Vue.component('music', { template: '#tmpl-widget-music', props: ['config'], data: function() { return { track: undefined, status: undefined, timer: undefined, syncTime: { timestamp: null, elapsed: null, }, }; }, methods: { refresh: async function() { let status = await request('music.mpd.status'); let track = await request('music.mpd.currentsong'); this._parseStatus(status); this._parseTrack(track); if (status.state === 'play' && !this.timer) this.startTimer(); else if (status.state !== 'play' && this.timer) this.stopTimer(); }, convertTime: function(time) { time = parseFloat(time); // Normalize strings var t = {}; t.h = '' + parseInt(time/3600); t.m = '' + parseInt(time/60 - t.h*60); t.s = '' + parseInt(time - (t.h*3600 + t.m*60)); for (var attr of ['m','s']) { if (parseInt(t[attr]) < 10) { t[attr] = '0' + t[attr]; } } var ret = []; if (parseInt(t.h)) { ret.push(t.h); } ret.push(t.m, t.s); return ret.join(':'); }, _parseStatus: async function(status) { if (!status || status.length === 0) status = await request('music.mpd.status'); if (!this.status) this.status = {}; for (const [attr, value] of Object.entries(status)) { if (['consume','random','repeat','single','bitrate'].indexOf(attr) >= 0) { Vue.set(this.status, attr, !!parseInt(value)); } else if (['nextsong','nextsongid','playlist','playlistlength', 'volume','xfade','song','songid'].indexOf(attr) >= 0) { Vue.set(this.status, attr, parseInt(value)); } else if (['elapsed'].indexOf(attr) >= 0) { Vue.set(this.status, attr, parseFloat(value)); } else { Vue.set(this.status, attr, value); } } }, _parseTrack: async function(track) { if (!track || track.length === 0) { track = await request('music.mpd.currentsong'); } if (!this.track) this.track = {}; for (const [attr, value] of Object.entries(track)) { if (['id','pos','time','track','disc'].indexOf(attr) >= 0) { Vue.set(this.track, attr, parseInt(value)); } else { Vue.set(this.track, attr, value); } } }, showNewTrackNotification: function() { createNotification({ html: '' + (this.track.artist || '[No Artist]') + '
' + (this.track.title || '[No Title]'), image: { icon: 'play', } }); }, onNewPlayingTrack: async function(event) { let previousTrack = undefined; if (this.track) { previousTrack = { file: this.track.file, artist: this.track.artist, title: this.track.title, }; } this.status.state = 'play'; Vue.set(this.status, 'elapsed', 0); this.track = {}; this._parseTrack(event.track); let status = event.status ? event.status : await request('music.mpd.status'); this._parseStatus(status); this.startTimer(); if (previousTrack && this.track.file != previousTrack.file || this.track.artist != previousTrack.artist || this.track.title != previousTrack.title) { this.showNewTrackNotification(); } }, onMusicStop: function(event) { this.status.state = 'stop'; Vue.set(this.status, 'elapsed', 0); this._parseStatus(event.status); this._parseTrack(event.track); this.stopTimer(); }, onMusicPlay: function(event) { this.status.state = 'play'; this._parseStatus(event.status); this._parseTrack(event.track); this.startTimer(); }, onMusicPause: function(event) { this.status.state = 'pause'; this._parseStatus(event.status); this._parseTrack(event.track); Vue.set(this.syncTime, 'timestamp', new Date()); Vue.set(this.syncTime, 'elapsed', this.status.elapsed); }, onSeekChange: function(event) { if (event.position != null) Vue.set(this.status, 'elapsed', parseFloat(event.position)); if (event.status) this._parseStatus(event.status); if (event.track) this._parseTrack(event.track); Vue.set(this.syncTime, 'timestamp', new Date()); Vue.set(this.syncTime, 'elapsed', this.status.elapsed); }, onVolumeChange: function(event) { if (event.volume != null) this.status.volume = parseFloat(event.volume); if (event.status) this._parseStatus(event.status); if (event.track) this._parseTrack(event.track); }, onRepeatChange: function(event) { this.status.repeat = event.state; }, onRandomChange: function(event) { this.status.random = event.state; }, onConsumeChange: function(event) { this.status.consume = event.state; }, onSingleChange: function(event) { this.status.single = event.state; }, startTimer: function() { if (this.timer != null) { this.stopTimer(); } Vue.set(this.syncTime, 'timestamp', new Date()); Vue.set(this.syncTime, 'elapsed', this.status.elapsed); this.timer = setInterval(this.timerFunc, 1000); }, stopTimer: function() { if (this.timer == null) { clearInterval(this.timer); this.timer = null; } }, timerFunc: function() { if (this.status.state !== 'play' || this.status.elapsed == null) { return; } Vue.set(this.status, 'elapsed', this.syncTime.elapsed + ((new Date()).getTime()/1000) - (this.syncTime.timestamp.getTime()/1000)); }, }, mounted: function() { this.refresh(); setInterval(this.refresh, 60000); registerEventHandler(this.onNewPlayingTrack, ''); registerEventHandler(this.onMusicStop, ''); registerEventHandler(this.onMusicPlay, ''); registerEventHandler(this.onMusicPause, ''); registerEventHandler(this.onSeekChange, ''); registerEventHandler(this.onVolumeChange, ''); registerEventHandler(this.onRepeatChange, ''); registerEventHandler(this.onRandomChange, ''); registerEventHandler(this.onConsumeChange, ''); registerEventHandler(this.onSingleChange, ''); }, });