class Home::IndexPage < MainLayout def page_title "Scribe" end def content h1 "Scribe" article do section do h2 "How-To" para do text "To view a Medium post simply replace " code "", class: "highlight" text " with " code app_domain, class: "highlight" end para do text "For example if the URL is: " code do span "", class: "highlight" text "/@user/my-post-09a6af907a2" end text " change it to " code do span app_domain, class: "highlight" text "/@user/my-post-09a6af907a2" end end end section do footer do para do a "Source code", href: "" end end end end end def app_domain URI.parse(Home::Index.url).normalize .to_s .sub(/\/$/, "") .sub(/^https?:\/\//, "") end end