require "../spec_helper" describe GistParams do it "extracts params from the gist url" do url = "" params = GistParams.extract_from_url(url) eq("1D") params.filename.should eq("example.txt") end describe "when gist file has a file extension" do it "extracts params from the gist url" do url = "" params = GistParams.extract_from_url(url) eq("1d") end end describe "when no file param exists" do it "does not extract a filename" do url = "" params = GistParams.extract_from_url(url) eq("1D") params.filename.should be_nil end end describe "when the URL is not a gist URL" do it "raises a MissingGistId exeption" do url = "" expect_raises(GistParams::MissingGistId, message: "") do GistParams.extract_from_url(url) end end end end