from abc import ABC, abstractclassmethod from logging import getLogger from threading import RLock, Thread from typing import Any, Generator, Iterable, Optional, Union from typing_extensions import override from redis import ConnectionError as RedisConnectionError from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.websocket import WebSocketHandler from platypush.config import Config from platypush.utils import get_redis logger = getLogger(__name__) def pubsub_redis_topic(topic: str) -> str: return f'_platypush/{Config.get("device_id")}/{topic}' # type: ignore class WSRoute(WebSocketHandler, Thread, ABC): """ Base class for Tornado websocket endpoints. """ def __init__(self, *args, redis_topics: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._redis_topics = set(redis_topics or []) self._sub = get_redis().pubsub() self._io_loop = IOLoop.current() self._sub_lock = RLock() @override def open(self, *_, **__):'Started websocket connection with %s', self.request.remote_ip) = f'ws:{self.app_name()}@{self.request.remote_ip}' self.start() @override def data_received(self, *_, **__): pass @override def on_message(self, *_, **__): pass @abstractclassmethod def app_name(cls) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def path(cls) -> str: return f'/ws/{cls.app_name()}' def subscribe(self, *topics: str) -> None: with self._sub_lock: for topic in topics: self._sub.subscribe(topic) self._redis_topics.add(topic) def unsubscribe(self, *topics: str) -> None: with self._sub_lock: for topic in topics: if topic in self._redis_topics: self._sub.unsubscribe(topic) self._redis_topics.remove(topic) def listen(self) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: try: for msg in self._sub.listen(): if ( msg.get('type') != 'message' and msg.get('channel').decode() not in self._redis_topics ): continue yield msg.get('data') except RedisConnectionError: return def send(self, msg: Union[str, bytes]) -> None: self._io_loop.asyncio_loop.call_soon_threadsafe( # type: ignore self.write_message, msg ) @override def run(self) -> None: super().run() for topic in self._redis_topics: self._sub.subscribe(topic) @override def on_close(self): topics = self._redis_topics.copy() for topic in topics: self.unsubscribe(topic) self._sub.close() 'Websocket connection to %s closed, reason=%s, message=%s', self.request.remote_ip, self.close_code, self.close_reason, )