global --add safe.directory $PKGDIR - chown -R build $PKGDIR - cd $PKGDIR - | sed -i 'PKGBUILD' -r \ -e "s/^pkgver=.*/pkgver=$GIT_VERSION/" \ -e "s/^pkgrel=.*/pkgrel=1/" \ - sudo -u build makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO - export FILES_CHANGED=$(git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no | wc -l) - | if [ $FILES_CHANGED -gt 0 ]; then echo "--- Pushing git package version $GIT_VERSION" git commit -a -m '[Automatic] Package update' git push origin master fi - echo "--- Updating Arch stable version" - export PKGDIR=$WORKDIR/stable - git clone ssh://aur@aur.archlinux.org/platypush.git $PKGDIR - git config --global --add safe.directory $PKGDIR - chown -R build $PKGDIR - cd $PKGDIR - export RELEASED_VERSION=$(grep -e '^pkgver=' PKGBUILD | sed -r -e 's/^pkgver=(.*)\s*/\1/') - | if [ "$RELEASED_VERSION" == "$VERSION" ]; then exit 0 fi - export TAG_CHECKSUM=$(curl --silent "$TAG_URL" | sha512sum | awk '{print $1}') - | sed -i 'PKGBUILD' -r \ -e "s/^pkgver=.*/pkgver=$VERSION/" \ -e "s/^pkgrel=.*/pkgrel=1/" \ -e "s/^sha512sums=.*/sha512sums=('$TAG_CHECKSUM')/" - sudo -u build makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO - export FILES_CHANGED=$(git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no | wc -l) - | if [ $FILES_CHANGED -gt 0 ]; then echo "--- Pushing stable package version $VERSION" git commit -a -m '[Automatic] Package update' git push origin master fi ### ### Update the Debian (stable) packages ### - name: update-debian-stable-packages image: debian:stable privileged: true # Required to use the FUSE module for s3fs environment: DEB_VERSION: stable WORKDIR: /tmp/workdir PKG_NAME: platypush S3_BUCKET: platypush-pkg BUCKET_MNT: /mnt/s3 AWS_ENDPOINT_URL: https://s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: nl-ams AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: from_secret: aws_access_key_id AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key when: branch: - master event: - push depends_on: - build-ui commands: - echo "-- Installing dependencies" - apt update - apt install -y curl dpkg-dev gpg git python3 python3-pip s3fs - echo "-- Copying source directory" - mkdir -p "$WORKDIR" - export SRCDIR="$WORKDIR/src" - cp -r "$PWD" "$SRCDIR" - cd "$SRCDIR" - echo "--- Parsing metadata" - git config --global --add safe.directory $PWD - git pull --rebase origin master --tags - export VERSION=$(python3 setup.py --version) - export GIT_VERSION="$VERSION-$(( $(git log --pretty=oneline HEAD...v$VERSION | wc -l) + 1))" - export GIT_BUILD_DIR="$WORKDIR/$${PKG_NAME}_$${GIT_VERSION}_all" - export GIT_DEB="$WORKDIR/$${PKG_NAME}_$${GIT_VERSION}_all.deb" - echo "--- Building git package" - pip install --prefix="$GIT_BUILD_DIR/usr" --no-cache --no-deps . - | find "$GIT_BUILD_DIR" -name "site-packages" | while read dir; do base="$(dirname "$dir")" mv "$dir" "$base/dist-packages" done - mkdir -p "$GIT_BUILD_DIR/DEBIAN" - | cat <<EOF > "$GIT_BUILD_DIR/DEBIAN/control" Package: $PKG_NAME Version: $GIT_VERSION Maintainer: Fabio Manganiello <fabio@platypush.tech> Depends: $(cat platypush/install/requirements/debian.txt | tr '\n' ',' | sed -re 's/,$//' -e 's/,/, /g') Architecture: all Homepage: https://platypush.tech Description: Universal command executor and automation hub. EOF - dpkg --build "$GIT_BUILD_DIR" - echo "-- Mounting the S3 bucket" - mkdir -p "$BUCKET_MNT" - s3fs "$S3_BUCKET" "$BUCKET_MNT" -o url="$AWS_ENDPOINT_URL" - export APT_ROOT="$BUCKET_MNT/apt" - echo "--- Pushing package to the S3 bucket" - mkdir -p "$APT_ROOT/pool/$DEB_VERSION/dev" - cp "$GIT_DEB" "$APT_ROOT/pool/$DEB_VERSION/dev/" # If main/all/Packages doesn't exist, then we should create the first main release - export PKGURL="https://apt.platypush.tech/dists/$DEB_VERSION/main/all/Packages" - | [ -z "$UPDATE_STABLE_PKG" ] && curl -ILs -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$PKGURL" | grep -e '^4' >/dev/null && export UPDATE_STABLE_PKG=1 # If the published release version differs from the current one, then we should publish a new main release - | if [ -z "$UPDATE_STABLE_PKG" ]; then RELEASED_VERSION=$(curl -s "$PKGURL" | grep -e '^Version: ' | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d- -f 1) [ "$RELEASED_VERSION" != "$VERSION" ] && export UPDATE_STABLE_PKG=1 fi # Don't proceed and update the main release if it hasn't changed - | if [ -z "$UPDATE_STABLE_PKG" ]; then exit 0 fi - echo "--- Updating main package" - mkdir -p "$APT_ROOT/pool/$DEB_VERSION/main" - cp "$GIT_DEB" "$APT_ROOT/pool/$DEB_VERSION/main/$${PKG_NAME}_$${VERSION}-1_all.deb" ### ### Update the Debian (oldstable) packages ### - name: update-debian-oldstable-packages image: debian:oldstable environment: DEB_VERSION: oldstable WORKDIR: /tmp/workdir PKG_NAME: platypush S3_URL: s3://platypush-pkg/apt AWS_ENDPOINT_URL: https://s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: nl-ams AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: from_secret: aws_access_key_id AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key when: branch: - master event: - push depends_on: - build-ui commands: - echo "-- Copying source directory" - mkdir -p "$WORKDIR" - export SRCDIR="$WORKDIR/src" - cp -r "$PWD" "$SRCDIR" - cd "$SRCDIR" - echo "-- Installing dependencies" - apt update - apt install -y curl dpkg-dev gpg git python3 python3-pip - pip install awscli - echo "--- Parsing metadata" - git config --global --add safe.directory $PWD - git pull --rebase origin master --tags - export VERSION=$(python3 setup.py --version) - export GIT_VERSION="$VERSION-$(( $(git log --pretty=oneline HEAD...v$VERSION | wc -l) + 1))" - export GIT_BUILD_DIR="$WORKDIR/$${PKG_NAME}_$${GIT_VERSION}_all" - export GIT_DEB="$WORKDIR/$${PKG_NAME}_$${GIT_VERSION}_all.deb" - echo "--- Building git package" - pip install --prefix="$GIT_BUILD_DIR/usr" --no-cache --no-deps . - | find "$GIT_BUILD_DIR" -name "site-packages" | while read dir; do base="$(dirname "$dir")" mv "$dir" "$base/dist-packages" done - mkdir -p "$GIT_BUILD_DIR/DEBIAN" - | cat <<EOF > "$GIT_BUILD_DIR/DEBIAN/control" Package: $PKG_NAME Version: $GIT_VERSION Maintainer: Fabio Manganiello <fabio@platypush.tech> Depends: $(cat platypush/install/requirements/debian.txt | tr '\n' ',' | sed -re 's/,$//' -e 's/,/, /g') Architecture: all Homepage: https://platypush.tech Description: Universal command executor and automation hub. EOF - dpkg --build "$GIT_BUILD_DIR" - echo "--- Pushing package to the S3 bucket" - aws s3 cp "$GIT_DEB" "$S3_URL/pool/$DEB_VERSION/dev/" # If main/all/Packages doesn't exist, then we should create the first main release - export PKGURL="https://apt.platypush.tech/dists/$DEB_VERSION/main/all/Packages" - | [ -z "$UPDATE_STABLE_PKG" ] && curl -ILs -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$PKGURL" | grep -e '^4' >/dev/null && export UPDATE_STABLE_PKG=1 # If the published release version differs from the current one, then we should publish a new main release - | if [ -z "$UPDATE_STABLE_PKG" ]; then RELEASED_VERSION=$(curl -s "$PKGURL" | grep -e '^Version: ' | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d- -f 1) [ "$RELEASED_VERSION" != "$VERSION" ] && export UPDATE_STABLE_PKG=1 fi # Don't proceed and update the main release if it hasn't changed - | if [ -z "$UPDATE_STABLE_PKG" ]; then exit 0 fi - echo "--- Updating main package" - mkdir -p "$APT_ROOT/pool/$DEB_VERSION/main" - cp "$GIT_DEB" "$APT_ROOT/pool/$DEB_VERSION/main/$${PKG_NAME}_$${VERSION}-1_all.deb" ### ### Updates the APT repository after new packages have been pushed ### - name: update-apt-repo image: debian:stable privileged: true # Required to use the FUSE module for s3fs environment: S3_BUCKET: platypush-pkg BUCKET_MNT: /mnt/s3 AWS_ENDPOINT_URL: https://s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: nl-ams AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: from_secret: aws_access_key_id AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key PGP_PUBKEY: from_secret: apt_pgp_pub_key PGP_PRIVKEY: from_secret: apt_pgp_priv_key when: branch: - master event: - push depends_on: - update-debian-stable-packages - update-debian-oldstable-packages commands: - echo "-- Installing dependencies" - apt update - apt install -y s3fs dpkg-dev gpg - echo "-- Mounting the S3 bucket" - mkdir -p "$BUCKET_MNT" - s3fs "$S3_BUCKET" "$BUCKET_MNT" -o url="$AWS_ENDPOINT_URL" - export APT_ROOT="$BUCKET_MNT/apt" - mkdir -p "$APT_ROOT" - echo "-- Creating a new apt root folder" - export TMP_APT_ROOT="/tmp/apt" - cp -r "$APT_ROOT" "$TMP_APT_ROOT" - echo "-- Cleaning up older apt releases" - | find "$TMP_APT_ROOT/pool" -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d | while read reldir; do pkg_to_remove=$(( $(ls "$reldir"/*.deb | wc -l) - 1 )) [ $pkg_to_remove -le 0 ] && continue ls "$reldir"/*.deb | sort -V | head -n$pkg_to_remove | xargs rm -f done - echo "-- Updating Packages files" - | echo "stable\noldstable" | while read distro; do echo "main\ndev" | while read branch; do branch_dir="$TMP_APT_ROOT/pool/$distro/$branch" [ -d "$branch_dir" ] || continue dist_dir="$TMP_APT_ROOT/dists/$distro/$branch/all" mkdir -p "$dist_dir" pkg_file="$dist_dir/Packages" dpkg-scanpackages --arch all "$branch_dir" > "$pkg_file" sed -i "$pkg_file" -re "s|^Filename: $TMP_APT_ROOT/|Filename: |" cat "$pkg_file" | gzip -9 > "$pkg_file.gz" done done - echo "-- Updating Release files" - | add_hashes() { dist_dir=$1 hash_cmd=$2 hash_label=$3 echo "$hash_label:" find "$dist_dir" -name 'Packages*' | while read file; do basename="$(echo "$file" | sed -r -e "s|^$dist_dir/||")" hash="$($hash_cmd "$file" | cut -d" " -f1)" size="$(wc -c < $file)" echo " $hash $size $basename" echo " $hash $size $(echo $basename | sed -re 's|/all/|/binary-i386/|')" echo " $hash $size $(echo $basename | sed -re 's|/all/|/binary-amd64/|')" echo " $hash $size $(echo $basename | sed -re 's|/all/|/binary-armel/|')" echo " $hash $size $(echo $basename | sed -re 's|/all/|/binary-armhf/|')" echo " $hash $size $(echo $basename | sed -re 's|/all/|/binary-arm64/|')" done } echo "stable\noldstable" | while read distro; do dist_dir="$TMP_APT_ROOT/dists/$distro" components=$(find "$dist_dir" -name Packages | awk -F '/' '{print $(NF-2)}' | uniq | tr '\n' ' ') release_file="$dist_dir/Release" cat <<EOF > "$release_file" Origin: Platypush repository Label: Platypush Suite: $distro Codename: $distro Architectures: i386 amd64 armel armhf arm64 Components: $components Description: The official APT repository for Platypush Date: $(date -Ru) EOF add_hashes "$dist_dir" "md5sum" "MD5Sum" >> "$release_file" add_hashes "$dist_dir" "sha1sum" "SHA1" >> "$release_file" add_hashes "$dist_dir" "sha256sum" "SHA256" >> "$release_file" done - echo "-- Importing and refreshing PGP key" - echo "$PGP_PUBKEY" > "$TMP_APT_ROOT/pubkey.txt" - export PGP_KEYID=$(echo "$PGP_PUBKEY" | gpg --with-colons --import-options show-only --import --fingerprint | grep -e '^fpr:' | head -1 | awk -F ':' '{print $(NF - 1)}') - | cat <<EOF | gpg --import --armor $PGP_PRIVKEY EOF - echo "-- Signing Release files" - | find "$TMP_APT_ROOT/dists" -type f -name Release | while read file; do dirname="$(dirname "$file")" cat "$file" | gpg -q --default-key "$PGP_KEYID" -abs > "$file.gpg" cat "$file" | gpg -q --default-key "$PGP_KEYID" -abs --clearsign > "$dirname/InRelease" done - echo "-- Updating the apt repo root on S3" - export OLD_APT_ROOT="$BUCKET_MNT/oldapt" - | if [ ! -d "$OLD_APT_ROOT" ]; then mv "$APT_ROOT" "$OLD_APT_ROOT" mv "$TMP_APT_ROOT" "$APT_ROOT" rm -rf "$OLD_APT_ROOT" fi ### ### Update the RPM (stable) packages ### - name: update-rpm-repo image: fedora privileged: true # Required to use the FUSE module for s3fs environment: RPM_VERSION: stable WORKDIR: /tmp/workdir PKG_NAME: platypush S3_BUCKET: platypush-pkg BUCKET_MNT: /mnt/s3 AWS_ENDPOINT_URL: https://s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: nl-ams AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: from_secret: aws_access_key_id AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key PGP_PUBKEY: from_secret: rpm_pgp_pub_key PGP_PRIVKEY: from_secret: rpm_pgp_priv_key when: branch: - master event: - push depends_on: - build-ui commands: - echo "-- Installing dependencies" - yum install -y createrepo rpm-build rpm-sign gpg wget yum-utils git python python-pip s3fs-fuse - echo "-- Copying source directory" - mkdir -p "$WORKDIR" - export SRCDIR="$WORKDIR/src" - cp -r "$PWD" "$SRCDIR" - cd "$SRCDIR" - echo "-- Mounting the S3 bucket" - mkdir -p "$BUCKET_MNT" - s3fs "$S3_BUCKET" "$BUCKET_MNT" -o url="$AWS_ENDPOINT_URL" - export RPM_ROOT="$BUCKET_MNT/rpm" - mkdir -p "$RPM_ROOT" - echo "--- Parsing metadata" - git config --global --add safe.directory $PWD - git pull --rebase origin master --tags - export VERSION=$(python3 setup.py --version) - export RELNUM=$(git log --pretty=oneline HEAD...v$VERSION | wc -l) - export SPECFILE="$WORKDIR/$PKG_NAME.spec" - export BUILD_DIR="$WORKDIR/build" - export TMP_RPM_ROOT="$WORKDIR/repo" - export SRC_URL="https://git.platypush.tech/platypush/platypush/archive/master.tar.gz" - echo "--- Creating git package spec" - | cat <<EOF > $SPECFILE Summary: Universal command executor and automation hub. Name: $PKG_NAME-git Version: $VERSION Release: $RELNUM URL: https://platypush.tech Group: System License: MIT Packager: Fabio Manganiello <fabio@platypush.tech> Source: $SRC_URL Requires: $(cat platypush/install/requirements/fedora.txt | tr '\n' ' ') Conflicts: $PKG_NAME Prefix: %{_prefix} BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root %description Universal command executor and automation hub. %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/ cp -r "$BUILD_DIR"/* %{buildroot}/ %clean %files /usr/bin/* /usr/lib/python$(python3 --version | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d. -f 1,2)/site-packages/platypush /usr/lib/python$(python3 --version | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d. -f 1,2)/site-packages/platypush-$VERSION.dist-info %changelog * $(date +'%a %b %d %Y') admin <admin@platypush.tech> - [Automatic] Release $VERSION-$RELNUM EOF - echo "--- Building git package" - mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR" - pip install --prefix="$BUILD_DIR/usr" --no-cache --no-deps . - rpmbuild --target "noarch" -bb "$SPECFILE" - echo "--- Copying the new RPM package" - mkdir -p "$TMP_RPM_ROOT" - cp "$HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/$PKG_NAME-git-$VERSION-$RELNUM.noarch.rpm" "$TMP_RPM_ROOT" - echo "--- Checking the latest released stable version" - export LATEST_STABLE_PKG=$(ls -rt "$RPM_ROOT/$PKG_NAME"*.rpm 2>/dev/null | grep -v "$PKG_NAME-git" | tail -1) - | if [ -z "$LATEST_STABLE_PKG" ]; then # If not stable release is available, then create one export UPDATE_STABLE_PKG=1 else # Otherwise, create a new release if the reported version on the repo is different # from the latest released version. export LATEST_STABLE_VERSION=$(basename $LATEST_STABLE_PKG | cut -d- -f 2) if [ "$VERSION" != "$LATEST_STABLE_VERSION" ]; then export UPDATE_STABLE_PKG=1 else # If the version has remained the same, then simply copy the existing RPM to the # new repository directory. echo "Copying the existing release $LATEST_STABLE_VERSION to the new repository" cp "$LATEST_STABLE_PKG" "$TMP_RPM_ROOT" fi fi # If a new stable release is required, build another