import asyncio import datetime import dateutil.parser import inspect import json import os import re import time from threading import Thread, get_ident from multiprocessing import Process from flask import Flask, Response, abort, jsonify, request as http_request, \ render_template, send_from_directory from redis import Redis from platypush.config import Config from platypush.context import get_backend, get_or_create_event_loop from platypush.message import Message from platypush.message.event import Event, StopEvent from platypush.message.event.web.widget import WidgetUpdateEvent from platypush.message.request import Request from platypush.utils import get_ssl_server_context, set_thread_name from .. import Backend class HttpBackend(Backend): """ The HTTP backend is a general-purpose web server that you can leverage: * To execute Platypush commands via HTTP calls. Example:: curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Token: your_token" \\ -d '{ "type":"request", "target":"nodename", "action":"tts.say", "args": {"phrase":"This is a test"} }' \\ http://localhost:8008/execute * To interact with your system (and control plugins and backends) through the Platypush web panel, by default available on your web root document. Any plugin that you have configured and available as a panel plugin will appear on the web panel as well as a tab. * To display a fullscreen dashboard with your configured widgets, by default available under ``/dashboard`` Note that if you set up a main token, it will be required for any HTTP interaction - either as ``X-Token`` HTTP header, on the query string (attribute name: ``token``), as part of the JSON payload root (attribute name: ``token``), or via HTTP basic auth (any username works). Requires: * **flask** (``pip install flask``) * **redis** (``pip install redis``) * **websockets** (``pip install websockets``) * **python-dateutil** (``pip install python-dateutil``) """ hidden_plugins = { '' } def __init__(self, port=8008, websocket_port=8009, disable_websocket=False, redis_queue='platypush/http', dashboard={}, resource_dirs={}, ssl_cert=None, ssl_key=None, ssl_cafile=None, ssl_capath=None, maps={}, **kwargs): """ :param port: Listen port for the web server (default: 8008) :type port: int :param websocket_port: Listen port for the websocket server (default: 8009) :type websocket_port: int :param disable_websocket: Disable the websocket interface (default: False) :type disable_websocket: bool :param redis_queue: Name of the Redis queue used to synchronize messages with the web server process (default: ``platypush/http``) :type redis_queue: str :param ssl_cert: Set it to the path of your certificate file if you want to enable HTTPS (default: None) :type ssl_cert: str :param ssl_key: Set it to the path of your key file if you want to enable HTTPS (default: None) :type ssl_key: str :param ssl_cafile: Set it to the path of your certificate authority file if you want to enable HTTPS (default: None) :type ssl_cafile: str :param ssl_capath: Set it to the path of your certificate authority directory if you want to enable HTTPS (default: None) :type ssl_capath: str :param resource_dirs: Static resources directories that will be accessible through ``/resources/``. It is expressed as a map where the key is the relative path under ``/resources`` to expose and the value is the absolute path to expose. :type resource_dirs: dict[str, str] :param dashboard: Set it if you want to use the dashboard service. It will contain the configuration for the widgets to be used (look under ``platypush/backend/http/templates/widgets/`` for the available widgets). Example configuration:: dashboard: background_image: https://site/image.png widgets: # Each row of the dashboard will have 6 columns calendar: # Calendar widget columns: 6 music: # Music widget columns: 3 date-time-weather: # Date, time and weather widget columns: 3 image-carousel: # Image carousel columns: 6 images_path: ~/Dropbox/Photos/carousel # Absolute path (valid as long as it's a subdirectory of one of the available `resource_dirs`) refresh_seconds: 15 rss-news: # RSS feeds widget # Requires backend.http.poll to be enabled with some RSS sources and write them to sqlite db columns: 6 limit: 25 db: "sqlite:////home/blacklight/.local/share/platypush/feeds/rss.db" :type dashboard: dict """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.port = port self.websocket_port = websocket_port self.redis_queue = redis_queue self.dashboard = dashboard self.maps = maps self.server_proc = None self.disable_websocket = disable_websocket self.websocket_thread = None self.redis_thread = None self.redis = None self.resource_dirs = { name: os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(d)) for name, d in resource_dirs.items() } self.active_websockets = set() self.ssl_context = get_ssl_server_context(ssl_cert=ssl_cert, ssl_key=ssl_key, ssl_cafile=ssl_cafile, ssl_capath=ssl_capath) \ if ssl_cert else None def send_message(self, msg): self.logger.warning('Use cURL or any HTTP client to query the HTTP backend') def stop(self): """ Stop the web server """'Received STOP event on HttpBackend') if self.redis_thread: stop_evt = StopEvent(target=self.device_id, origin=self.device_id, thread_id=self.redis_thread.ident) redis = self._get_redis() if redis: redis.rpush(self.redis_queue, str(stop_evt)) if self.server_proc: self.server_proc.terminate() self.server_proc.join() def notify_web_clients(self, event): """ Notify all the connected web clients (over websocket) of a new event """ import websockets async def send_event(websocket): try: await websocket.send(str(event)) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('Error on websocket send_event: {}'.format(e)) loop = get_or_create_event_loop() for websocket in self.active_websockets: try: loop.run_until_complete(send_event(websocket)) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed:'Client connection lost') self.active_websockets.remove(websocket) def redis_poll(self): """ Polls for new messages on the internal Redis queue """ while not self.should_stop(): redis = self._get_redis() if not redis: continue msg = redis.blpop(self.redis_queue) msg =[1].decode('utf-8'))) self.on_message(msg) @classmethod def _authenticate(cls): return Response('Authentication required', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login required"'}) @classmethod def _authentication_ok(cls): token = Config.get('token') if not token: return True user_token = None # Check if if 'X-Token' in http_request.headers: user_token = http_request.headers['X-Token'] elif http_request.authorization: # TODO support for user check user_token = http_request.authorization.password elif 'token' in http_request.args: user_token = http_request.args.get('token') else: try: args = json.loads('utf-8')) user_token = args.get('token') except: pass if user_token == token: return True return False def webserver(self): """ Web server main process """ set_thread_name('WebServer') basedir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__)) template_dir = os.path.join(basedir, 'templates') app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=template_dir) self.redis_thread = Thread(target=self.redis_poll) self.redis_thread.start() @app.route('/execute', methods=['POST']) def execute(): """ Endpoint to execute commands """ if not self._authentication_ok(): return self._authenticate() args = json.loads('utf-8')) msg ='Received message on the HTTP backend: {}'.format(msg)) if Config.get('token'): msg.token = Config.get('token') if isinstance(msg, Request): msg.backend = self msg.origin = 'http' if isinstance(msg, Request): response = self.get_message_response(msg)'Processing response on the HTTP backend: {}'.format(response)) if response: return Response(str(response), mimetype='application/json') @app.route('/') def index(): """ Route to the main web panel """ if not self._authentication_ok(): return self._authenticate() configured_plugins = Config.get_plugins() enabled_plugins = {} hidden_plugins = {} for plugin, conf in configured_plugins.items(): template_file = os.path.join('plugins', plugin + '.html') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(template_dir, template_file)): if plugin in self.hidden_plugins: hidden_plugins[plugin] = conf else: enabled_plugins[plugin] = conf return render_template('index.html', plugins=enabled_plugins, hidden_plugins=hidden_plugins, utils=HttpUtils, token=Config.get('token'), websocket_port=self.websocket_port, has_ssl=self.ssl_context is not None) @app.route('/widget/', methods=['POST']) def widget_update(widget): """ ``POST /widget/`` will update the specified widget_id on the dashboard with the specified key-values """ event = WidgetUpdateEvent( widget=widget, **(json.loads('utf-8')))) redis = self._get_redis() if redis: redis.rpush(self.redis_queue, str(event)) return jsonify({ 'status': 'ok' }) @app.route('/resources/', methods=['GET']) def static_path(path): """ Static resources """ base_path = os.path.dirname(path).split('/') while base_path: if os.sep.join(base_path) in self.resource_dirs: break base_path.pop() if not base_path: abort(404) base_path = os.sep.join(base_path) real_base_path = self.resource_dirs[base_path] real_path = real_base_path file_path = [s for s in re.sub(r'^{}(.*)$'.format(base_path), '\\1', path) \ .split('/') if s] for p in file_path[:-1]: real_path += os.sep + p file_path.pop(0) file_path = file_path.pop(0) if not real_path.startswith(real_base_path): # Directory climbing attempt abort(404) return send_from_directory(real_path, file_path) @app.route('/dashboard', methods=['GET']) def dashboard(): """ Route for the fullscreen dashboard """ if not self._authentication_ok(): return self._authenticate() return render_template('dashboard.html', config=self.dashboard, utils=HttpUtils, token=Config.get('token'), websocket_port=self.websocket_port) @app.route('/map', methods=['GET']) def map(): """ Query parameters: start -- Map timeline start timestamp end -- Map timeline end timestamp zoom -- Between 1-20. Set it if you want to override the Google's API auto-zoom. You may have to set it if you are trying to embed the map into an iframe Supported values for `start` and `end`: - now - yesterday - -30s (it means '30 seconds ago') - -10m (it means '10 minutes ago') - -24h (it means '24 hours ago') - -7d (it means '7 days ago') - 2018-06-04T17:39:22.742Z (ISO strings) Default: start=yesterday, end=now """ def parse_time(time_string): if not time_string: return None now = if time_string == 'now': return now.isoformat() if time_string == 'yesterday': return (now - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).isoformat() try: return dateutil.parser.parse(time_string).isoformat() except ValueError: pass m = re.match('([-+]?)([0-9]+)([dhms])', time_string) if not m: raise RuntimeError('Invalid time interval string representation: "{}"'. format(time_string)) time_delta = (-1 if == '-' else 1) * int( time_unit = if time_unit == 'd': params = { 'days': time_delta } elif time_unit == 'h': params = { 'hours': time_delta } elif time_unit == 'm': params = { 'minutes': time_delta } elif time_unit == 's': params = { 'seconds': time_delta } return (now + datetime.timedelta(**params)).isoformat() if not self._authentication_ok(): return self._authenticate() try: api_key = self.maps['api_key'] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError('Google Maps api_key not set in the maps configuration') start = parse_time(http_request.args.get('start', default='yesterday')) end = parse_time(http_request.args.get('end', default='now')) zoom = http_request.args.get('zoom', default=None) return render_template('map.html', config=self.maps, utils=HttpUtils, start=start, end=end, zoom=zoom, token=Config.get('token'), api_key=api_key, websocket_port=self.websocket_port) return app def websocket(self): """ Websocket main server """ import websockets set_thread_name('WebsocketServer') async def register_websocket(websocket, path): address = websocket.remote_address[0] if websocket.remote_address \ else '''New websocket connection from {}'.format(address)) self.active_websockets.add(websocket) try: await websocket.recv() except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed:'Websocket client {} closed connection'.format(address)) self.active_websockets.remove(websocket) websocket_args = {} if self.ssl_context: websocket_args['ssl'] = self.ssl_context loop = get_or_create_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete( websockets.serve(register_websocket, '', self.websocket_port, **websocket_args)) loop.run_forever() def run(self): super().run() os.putenv('FLASK_APP', 'platypush') os.putenv('FLASK_ENV', 'production') kwargs = { 'host':'', 'port':self.port, 'use_reloader':False } if self.ssl_context: kwargs['ssl_context'] = self.ssl_context'Initialized HTTP backend on port {}'.format(self.port)) webserver = self.webserver() self.server_proc = Process(, name='WebServer', kwargs=kwargs) self.server_proc.start() if not self.disable_websocket: self.websocket_thread = Thread(target=self.websocket) self.websocket_thread.start() self.server_proc.join() class HttpUtils(object): @staticmethod def widget_columns_to_html_class(columns): if not isinstance(columns, int): raise RuntimeError('columns should be a number, got "{}"'.format(columns)) if columns == 1: return 'one column' elif columns == 2: return 'two columns' elif columns == 3: return 'three columns' elif columns == 4: return 'four columns' elif columns == 5: return 'five columns' elif columns == 6: return 'six columns' elif columns == 7: return 'seven columns' elif columns == 8: return 'eight columns' elif columns == 9: return 'nine columns' elif columns == 10: return 'ten columns' elif columns == 11: return 'eleven columns' elif columns == 12: return 'twelve columns' else: raise RuntimeError('Constraint violation: should be 1 <= columns <= 12, ' + 'got columns={}'.format(columns)) @staticmethod def search_directory(directory, *extensions, recursive=False): files = [] if recursive: for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: if not extensions or os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower() in extensions: files.append(os.path.join(root, file)) else: for file in os.listdir(directory): if not extensions or os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower() in extensions: files.append(os.path.join(directory, file)) return files @classmethod def search_web_directory(cls, directory, *extensions): directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(directory)) resource_dirs = get_backend('http').resource_dirs resource_path = None uri = '' for name, resource_path in resource_dirs.items(): if directory.startswith(resource_path): subdir = re.sub('^{}(.*)$'.format(resource_path), '\\1', directory) uri = '/resources/' + name break if not uri: raise RuntimeError('Directory {} not found among the available ' + 'static resources on the webserver'.format( directory)) results = [ re.sub('^{}(.*)$'.format(resource_path), uri + '\\1', path) for path in cls.search_directory(directory, *extensions) ] return results @classmethod def to_json(cls, data): return json.dumps(data) @classmethod def from_json(cls, data): return json.loads(data) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: