class Home::IndexPage < MainLayout def page_title "Scribe" end def content h1 "Scribe" h2 "An alternative frontend to Medium" para do a( "Here's an example", href: "/@ftrain/big-data-small-effort-b62607a43a8c" ) end article do section do h2 "How-To" para do text "To view a Medium post simply replace " code "", class: "highlight" text " with " code app_domain, class: "highlight" end para do text "If the URL is: " code do span "", class: "highlight" text "/@user/my-post-09a6af907a2" end text " change it to " code do span app_domain, class: "highlight" text "/@user/my-post-09a6af907a2" end end end section do h2 "How-To Automatically" para do text "If you don't want to manually change the URL every time, you can use an extension to do it for you. " a "This extension", href: "" text " works well across most browsers." end para "Once installed, create a new redirect with the following settings:" ul do li do strong "Description: " code "Medium -> Scribe" end li do strong "Example URL: " code "" end li do strong "Include pattern: " code "^https?://(?:.*\\.)*(?