RPM - | if [ -n "$UPDATE_STABLE_PKG" ]; then export RELNUM=1 export SRC_URL="https://git.platypush.tech/platypush/platypush/archive/v$VERSION.tar.gz" cat <<EOF > $SPECFILE Summary: Universal command executor and automation hub. Name: $PKG_NAME Version: $VERSION Release: $RELNUM URL: https://platypush.tech Group: System License: MIT Packager: Fabio Manganiello <fabio@platypush.tech> Source: $SRC_URL Requires: $(cat platypush/install/requirements/fedora.txt | tr '\n' ' ') Conflicts: $PKG_NAME-git Prefix: %{_prefix} BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root %description Universal command executor and automation hub. %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/ cp -r "$BUILD_DIR"/* %{buildroot}/ %clean %files /usr/bin/* /usr/lib/python$(python3 --version | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d. -f 1,2)/site-packages/platypush /usr/lib/python$(python3 --version | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d. -f 1,2)/site-packages/platypush-$VERSION.dist-info %changelog * $(date +'%a %b %d %Y') admin <admin@platypush.tech> - [Automatic] Release $VERSION-$RELNUM EOF echo "--- Building package for stable release $VERSION" rpmbuild --target "noarch" -bb "$SPECFILE" cp "$HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/$PKG_NAME-$VERSION-$RELNUM.noarch.rpm" "$TMP_RPM_ROOT" fi - echo "--- Importing the repository keys" - | cat <<EOF | gpg --import --armor $PGP_PRIVKEY EOF - export PGP_KEYID=$(echo "$PGP_PUBKEY" | gpg --with-colons --import-options show-only --import --fingerprint | grep -e '^fpr:' | head -1 | awk -F ':' '{print $(NF - 1)}') - | cat <<EOF > $HOME/.rpmmacros %signature gpg %_gpg_name $PGP_KEYID EOF - echo "--- Signing the new RPM packages" - rpm --addsign "$TMP_RPM_ROOT"/*.rpm - echo "--- Creating a new copy of the RPM repository" - createrepo "$TMP_RPM_ROOT" - gpg --detach-sign --armor "$TMP_RPM_ROOT/repodata/repomd.xml" - echo "--- Updating the S3 bucket" - export NEW_RPM_ROOT="$BUCKET_MNT/rpm_new" - export OLD_RPM_ROOT="$BUCKET_MNT/rpm_old" - cp -r "$TMP_RPM_ROOT" "$NEW_RPM_ROOT" - rm -rf "$TMP_RPM_ROOT" - mv "$RPM_ROOT" "$OLD_RPM_ROOT" - mv "$NEW_RPM_ROOT" "$RPM_ROOT" - rm -rf "$OLD_RPM_ROOT" ### ### Updates the pip package upon new releases ### - name: update-pip-package image: python:3.11-alpine environment: TWINE_USERNAME: from_secret: pypi_user TWINE_PASSWORD: from_secret: pypi_pass when: event: - tag depends_on: - tests - docs commands: - apk add --update --no-cache py3-twine - python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel - twine upload dist/platypush-$(python setup.py --version).tar.gz ### ### Checkpoint step that waits for all the package update ### steps to complete before proceeding to the next steps. ### - name: wait-pkg-update image: alpine when: branch: - master event: - push depends_on: - update-arch-packages - update-rpm-repo - update-apt-repo commands: - echo "All packages have been successfully updated" ### ### Notifies about a new release ### - name: notify-release image: python:3.11-alpine environment: WORKER_RPC_SECRET: from_secret: worker_rpc_secret when: event: - tag depends_on: - update-pip-package commands: - apk add --update --no-cache curl - | curl --silent -XPOST \ -H "X-Token: $WORKER_RPC_SECRET" \ "https://worker.ci-cd.platypush.tech/hook/notify-platypush-release?version=$(python setup.py --version)" ### ### Notifies about a change in the CI/CD build status ### - name: notify-build-status image: alpine environment: WORKER_RPC_SECRET: from_secret: worker_rpc_secret when: branch: - master event: - push status: - success - failure depends_on: - wait-pkg-update commands: - apk add --update --no-cache curl - | curl --silent -XPOST \ -H "X-Token: $WORKER_RPC_SECRET" \ "https://worker.ci-cd.platypush.tech/hook/notify-platypush-build?status=$DRONE_BUILD_STATUS"