import os import pathlib import secrets import threading from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count from typing import Mapping, Optional from platypush.backend import Backend from import application from import events_redis_topic from platypush.backend.http.wsgi import WSGIApplicationWrapper from platypush.bus.redis import RedisBus from platypush.config import Config from platypush.utils import get_redis class HttpBackend(Backend): """ The HTTP backend is a general-purpose web server. Example configuration: .. code-block:: yaml backend.http: # Default HTTP listen port port: 8008 # External folders that will be exposed over `/resources/` resource_dirs: photos: /mnt/hd/photos videos: /mnt/hd/videos music: /mnt/hd/music You can leverage this backend: * To execute Platypush commands via HTTP calls. In order to do so: * Register a user to Platypush through the web panel (usually served on ``http://host:8008/``). * Generate a token for your user, either through the web panel (Settings -> Generate Token) or via API: .. code-block:: shell curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d ' { "username": "$YOUR_USER", "password": "$YOUR_PASSWORD" }' http://host:8008/auth * Execute actions through the ``/execute`` endpoint: .. code-block:: shell curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_TOKEN" -d ' { "type": "request", "action": "tts.say", "args": { "text": "This is a test" } }' http://host:8008/execute * To interact with your system (and control plugins and backends) through the Platypush web panel, by default available on ``http://host:8008/``. Any configured plugin that has an available panel plugin will be automatically added to the web panel. * To display a fullscreen dashboard with custom widgets. * Widgets are available as Vue.js components under ``platypush/backend/http/webapp/src/components/widgets``. * Explore their options (some may require some plugins or backends to be configured in order to work) and create a new dashboard template under ``~/.config/platypush/dashboards``- e.g. ``main.xml``: .. code-block:: xml * The dashboard will be accessible under ``http://host:8008/dashboard/``, where ``name=main`` if for example you stored your template under ``~/.config/platypush/dashboards/main.xml``. * To expose custom endpoints that can be called as web hooks by other applications and run some custom logic. All you have to do in this case is to create a hook on a :class:`platypush.message.event.http.hook.WebhookEvent` with the endpoint that you want to expose and store it under e.g. ``~/.config/platypush/scripts/``: .. code-block:: python from platypush.context import get_plugin from platypush.event.hook import hook from platypush.message.event.http.hook import WebhookEvent hook_token = 'abcdefabcdef' # Expose the hook under the /hook/lights_toggle endpoint @hook(WebhookEvent, hook='lights_toggle') def lights_toggle(event, **context): # Do any checks on the request assert event.headers.get('X-Token') == hook_token, 'Unauthorized' # Run some actions lights = get_plugin('light.hue') lights.toggle() Any plugin can register custom routes under ``platypush/backend/http/app/routes/plugins``. Any additional route is managed as a Flask blueprint template and the `.py` module can expose lists of routes to the main webapp through the ``__routes__`` object (a list of Flask blueprints). Security: Access to the endpoints requires at least one user to be registered. Access to the endpoints is regulated in the following ways (with the exception of event hooks, whose logic is up to the user): * **Simple authentication** - i.e. registered username and password. * **JWT token** provided either over as ``Authorization: Bearer`` header or ``GET`` ``?token=`` parameter. A JWT token can be generated either through the web panel or over the ``/auth`` endpoint. * **Global platform token**, usually configured on the root of the ``config.yaml`` as ``token: ``. It can provided either over on the ``X-Token`` header or as a ``GET`` ``?token=`` parameter. * **Session token**, generated upon login, it can be used to authenticate requests through the ``Cookie`` header (cookie name: ``session_token``). """ _DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 8008 def __init__( self, port: int = _DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, bind_address: str = '', resource_dirs: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, secret_key_file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param port: Listen port for the web server (default: 8008) :param bind_address: Address/interface to bind to (default:, accept connection from any IP) :param resource_dirs: Static resources directories that will be accessible through ``/resources/``. It is expressed as a map where the key is the relative path under ``/resources`` to expose and the value is the absolute path to expose. :param secret_key_file: Path to the file containing the secret key that will be used by Flask (default: ``~/.local/share/platypush/flask.secret.key``). """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.port = port self.server_proc = None self._service_registry_thread = None self.bind_address = bind_address if resource_dirs: self.resource_dirs = { name: os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(d)) for name, d in resource_dirs.items() } else: self.resource_dirs = {} self.secret_key_file = os.path.expanduser( secret_key_file or os.path.join(Config.get('workdir'), 'flask.secret.key') # type: ignore ) self.local_base_url = f'http://localhost:{self.port}' def send_message(self, *_, **__): self.logger.warning('Use cURL or any HTTP client to query the HTTP backend') def on_stop(self): """On backend stop""" super().on_stop()'Received STOP event on HttpBackend') if self.server_proc: self.server_proc.terminate() self.server_proc.join(timeout=10) if self.server_proc.is_alive(): self.server_proc.kill() if self.server_proc.is_alive(): 'HTTP server process may be still alive at termination' ) else:'HTTP server process terminated') if self._service_registry_thread and self._service_registry_thread.is_alive(): self._service_registry_thread.join(timeout=5) self._service_registry_thread = None def notify_web_clients(self, event): """Notify all the connected web clients (over websocket) of a new event""" get_redis().publish(events_redis_topic, str(event)) def _get_secret_key(self, _create=False): if _create:'Creating web server secret key') pathlib.Path(self.secret_key_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(self.secret_key_file, 'w') as f: f.write(secrets.token_urlsafe(32)) os.chmod(self.secret_key_file, 0o600) return secrets.token_urlsafe(32) try: with open(self.secret_key_file, 'r') as f: return except IOError as e: if not _create: return self._get_secret_key(_create=True) raise e def _web_server_proc(self): def proc():'Starting local web server on port %s', self.port) assert isinstance( self.bus, RedisBus ), 'The HTTP backend only works if backed by a Redis bus' application.config['redis_queue'] = self.bus.redis_queue application.secret_key = self._get_secret_key() kwargs = { 'bind': f'{self.bind_address}:{self.port}', 'workers': (cpu_count() * 2) + 1, 'worker_class_str': f'{__package__}.app.UvicornWorker', 'timeout': 30, } WSGIApplicationWrapper(f'{__package__}.app:application', kwargs).run() return proc def _register_service(self): try: self.register_service(port=self.port) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('Could not register the Zeroconf service') self.logger.exception(e) def _start_zeroconf_service(self): self._service_registry_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._register_service, name='ZeroconfService', ) self._service_registry_thread.start() def _run_web_server(self): self.server_proc = Process(target=self._web_server_proc(), name='WebServer') self.server_proc.start() self.server_proc.join() def run(self): super().run() self._start_zeroconf_service() self._run_web_server() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: