struct StringSplit getter pre, content, post def initialize(@pre : String, @content : String, @post : String) end end class MarkupConverter include Nodes getter markups : Array(PostResponse::Markup) getter text : String def self.convert(text : String, markups : Array(PostResponse::Markup)) new(text, markups).convert end def initialize(@text : String, @markups : Array(PostResponse::Markup)) end def convert : Array(Child) if markups.empty? return [ text)] of Child end offset = 0 text_splits = markups.reduce([text]) do |splits, markup| individual_split = split_string(markup.start - offset, markup.end - offset, splits.pop) offset = markup.end splits.push(individual_split.pre) splits.push(individual_split.content) splits.push( end text_splits.in_groups_of(2, "").map_with_index do |split, index| plain, to_be_marked = split markup = markups.fetch(index,"")) if markup.is_a?(Text) [] of Child else case markup.type when PostResponse::MarkupType::A if href = markup.href container = [] of Child, href: href) elsif userId = markup.userId container = [] of Child, userId: userId) else container = end when PostResponse::MarkupType::CODE container = construct_markup(text: to_be_marked, container: Code) when PostResponse::MarkupType::EM container = construct_markup(text: to_be_marked, container: Emphasis) when PostResponse::MarkupType::STRONG container = construct_markup(text: to_be_marked, container: Strong) else container = construct_markup(text: to_be_marked, container: Code) end [, container] of Child end end.flatten.reject(&.empty?) end private def construct_markup(text : String, container : Container.class) : Child [ text)] of Child) end private def split_string(start : Int32, finish : Int32, string : String) if pre = "" else pre = string[0...start] end if finish == string.size post = "" else post = string[finish...string.size] end content = string[start...finish], content, post) end end