import os import re import shutil import threading import time import cv2 from datetime import datetime from platypush.config import Config from import CameraRecordingStartedEvent, \ CameraRecordingStoppedEvent, CameraVideoRenderedEvent, \ CameraPictureTakenEvent, CameraEvent from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action class CameraPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to control generic cameras over OpenCV. Triggers: * :class:`` when a new video recording/photo burst starts * :class:`` when a video recording/photo burst ends * :class:`` when a sequence of captured is successfully rendered into a video * :class:`` when a snapshot is captured and stored to an image file Requires: * **opencv** (``pip install opencv-python``) """ _default_frames_dir = os.path.join(Config.get('workdir'), 'camera', 'frames') _default_warmup_frames = 5 _default_sleep_between_frames = 0 _default_color_transform = 'COLOR_BGR2BGRA' _max_stored_frames = 100 def __init__(self, device_id=0, frames_dir=_default_frames_dir, warmup_frames=_default_warmup_frames, sleep_between_frames=_default_sleep_between_frames, max_stored_frames=_max_stored_frames, color_transform=_default_color_transform, *args, **kwargs): """ :param device_id: Index of the default video device to be used for capturing (default: 0) :type device_id: int :param frames_dir: Directory where the camera frames will be stored (default: ``~/.local/share/platypush/camera/frames``) :type frames_dir: str :param warmup_frames: Cameras usually take a while to adapt their luminosity and focus to the environment when taking a picture. This parameter allows you to specify the number of "warmup" frames to capture upon picture command before actually capturing a frame (default: 5 but you may want to calibrate this parameter for your camera) :type warmup_frames: int :param sleep_between_frames: If set, the process will sleep for the specified amount of seconds between two frames when recording (default: 0) :type sleep_between_frames: float :param max_stored_frames: Maximum number of frames to store in ``frames_dir`` when recording with no persistence (e.g. streaming over HTTP) (default: 100) :type max_stored_frames: int :param color_transform: Color transformation to apply to the captured frames. See for a full list of supported color transformations. (default: "``COLOR_BGR2BGRA``") :type color_transform: str """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.default_device_id = device_id self.frames_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(frames_dir)) self.warmup_frames = warmup_frames self.sleep_between_frames = sleep_between_frames self.max_stored_frames = max_stored_frames self.color_transform = color_transform self._is_recording = {} # device_id => Event map self._devices = {} # device_id => VideoCapture map self._recording_threads = {} # device_id => Thread map def _init_device(self, device_id): self._release_device(device_id) if device_id not in self._devices: self._devices[device_id] = cv2.VideoCapture(device_id) if device_id not in self._is_recording: self._is_recording[device_id] = threading.Event() return self._devices[device_id] def _release_device(self, device_id, wait_thread_termination=True): if device_id in self._is_recording: self._is_recording[device_id].clear() if wait_thread_termination and device_id in self._recording_threads:'A recording thread is running, waiting for termination') if self._recording_threads[device_id].is_alive(): self._recording_threads[device_id].join() del self._recording_threads[device_id] if device_id in self._devices: self._devices[device_id].release() del self._devices[device_id] self.fire_event(CameraRecordingStoppedEvent(device_id=device_id)) def _store_frame_to_file(self, frame, frames_dir, image_file): if image_file: filepath = image_file else: os.makedirs(frames_dir, exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join( frames_dir,'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f.jpg')) cv2.imwrite(filepath, frame) return filepath def _get_stored_frames_files(self, frames_dir): return sorted([ os.path.join(frames_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(frames_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(frames_dir, f)) and f.endswith('.jpg') ]) def _get_avg_fps(self, frames_dir): files = self._get_stored_frames_files(frames_dir) regex = re.compile('(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)_(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+).jpe?g$') frame_time_diff = 0.0 n_frames = 0 for i in range(1, len(files)): m1 =, files[i-1]) m2 =, files[i]) if not m1 or not m2: continue t1 = datetime.timestamp(datetime(*map(int, m1.groups()))) t2 = datetime.timestamp(datetime(*map(int, m2.groups()))) frame_time_diff += (t2-t1) n_frames += 1 return n_frames/frame_time_diff if n_frames and frame_time_diff else 0 def _remove_expired_frames(self, frames_dir, max_stored_frames): files = self._get_stored_frames_files(frames_dir) for f in files[max_stored_frames+1:len(files)]: os.unlink(f) def _make_video_file(self, frames_dir, video_file): files = self._get_stored_frames_files(frames_dir) if not files: self.logger.warning('No frames found in {}'.format(frames_dir)) return frame = cv2.imread(files[0]) height, width, layers = frame.shape fps = self._get_avg_fps(frames_dir) video = cv2.VideoWriter(video_file, 0, fps, (width, height)) for f in files: video.write(cv2.imread(f)) video.release() self.fire_event(CameraVideoRenderedEvent(filename=video_file)) shutil.rmtree(frames_dir, ignore_errors=True) def _recording_thread(self, duration, video_file, image_file, device_id, frames_dir, n_frames, sleep_between_frames, max_stored_frames, color_transform): device = self._devices[device_id] color_transform = getattr(cv2, self.color_transform) def thread(): self._is_recording[device_id].wait()'Starting recording from video device {}'. format(device_id)) recording_started_time = time.time() captured_frames = 0 evt_args = { 'device_id': device_id, } if video_file or image_file: evt_args['filename'] = video_file or image_file if frames_dir: evt_args['frames_dir'] = frames_dir self.fire_event(CameraRecordingStartedEvent(**evt_args)) while self._is_recording[device_id].is_set(): if duration and time.time() - recording_started_time >= duration \ or n_frames and captured_frames >= n_frames: break ret, frame = if not ret: self.logger.warning('Error while retrieving video frame') continue frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, color_transform) self._store_frame_to_file(frame=frame, frames_dir=frames_dir, image_file=image_file) captured_frames += 1 if max_stored_frames and not video_file: self._remove_expired_frames( frames_dir=frames_dir, max_stored_frames=max_stored_frames) if sleep_between_frames: time.sleep(sleep_between_frames) self._release_device(device_id, wait_thread_termination=False) if image_file: self.fire_event(CameraPictureTakenEvent(filename=image_file))'Recording terminated') if video_file:'Writing frames to video file {}'. format(video_file)) self._make_video_file(frames_dir=frames_dir, video_file=video_file)'Video file {}: rendering completed'. format(video_file)) return thread @action def start_recording(self, duration=None, video_file=None, device_id=None, frames_dir=None, sleep_between_frames=None, max_stored_frames=None, color_transform=None): """ Start recording :param duration: Record duration in seconds (default: None, record until ``stop_recording``) :type duration: float :param video_file: If set, the stream will be recorded to the specified video file (default: None) :type video_file: str :param device_id, frames_dir, sleep_between_frames, max_stored_frames: Set these parameters if you want to override the default configured ones. """ recording_started = threading.Event() def on_recording_started(event): recording_started.set() device_id = device_id if device_id is not None else self.default_device_id frames_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(frames_dir)) \ if frames_dir is not None else self.frames_dir sleep_between_frames = sleep_between_frames if sleep_between_frames \ is not None else self.sleep_between_frames max_stored_frames = max_stored_frames if max_stored_frames \ is not None else self.max_stored_frames color_transform = color_transform if color_transform \ is not None else self.color_transform self._init_device(device_id) self.register_handler(CameraRecordingStartedEvent, on_recording_started) frames_dir = os.path.join(frames_dir, str(device_id)) if video_file: video_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(video_file)) frames_dir = os.path.join(frames_dir, 'recording_{}'.format('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f'))) self._recording_threads[device_id] = threading.Thread( target=self._recording_thread(duration=duration, video_file=video_file, image_file=None, device_id=device_id, frames_dir=frames_dir, n_frames=None, sleep_between_frames=sleep_between_frames, max_stored_frames=max_stored_frames, color_transform=color_transform)) self._recording_threads[device_id].start() self._is_recording[device_id].set() recording_started.wait() self.unregister_handler(CameraRecordingStartedEvent, on_recording_started) return { 'path': video_file if video_file else frames_dir } @action def stop_recording(self, device_id=None): """ Stop recording """ device_id = device_id if device_id is not None else self.default_device_id self._release_device(device_id) @action def take_picture(self, image_file, device_id=None, warmup_frames=None, color_transform=None): """ Take a picture. :param image_file: Path where the output image will be stored. :type image_file: str :param device_id, warmup_frames, color_transform: Overrides the configured default parameters """ picture_taken = threading.Event() def on_picture_taken(event): picture_taken.set() image_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(image_file)) device_id = device_id if device_id is not None else self.default_device_id warmup_frames = warmup_frames if warmup_frames is not None else \ self.warmup_frames color_transform = color_transform if color_transform \ is not None else self.color_transform self._init_device(device_id) self.register_handler(CameraPictureTakenEvent, on_picture_taken) self._recording_threads[device_id] = threading.Thread( target=self._recording_thread(duration=None, video_file=None, image_file=image_file, device_id=device_id, frames_dir=None, n_frames=warmup_frames, sleep_between_frames=None, max_stored_frames=None, color_transform=color_transform)) self._recording_threads[device_id].start() self._is_recording[device_id].set() picture_taken.wait() self.unregister_handler(CameraPictureTakenEvent, on_picture_taken) return { 'path': image_file } # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: