import asyncio import datetime import json import logging import os import pathlib import re from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Coroutine from async_lru import alru_cache from nio import ( AsyncClient, AsyncClientConfig, CallAnswerEvent, CallHangupEvent, CallInviteEvent, DevicesError, Event, InviteNameEvent, JoinedRoomsError, KeyVerificationStart, KeyVerificationAccept, KeyVerificationMac, KeyVerificationKey, KeyVerificationCancel, LocalProtocolError, LoginResponse, MatrixRoom, MegolmEvent, ProfileGetResponse, RoomCreateEvent, RoomGetEventError, RoomGetStateError, RoomGetStateResponse, RoomMemberEvent, RoomMessageText, RoomMessageMedia, RoomTopicEvent, RoomUpgradeEvent, StickerEvent, ToDeviceError, UnknownEncryptedEvent, UnknownEvent, ) from nio.client.async_client import client_session from nio.exceptions import OlmUnverifiedDeviceError from platypush.config import Config from platypush.context import get_bus from platypush.message.event.matrix import ( MatrixCallAnswerEvent, MatrixCallHangupEvent, MatrixCallInviteEvent, MatrixEncryptedMessageEvent, MatrixMediaMessageEvent, MatrixMessageEvent, MatrixReactionEvent, MatrixRoomCreatedEvent, MatrixRoomInviteEvent, MatrixRoomJoinEvent, MatrixRoomLeaveEvent, MatrixRoomTopicChangedEvent, MatrixStickerEvent, ) from platypush.plugins import AsyncRunnablePlugin, action from platypush.schemas.matrix import ( MatrixDeviceSchema, MatrixEventIdSchema, MatrixProfileSchema, MatrixRoomSchema, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class Credentials: server_url: str user_id: str access_token: str device_id: str | None def to_dict(self) -> dict: return { 'server_url': self.server_url, 'user_id': self.user_id, 'access_token': self.access_token, 'device_id': self.device_id, } class MatrixClient(AsyncClient): def __init__( self, *args, credentials_file: str, store_path: str | None = None, config: AsyncClientConfig | None = None, autojoin_on_invite=True, **kwargs, ): credentials_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(credentials_file)) if not store_path: store_path = os.path.join(Config.get('workdir'), 'matrix', 'store') # type: ignore if store_path: store_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(store_path)) pathlib.Path(store_path).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if not config: config = AsyncClientConfig( max_limit_exceeded=0, max_timeouts=0, store_sync_tokens=True, encryption_enabled=True, ) super().__init__(*args, config=config, store_path=store_path, **kwargs) self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._credentials_file = credentials_file self._autojoin_on_invite = autojoin_on_invite self._first_sync_performed = asyncio.Event() async def _autojoin_room_callback(self, room: MatrixRoom, *_): await self.join(room.room_id) # type: ignore def _load_from_file(self): if not os.path.isfile(self._credentials_file): return try: with open(self._credentials_file, 'r') as f: credentials = json.load(f) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.logger.warning( 'Could not read credentials_file %s - overwriting it', self._credentials_file, ) return assert credentials.get('user_id'), 'Missing user_id' assert credentials.get('access_token'), 'Missing access_token' self.access_token = credentials['access_token'] self.user_id = credentials['user_id'] self.homeserver = credentials.get('server_url', self.homeserver) if credentials.get('device_id'): self.device_id = credentials['device_id'] self.load_store() async def login( self, password: str | None = None, device_name: str | None = None, token: str | None = None, ) -> LoginResponse: self._load_from_file() login_res = None if self.access_token: self.load_store() 'Logged in to %s as %s using the stored access token', self.homeserver, self.user_id, ) login_res = LoginResponse( user_id=self.user_id, device_id=self.device_id, access_token=self.access_token, ) else: assert self.user, 'No credentials file found and no user provided' login_args = {'device_name': device_name} if token: login_args['token'] = token else: assert ( password ), 'No credentials file found and no password nor access token provided' login_args['password'] = password login_res = await super().login(**login_args) assert isinstance(login_res, LoginResponse), f'Failed to login: {login_res}' credentials = Credentials( server_url=self.homeserver, user_id=login_res.user_id, access_token=login_res.access_token, device_id=login_res.device_id, ) with open(self._credentials_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(credentials.to_dict(), f) os.chmod(self._credentials_file, 0o600) if self.should_upload_keys:'Uploading encryption keys') await self.keys_upload()'Synchronizing rooms') self._first_sync_performed.clear() sync_token = self.loaded_sync_token self.loaded_sync_token = '' await self.sync(sync_filter={'room': {'timeline': {'limit': 1}}}) self._add_callbacks() self.loaded_sync_token = sync_token self._first_sync_performed.set()'Rooms synchronized') return login_res def _add_callbacks(self): self.add_event_callback(self._event_catch_all, Event) self.add_event_callback(self._on_invite, InviteNameEvent) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_room_message, RoomMessageText) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_media_message, RoomMessageMedia) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_room_member, RoomMemberEvent) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_room_topic_changed, RoomTopicEvent) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_call_invite, CallInviteEvent) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_call_answer, CallAnswerEvent) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_call_hangup, CallHangupEvent) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_sticker_message, StickerEvent) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_unknown_event, UnknownEvent) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_unknown_encrypted_event, UnknownEncryptedEvent) # type: ignore self.add_event_callback(self._on_unknown_encrypted_event, MegolmEvent) # type: ignore self.add_to_device_callback(self._on_key_verification_start, KeyVerificationStart) # type: ignore self.add_to_device_callback(self._on_key_verification_cancel, KeyVerificationCancel) # type: ignore self.add_to_device_callback(self._on_key_verification_key, KeyVerificationKey) # type: ignore self.add_to_device_callback(self._on_key_verification_mac, KeyVerificationMac) # type: ignore self.add_to_device_callback(self._on_key_verification_accept, KeyVerificationAccept) # type: ignore if self._autojoin_on_invite: self.add_event_callback(self._autojoin_room_callback, InviteNameEvent) # type: ignore @alru_cache(maxsize=500) @client_session async def get_profile(self, user_id: str | None = None) -> ProfileGetResponse: """ Cached version of get_profile. """ ret = await super().get_profile(user_id) assert isinstance( ret, ProfileGetResponse ), f'Could not retrieve profile for user {user_id}: {ret.message}' return ret @alru_cache(maxsize=500) @client_session async def room_get_state(self, room_id: str) -> RoomGetStateResponse: """ Cached version of room_get_state. """ ret = await super().room_get_state(room_id) assert isinstance( ret, RoomGetStateResponse ), f'Could not retrieve profile for room {room_id}: {ret.message}' return ret async def _event_base_args( self, room: MatrixRoom, event: Event | None = None ) -> dict: sender_id = event.sender if event else None sender = ( await self.get_profile(sender_id) if sender_id else None # type: ignore ) return { 'server_url': self.homeserver, 'sender_id': sender_id, 'sender_display_name': sender.displayname if sender else None, 'sender_avatar_url': sender.avatar_url if sender else None, 'room_id': room.room_id, 'room_name':, 'room_topic': room.topic, 'server_timestamp': ( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(event.server_timestamp / 1000) if event and getattr(event, 'server_timestamp', None) else None ), } async def _event_catch_all(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: Event): self.logger.debug('Received event on room %s: %r', room.room_id, event) async def _on_invite(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomMessageText): get_bus().post( MatrixRoomInviteEvent( **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), ) ) async def _on_room_message(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomMessageText): if self._first_sync_performed.is_set(): get_bus().post( MatrixMessageEvent( **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), body=event.body, ) ) async def _on_room_member(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomMemberEvent): evt_type = None if event.membership == 'join': evt_type = MatrixRoomJoinEvent elif event.membership == 'leave': evt_type = MatrixRoomLeaveEvent if evt_type and self._first_sync_performed.is_set(): get_bus().post( evt_type( **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), ) ) async def _on_room_topic_changed(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomTopicEvent): if self._first_sync_performed.is_set(): get_bus().post( MatrixRoomTopicChangedEvent( **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), topic=event.topic, ) ) async def _on_call_invite(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: CallInviteEvent): if self._first_sync_performed.is_set(): get_bus().post( MatrixCallInviteEvent( call_id=event.call_id, version=event.version, invite_validity=event.lifetime / 1000.0, sdp=event.offer.get('sdp'), **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), ) ) async def _on_call_answer(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: CallAnswerEvent): if self._first_sync_performed.is_set(): get_bus().post( MatrixCallAnswerEvent( call_id=event.call_id, version=event.version, sdp=event.answer.get('sdp'), **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), ) ) async def _on_call_hangup(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: CallHangupEvent): if self._first_sync_performed.is_set(): get_bus().post( MatrixCallHangupEvent( call_id=event.call_id, version=event.version, **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), ) ) async def _on_room_created(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomCreateEvent): get_bus().post( MatrixRoomCreatedEvent( **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), ) ) async def _on_media_message(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomMessageMedia): if self._first_sync_performed.is_set(): get_bus().post( MatrixMediaMessageEvent( url=event.url, **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), ) ) async def _on_sticker_message(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: StickerEvent): if self._first_sync_performed.is_set(): get_bus().post( MatrixStickerEvent( url=event.url, **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), ) ) async def _on_key_verification_start(self, event: KeyVerificationStart): assert self.olm, 'OLM state machine not initialized' self.olm.handle_key_verification(event)'Received a key verification request from {event.sender}') if 'emoji' not in event.short_authentication_string: self.logger.warning( 'Only emoji verification is supported, but the verifying device ' 'provided the following authentication methods: %r', event.short_authentication_string, ) return rs = await self.accept_key_verification(event.transaction_id) assert not isinstance( rs, ToDeviceError ), f'accept_key_verification failed: {rs}' sas = self.key_verifications[event.transaction_id] rs = await self.to_device(sas.share_key()) assert not isinstance(rs, ToDeviceError), f'Shared key exchange failed: {rs}' async def _on_key_verification_accept(self, event: KeyVerificationAccept):'Key verification from device %s accepted', event.sender) async def _on_key_verification_cancel(self, event: KeyVerificationCancel): 'The device %s cancelled a key verification request. ' 'Reason: %s', event.sender, event.reason, ) async def _on_key_verification_key(self, event: KeyVerificationKey): sas = self.key_verifications[event.transaction_id] 'Received emoji verification from device %s: %s', event.sender, sas.get_emoji(), ) # TODO Support user interaction instead of blindly confirming? # await asyncio.sleep(5) print('***** SENDING AUTH STRING') rs = await self.confirm_short_auth_string(event.transaction_id) assert not isinstance( rs, ToDeviceError ), f'confirm_short_auth_string failed: {rs}' async def _on_key_verification_mac(self, event: KeyVerificationMac):'Received MAC verification request from %s', event.sender) sas = self.key_verifications[event.transaction_id] try: mac = sas.get_mac() except LocalProtocolError as e: self.logger.warning( 'Verification from %s cancelled or unexpected protocol error. ' 'Reason: %s', e, event.sender, ) return rs = await self.to_device(mac) assert not isinstance( rs, ToDeviceError ), f'Sending of the verification MAC to {event.sender} failed: {rs}''This device has been successfully verified!') async def _on_room_upgrade(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomUpgradeEvent): 'The room %s has been moved to %s', room.room_id, event.replacement_room ) await self.room_leave(room.room_id) await self.join(event.replacement_room) async def _on_unknown_encrypted_event( self, room: MatrixRoom, event: UnknownEncryptedEvent | MegolmEvent ): body = getattr(event, 'ciphertext', '') get_bus().post( MatrixEncryptedMessageEvent( body=body, **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), ) ) async def _on_unknown_event(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: UnknownEvent): evt = None if event.type == 'm.reaction' and self._first_sync_performed.is_set(): # Get the ID of the event this was a reaction to relation_dict = event.source.get('content', {}).get('m.relates_to', {}) reacted_to = relation_dict.get('event_id') if reacted_to and relation_dict.get('rel_type') == 'm.annotation': event_response = await self.room_get_event(room.room_id, reacted_to) if isinstance(event_response, RoomGetEventError): self.logger.warning( 'Error getting event that was reacted to (%s)', reacted_to ) else: evt = MatrixReactionEvent( in_response_to_event_id=event_response.event.event_id, **(await self._event_base_args(room, event)), ) if evt: get_bus().post(evt) else: 'Received an unknown event on room %s: %r', room.room_id, event ) class MatrixPlugin(AsyncRunnablePlugin): """ Matrix chat integration. Requires: * **matrix-nio** (``pip install 'matrix-nio[e2e]'``) * **libolm** (on Debian ```apt-get install libolm-devel``, on Arch ``pacman -S libolm``) * **async_lru** (``pip install async_lru``) Note that ``libolm`` and the ``[e2e]`` module are only required if you want E2E encryption support. Triggers: * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixMessageEvent`: when a message is received. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixMediaMessageEvent`: when a media message is received. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomCreatedEvent`: when a room is created. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomJoinEvent`: when a user joins a room. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomLeaveEvent`: when a user leaves a room. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomInviteEvent`: when the user is invited to a room. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomTopicChangedEvent`: when the topic/title of a room changes. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixCallInviteEvent`: when the user is invited to a call. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixCallAnswerEvent`: when a called user wishes to pick the call. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixCallHangupEvent`: when a called user exits the call. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixStickerEvent`: when a sticker is sent to a room. * :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixEncryptedMessageEvent`: when a message is received but the client doesn't have the E2E keys to decrypt it, or encryption has not been enabled. """ def __init__( self, server_url: str = '', user_id: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, access_token: str | None = None, device_name: str | None = 'platypush', device_id: str | None = None, autojoin_on_invite: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Authentication requires user_id/password on the first login. Afterwards, session credentials are stored under ``<$PLATYPUSH_WORKDIR>/matrix/credentials.json`` (default: ``~/.local/share/platypush/matrix/credentials.json``), and you can remove the cleartext credentials from your configuration file. Otherwise, if you already have an ``access_token``, you can set the associated field instead of using ``password``. This may be required if the user has 2FA enabled. :param server_url: Default Matrix instance base URL (default: ````). :param user_id: user_id, in the format ````, or just the username if the account is hosted on the same server configured in the ``server_url``. :param password: User password. :param access_token: User access token. :param device_name: The name of this device/connection (default: ``platypush``). :param device_id: Use an existing ``device_id`` for the sessions. :param autojoin_on_invite: Whether the account should automatically join rooms upon invite. If false, then you may want to implement your own logic in an event hook when a :class:`platypush.message.event.matrix.MatrixRoomInviteEvent` event is received, and call the :meth:`.join` method if required. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if not (server_url.startswith('http://') or server_url.startswith('https://')): server_url = f'https://{server_url}' self._server_url = server_url server_name = self._server_url.split('/')[2].split(':')[0] if user_id and not re.match(user_id, '^@[a-zA-Z0-9.-_]+:.