# theremin This is a [theremin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theremin) synth emulator written in Python that leverages a [Leap Motion](https://www.leapmotion.com/) device as a controller for pitch, timber and volume. Make music waving your hands: now you can. ## Installation You'll need a [Leap Motion](https://www.leapmotion.com/) device and the [Leap Motion SDK](https://developer-archive.leapmotion.com/documentation/python/index.html) installed. You'll need in particular the `Leap.py` script to be somewhere in your Python libpath as well as the `leapd` executable from the SDK. You'll ealso need the [PYO](https://github.com/belangeo/pyo) DSP module installed: ```bash pip install pyo ``` Finally, clone and install this repo: ```bash git clone https://github.com/BlackLight/theremin cd theremin [sudo] python setup.py install ``` ## Usage Plug your Leap Motion, start the `leapd` daemon and make sure that your device is detected: ```bash [sudo] leapd & ``` Start the theremin: ```bash theremin ``` Move your hands and enjoy the fun! You can set the pitch of the sound by moving your right hand up and down, while the height of the left hand will set the volume. Use the `--left-handed` option to invert the order. ## Options ``` usage: theremin [-h] [--list-audio-outputs] [--list-leap-motions] [--audio-output AUDIO_OUTPUT] [--audio-backend AUDIO_BACKEND] [--channels CHANNELS] [--discrete] [--left-handed] [--generator GENERATOR] [--min-frequency MIN_FREQUENCY] [--max-frequency MAX_FREQUENCY] [--min-note MIN_NOTE] [--max-note MAX_NOTE] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --list-audio-outputs, -l List the available audio output devices --list-leap-motions, -L List the available Leap Motion devices --audio-output AUDIO_OUTPUT, -o AUDIO_OUTPUT Select an output audio device by index (see -l) --audio-backend AUDIO_BACKEND, -b AUDIO_BACKEND Select the audio backend (default: portaudio). Supported: {"portaudio", "jack", "coreaudio"} --channels CHANNELS, -c CHANNELS Number of audio channels (default: 2) --discrete, -d If set then discrete notes will be generated instead of samples over a continuous frequency space (default: false) --left-handed If set then the pitch control will be on the left hand and the volume control on theright hand. Otherwise, the controls are inverted (default: false) --generator GENERATOR, -g GENERATOR Wave generator to be used. See http://ajaxsoundstudio. com/pyodoc/api/classes/generators.html. Default: SineLoop --min-frequency MIN_FREQUENCY Minimum audio frequency (default: 55 Hz) --max-frequency MAX_FREQUENCY Maximum audio frequency (default: 10 kHz) --min-note MIN_NOTE Minimum MIDI note, as a string (e.g. A4) --max-note MAX_NOTE Maximum MIDI note, as a string (e.g. A4) ```