import threading from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from queue import Queue from typing import Type class EndOfStream: pass class Worker(ABC, threading.Thread): """ Generic class for worker threads, used to split the execution of an action over multiple parallel instances. """ def __init__(self, request_queue: Queue, response_queue=Queue, id=None): """ :param request_queue: The worker will listen for messages to process over this queue :param response_queue: The worker will return responses over this queue """ super().__init__() self.request_queue = request_queue self.response_queue = response_queue self._id = id def run(self) -> None: """ The worker will run until it receives a :class:`EndOfStream` message on the queue. """ while True: msg = self.request_queue.get() if isinstance(msg, EndOfStream): break try: ret = self.process(msg) except Exception as e: ret = e if ret: # noinspection PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass self.response_queue.put(ret) @abstractmethod def process(self, msg): """ This method must be implemented by the derived classes. It will take as argument a message received over the `request_queue` and will return a value that will be processed by the consumer or None. If this function raises an exception then the exception will be pushed to the response queue and can be handled by the consumer. """ raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented by a derived class') def end_stream(self) -> None: """ This method will be called when we have no more messages to send to the worker. A special `EndOfStream` object will be sent on the `request_queue`. """ self.request_queue.put(EndOfStream()) class Workers: """ Model for a pool of workers. Syntax: .. code-block:: python class Squarer(Worker): def process(self, n): return n * n workers = Workers(5, Squarer) # Allocate 5 workers of type Squarer with workers: for n in range(100)): workers.put(n) print(workers.responses) """ def __init__(self, n_workers: int, worker_type: Type[Worker], *args, **kwargs): """ :param n_workers: Number of workers :param worker_type: Type of the workers that will be instantiated. Must be a subclass of :class:`Worker`. :param args: Extra args to pass to the `worker_type` constructor :param kwargs: Extra kwargs to pass to the `worker_type` constructor """ self.request_queue = Queue() self.response_queue = Queue() # noinspection PyArgumentList self._workers = [worker_type(self.request_queue, self.response_queue, id=i, *args, **kwargs) for i in range(n_workers)] self.responses = [] def start(self): for wrk in self._workers: wrk.start() def put(self, msg) -> None: """ Put a message on the `request_queue` """ self.request_queue.put(msg) def wait(self) -> list: """ Wait for the termination of all the workers :ret: A list containing the processed responses """ while self._workers: wrk = self._workers.pop() wrk.join() while not self.response_queue.empty(): self.responses.append(self.response_queue.get()) return self.responses def end_stream(self): """ Mark the termination of the stream by sending an :class:`EndOfStream` message on the `request_queue` for each of the running workers. """ for wrk in self._workers: wrk.end_stream() def __enter__(self): self.start() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.end_stream() self.wait() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: