#!/bin/bash ######################### # Shared constants export GREEN='\033[0;32m' export RED='\033[0;31m' export WHITE='\033[0;37m' export NORMAL='\033[0m' ######################### ############################################ # Default values for configuration variables export default_imgfile=arch.img export default_architecture=x86_64 export default_disk_size=8G export default_memory=2048 export default_hostname=qemu export default_root_password=root export default_username=user export default_user_password=password export default_timezone=UTC export default_locale=en_US.UTF-8 export default_img_download_page='http://mirror.cj2.nl/archlinux/iso/latest/' export isofile=archlinux-latest.iso ############################################ ################ # install script # Shared variables imgfile= architecture= disk_size= memory= hostname= root_password= username= user_password= timezone= locale="$default_locale" img_download_page="$default_img_download_page" function install_usage() { echo "Install an Arch Linux system on a QEMU disk image" echo echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") install [-o ] [-a ] [-s ]" echo -e "\t[-m ] [-h ] [-P ] [-u ]" echo -e "\t[-p ] [-z ] [-l ] [-M ]" echo echo -e "-o\t\t\tPath of the output disk image (default: ./arch.img)" echo -e "-a\t\t\t\tTarget architecture (default: x86_64)" echo -e "-s\t\t\t\tDisk size (default: 8G)" echo -e "-m\t\t\t\tRAM size in KB (default: 2048)" echo -e "-h\t\t\t\tVM hostname (default: qemu)" echo -e "-P\t\t\t\tRoot password. If not specified it will be prompted" echo -e "-u\t\t\tUsername for the main non-root user" echo -e "-p\t\tPassword for the non-root user. If not specified it will be prompted" echo -e "-z\t\t\t\tSystem timezone (default: UTC)" echo -e "-l\t\t\t\tSystem locale (default: en_US.UTF-8)" echo -e "-M\t\t\tArch Linux download mirror URL (default: http://mirror.cj2.nl/archlinux/iso/latest/)" echo -e "\t\t\t\t\tConsult https://archlinux.org/download/ for a full list of the available download mirrors." echo echo "If you want to install an extra list of packages besides the default ones, then" echo "specify them in a file named PKGLIST in the same directory as the disk image file." echo echo "If you want to run a custom post-installation script after the core system has been" echo "installed, then create a custom script named post-install.sh in the same directory as" echo "the disk image file". exit 1 } function download_latest_arch_iso() { latest_iso=$( curl -s "$img_download_page" | grep -e '' | head -1 | sed -r -e 's/^.*.*/\1/' ) if [ ! -f "$latest_iso" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Downloading the latest Arch Linux ISO image${NORMAL}" rm -f archlinux*.iso curl -o "${latest_iso}" "${img_download_page}/${latest_iso}" ln -sf "$latest_iso" "$isofile" else echo -e "${GREEN}Latest Arch Linux image already downloaded${NORMAL}" fi } function create_disk_image() { # Create a backing COW image # qemu-img create -o backing_file="$imgfile",backing_fmt=raw -f qcow2 img1.cow if [ ! -f "$imgfile" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Creating base disk image${NORMAL}" qemu-img create -f raw "$imgfile" $disk_size else echo -e "${RED}The base disk image file $imgfile already exists.${NORMAL}" echo -e "${RED}Remove it and re-run this script if you intend to run a new fresh installation.${NORMAL}" fi } function _get_ssh_key_name() { keyfiles=$(cat < "$logfile" expect <> /mnt/etc/fstab\r" expect \$prompt # chroot to the newly installed system send -- "arch-chroot /mnt\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Set the timezone and sync the clock send -- "ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$timezone /etc/localtime\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- "hwclock --systohc\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Configure localization send -- "echo $locale UTF-8 >> /etc/locale.gen\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- "locale-gen\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- "echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Set the hostname send -- "echo $hostname > /etc/hostname\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Generate /etc/hosts send -- "echo -e ' localhost\\n::1 localhost' >> /etc/hosts\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Generate the initpcio send -- "mkinitcpio -P\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Update the keyring # This may currently currently take a long time # see https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/rbjbcr/pacman_keyring_update_taking_too_long/ send -- "pacman-key --init\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- "pacman-key --populate archlinux\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- "pacman-key --refresh-keys\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # As a workaround, you can temporarily disable signature check on pacman.conf #send -- "cp /etc/pacman.conf /etc/pacman.conf.orig\r" #expect \$chroot_prompt #send -- "sed -i /etc/pacman.conf -r -e 's/^(SigLevel\\\\s*=\\\\s*).*$/\\\\1 Never/g'\r" #expect \$chroot_prompt # Install extra packages send -- {echo "$packages" | pacman -S --noconfirm -} send -- "\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Install syslinux send -- "pacman -S --noconfirm syslinux\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- "syslinux-install_update -i -a -m\r" #expect \$chroot_prompt #send -- "dd bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc if=/usr/lib/syslinux/bios/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- "sed -i /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg -e '1i SERIAL 0 115200'\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- "sed -i /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg -e 's|APPEND root=/dev/sda3|APPEND console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sda1|g'\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Restore the original pacman.conf send -- "mv /etc/pacman.conf.orig /etc/pacman.conf\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Set the root password send -- "passwd\r" expect "New password: " send -- "$root_password\r" expect "Retype new password: " send -- "$root_password\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Create a non-admin user send -- "useradd -d /home/$username -m $username\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- "passwd $username\r" expect "New password: " send -- "$user_password\r" expect "Retype new password: " send -- "$user_password\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Enable the dhcpcd service send -- "ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/dhcpcd.service\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Enable and configure the SSH daemon send -- "ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/sshd.service\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- "cat <<_EOF_ >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes _EOF_ " expect \$chroot_prompt # Copy the user SSH key send -- "mkdir -p /home/$username/.ssh\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- {echo "$ssh_pubkey" >> "/home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys"} send -- "\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- {echo "$ssh_privkey" > "/home/$username/.ssh/$(basename $ssh_keyfile)"} send -- "\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- {chmod 0600 "/home/$username/.ssh/$(basename $ssh_keyfile)"} send -- "\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- {echo "$ssh_pubkey" > "/home/$username/.ssh/$(basename $ssh_keyfile).pub"} send -- "\r" expect \$chroot_prompt send -- {chown -R $username "/home/$username/.ssh"} send -- "\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Run any post-install scripts send -- {$post_install} send -- "\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Clear the pacman cache send -- "rm -rf /var/cache/pacman/pkg/*\r" expect \$chroot_prompt # Exit and shutdown send -- "exit\r" expect \$prompt send -- "umount /mnt\r" expect \$prompt send -- "shutdown -h now\r" expect eof system {echo -e "\n${GREEN}Arch Linux system installed under ${imgfile}${NORMAL}"} EOF echo "--- Log closed at $(date)" >> "$logfile" } function install() { optstring=':o:a:s:m:h:P:u:p:z:l:M:' [[ "$1" == '--help' ]] && install_usage while getopts ${optstring} arg; do case ${arg} in o) imgfile="${OPTARG}";; a) architecture="${OPTARG}";; s) disk_size="${OPTARG}";; m) memory="${OPTARG}";; h) hostname="${OPTARG}";; P) root_password="${OPTARG}";; u) username="${OPTARG}";; p) user_password="${OPTARG}";; z) timezone="${OPTARG}";; l) locale="${OPTARG}";; M) img_download_page="${OPTARG}";; ?) echo "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}" >&2 install_usage;; esac done [ -z "$imgfile" ] && read -p "Output disk image file [$default_imgfile]: " imgfile [ -z "$architecture" ] && read -p "Architecture [$default_architecture]: " architecture [ -z "$disk_size" ] && read -p "Disk size [$default_disk_size]: " disk_size [ -z "$memory" ] && read -p "Memory in KB [$default_memory]: " memory [ -z "$hostname" ] && read -p "Hostname [$default_hostname]: " hostname [ -z "$root_password" ] && read -sp "Root password [$default_root_password]: " root_password && echo [ -z "$username" ] && read -p "Non-admin username [$default_username]: " username [ -z "$user_password" ] && read -sp "Non-admin user password [$default_user_password]: " user_password && echo [ -z "$timezone" ] && read -p "Timezone [$default_timezone]: " timezone [ -z "$locale" ] && read -p "Locale [$default_locale]: " locale for var in imgfile \ architecture \ disk_size \ memory \ hostname \ root_password \ username \ user_password \ timezone \ locale do default_var=default_$var [ -z "${!var}" ] && declare ${var}=${!default_var} export $var done download_latest_arch_iso create_disk_image install_os } ################ ################## # Main script function usage() { actions=(install) cat < Run $(basename "$0") --help for more details. Available actions: $actions EOF exit 1 } function main() { action=$1 shift case "$action" in install) install $*;; *) usage;; esac } main $* ##################