class Home::IndexPage < MainLayout def page_title "Scribe" end def content post_id = "92f4e0bb9f53" post_slug = "my-post-#{post_id}" h1 "Scribe" h2 "How-To" article do section do para "To view a medium post, you need the last part of the post's URL." para do text "For example if the URL is: " code "{post_slug}" text " or " code "{post_slug}" text " or " code "{post_slug}" end para do text " take " code post_slug text " and add it on to the end of Scribe's post URL: " end para do code Articles::Show.with(post_slug: post_slug).url end end section do para do text "Hint: If you're feeling lazy, the URL only needs to be the nonsense at the end of the post URL. E.g. " code Articles::Show.with(post_slug: post_id).url end end end end end