+'): user_id = f'@{user_id}:{server_name}' # self._matrix_proc: multiprocessing.Process | None = None self._user_id = user_id self._password = password self._access_token = access_token self._device_name = device_name self._device_id = device_id self._autojoin_on_invite = autojoin_on_invite self._workdir = os.path.join(Config.get('workdir'), 'matrix') # type: ignore self._credentials_file = os.path.join(self._workdir, 'credentials.json') self._processed_responses = {} self._client = self._get_client() pathlib.Path(self._workdir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def _get_client(self) -> AsyncClient: return MatrixClient( homeserver=self._server_url, user=self._user_id, credentials_file=self._credentials_file, autojoin_on_invite=self._autojoin_on_invite, device_id=self._device_id, ) async def _login(self) -> AsyncClient: if not self._client: self._client = self._get_client() await self._client.login( password=self._password, device_name=self._device_name, token=self._access_token, ) return self._client async def listen(self): while not self.should_stop(): await self._login() assert self._client try: await self._client.sync_forever(timeout=30000, full_state=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: try: await self._client.close() finally: self._client = None def _loop_execute(self, coro: Coroutine): assert self._loop, 'The loop is not running' try: ret = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self._loop).result() except OlmUnverifiedDeviceError as e: raise AssertionError(str(e)) if hasattr(ret, 'transport_response'): response = ret.transport_response assert response.ok, f'{coro} failed with status {response.status}' return ret @action def send_message( self, room_id: str, message_type: str = 'text', body: str | None = None, tx_id: str | None = None, ignore_unverified_devices: bool = False, ): """ Send a message to a room. :param room_id: Room ID. :param body: Message body. :param message_type: Message type. Supported: `text`, `audio`, `video`, `image`. Default: `text`. :param tx_id: Unique transaction ID to associate to this message. :param ignore_unverified_devices: If true, unverified devices will be ignored (default: False). :return: .. schema:: matrix.MatrixEventIdSchema """ assert self._client, 'Client not connected' assert self._loop, 'The loop is not running' ret = self._loop_execute( self._client.room_send( message_type='m.' + message_type, room_id=room_id, tx_id=tx_id, ignore_unverified_devices=ignore_unverified_devices, content={ 'body': body, }, ) ) ret = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( ret.transport_response.json(), self._loop ).result() return MatrixEventIdSchema().dump(ret) @action def get_profile(self, user_id: str): """ Retrieve the details about a user. :param user_id: User ID. :return: .. schema:: matrix.MatrixProfileSchema """ assert self._client, 'Client not connected' profile = self._loop_execute(self._client.get_profile(user_id)) profile.user_id = user_id return MatrixProfileSchema().dump(profile) @action def get_room(self, room_id: str): """ Retrieve the details about a room. :param room_id: room ID. :return: .. schema:: matrix.MatrixRoomSchema """ assert self._client, 'Client not connected' response = self._loop_execute(self._client.room_get_state(room_id)) assert not isinstance(response, RoomGetStateError), response.message room_args = {'room_id': room_id, 'own_user_id': None, 'encrypted': False} room_params = {} for evt in if evt.get('type') == '': room_args['own_user_id'] = evt.get('content', {}).get('creator') elif evt.get('type') == '': room_args['encrypted'] = False elif evt.get('type') == '': room_params['name'] = evt.get('content', {}).get('name') elif evt.get('type') == '': room_params['topic'] = evt.get('content', {}).get('topic') room = MatrixRoom(**room_args) for k, v in room_params.items(): setattr(room, k, v) return MatrixRoomSchema().dump(room) @action def get_devices(self): """ Get the list of devices associated to the current user. :return: .. schema:: matrix.MatrixDeviceSchema(many=True) """ assert self._client, 'Client not connected' response = self._loop_execute(self._client.devices()) assert not isinstance(response, DevicesError), response.message return MatrixDeviceSchema().dump(response.devices, many=True) @action def get_joined_rooms(self): """ Retrieve the rooms that the user has joined. """ assert self._client, 'Client not connected' response = self._loop_execute(self._client.joined_rooms()) assert not isinstance(response, JoinedRoomsError), response.message return [self.get_room(room_id).output for room_id in response.rooms] # type: ignore @action def upload_keys(self): """ Synchronize the E2EE keys with the homeserver. """ assert self._client, 'Client not connected' self._loop_execute(self._client.keys_upload()) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: