import base64 import os from queue import Empty, Queue import threading import time from typing import ( Collection, Dict, Final, List, Optional, Union, Type, ) from typing_extensions import override from platypush.context import get_bus, get_plugin from platypush.entities import EntityManager, get_entities_engine from platypush.entities.bluetooth import BluetoothDevice, BluetoothService from platypush.message.event.bluetooth import ( BluetoothScanPausedEvent, BluetoothScanResumedEvent, ) from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin, action from platypush.plugins.db import DbPlugin from ._ble import BLEManager from ._cache import EntityCache from ._legacy import LegacyManager from ._types import RawServiceClass from ._manager import BaseBluetoothManager class BluetoothPlugin(RunnablePlugin, EntityManager): """ Plugin to interact with Bluetooth devices. This plugin uses `_Bleak_ <>`_ to interact with the Bluetooth stack and `_Theengs_ <>`_ to map the services exposed by the devices into native entities. The full list of devices natively supported can be found `here <>`_. Note that the support for Bluetooth low-energy devices requires a Bluetooth adapter compatible with the Bluetooth 5.0 specification or higher. Requires: * **bleak** (``pip install bleak``) * **bluetooth-numbers** (``pip install bluetooth-numbers``) * **TheengsDecoder** (``pip install TheengsDecoder``) * **pybluez** (``pip install git+``) * **pyobex** (``pip install git+``) Triggers: * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothConnectionFailedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceConnectedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceDisconnectedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceFoundEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceLostEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothFileReceivedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothFileSentEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothFileTransferStartedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothScanPausedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.bluetooth.BluetoothScanResumedEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.entities.EntityUpdateEvent` """ _default_connect_timeout: Final[int] = 20 """ Default connection timeout (in seconds) """ _default_scan_duration: Final[float] = 10.0 """ Default duration of a discovery session (in seconds) """ def __init__( self, interface: Optional[str] = None, connect_timeout: float = _default_connect_timeout, service_uuids: Optional[Collection[RawServiceClass]] = None, scan_paused_on_start: bool = False, poll_interval: float = _default_scan_duration, **kwargs, ): """ :param interface: Name of the Bluetooth interface to use (e.g. ``hci0`` on Linux). Default: first available interface. :param connect_timeout: Timeout in seconds for the connection to a Bluetooth device. Default: 20 seconds. :param service_uuids: List of service UUIDs to discover. Default: all. :param scan_paused_on_start: If ``True``, the plugin will not the scanning thread until :meth:`.scan_resume` is called (default: ``False``). """ kwargs['poll_interval'] = poll_interval super().__init__(**kwargs) self._interface: Optional[str] = interface """ Default Bluetooth interface to use """ self._connect_timeout: float = connect_timeout """ Connection timeout in seconds """ self._service_uuids: Collection[RawServiceClass] = service_uuids or [] """ UUIDs to discover """ self._scan_lock = threading.RLock() """ Lock to synchronize scanning access to the Bluetooth device """ self._scan_enabled = threading.Event() """ Event used to enable/disable scanning """ self._device_queue: Queue[BluetoothDevice] = Queue() """ Queue used by the Bluetooth managers to published the discovered Bluetooth devices. """ self._device_cache = EntityCache() """ Cache of the devices discovered by the plugin. """ self._managers: Dict[Type[BaseBluetoothManager], BaseBluetoothManager] = {} """ Bluetooth managers threads, one for BLE devices and one for non-BLE devices. """ self._scan_controller_timer: Optional[threading.Timer] = None """ Timer used to temporarily pause the discovery process """ if not scan_paused_on_start: self._scan_enabled.set() def _refresh_cache(self) -> None: # Wait for the entities engine to start get_entities_engine().wait_start() with get_plugin(DbPlugin).get_session( autoflush=False, autocommit=False, expire_on_commit=False ) as session: existing_devices = [d.copy() for d in session.query(BluetoothDevice).all()] for dev in existing_devices: self._device_cache.add(dev) def _init_bluetooth_managers(self): """ Initializes the Bluetooth managers threads. """ manager_args = { 'interface': self._interface, 'poll_interval': self.poll_interval, 'connect_timeout': self._connect_timeout, 'stop_event': self._should_stop, 'scan_lock': self._scan_lock, 'scan_enabled': self._scan_enabled, 'device_queue': self._device_queue, 'service_uuids': list(map(BluetoothService.to_uuid, self._service_uuids)), 'device_cache': self._device_cache, } self._managers = { BLEManager: BLEManager(**manager_args), LegacyManager: LegacyManager(**manager_args), } def _scan_state_set(self, state: bool, duration: Optional[float] = None): """ Set the state of the scanning process. :param state: ``True`` to enable the scanning process, ``False`` to disable it. :param duration: The duration of the pause (in seconds) or ``None``. """ def timer_callback(): if state: self.scan_pause() else: self.scan_resume() self._scan_controller_timer = None with self._scan_lock: if not state and self._scan_enabled.is_set(): get_bus().post(BluetoothScanPausedEvent(duration=duration)) elif state and not self._scan_enabled.is_set(): get_bus().post(BluetoothScanResumedEvent(duration=duration)) if state: self._scan_enabled.set() else: self._scan_enabled.clear() if duration and not self._scan_controller_timer: self._scan_controller_timer = threading.Timer(duration, timer_callback) self._scan_controller_timer.start() def _cancel_scan_controller_timer(self): """ Cancels a scan controller timer if scheduled. """ if self._scan_controller_timer: self._scan_controller_timer.cancel() def _manager_by_device( self, device: BluetoothDevice, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[Union[str, RawServiceClass]] = None, ) -> BaseBluetoothManager: """ :param device: A discovered Bluetooth device. :param port: The port to connect to. :param service_uuid: The UUID of the service to connect to. :return: The manager associated with the device (BLE or legacy). """ # No port nor service UUID -> use the BLE manager for direct connection if not (port or service_uuid): return self._managers[BLEManager] uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) if service_uuid else None matching_services = ( [srv for srv in if srv.port == port] if port else [srv for srv in if srv.uuid == uuid] ) assert matching_services, ( f'No service found on the device {device} for port={port}, ' f'service_uuid={service_uuid}' ) srv = matching_services[0] return ( self._managers[BLEManager] if srv.is_ble else self._managers[LegacyManager] ) def _get_device(self, device: str, _fail_if_not_cached=False) -> BluetoothDevice: """ Get a device by its address or name, and scan for it if it's not cached. """ dev = self._device_cache.get(device) if dev: return dev assert not _fail_if_not_cached, f'Device {device} not found''Scanning for unknown device %s', device) self.scan() return self._get_device(device, _fail_if_not_cached=True) @action def connect( self, device: str, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[Union[RawServiceClass, str]] = None, interface: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ): """ Pair and connect to a device by address or name. :param device: The device address or name. :param port: The port to connect to. Either ``port`` or ``service_uuid`` is required for non-BLE devices. :param service_uuid: The UUID of the service to connect to. Either ``port`` or ``service_uuid`` is required for non-BLE devices. :param interface: The Bluetooth interface to use (it overrides the default ``interface``). :param timeout: The connection timeout in seconds (it overrides the default ``connect_timeout``). """ dev = self._get_device(device) manager = self._manager_by_device(dev, port=port, service_uuid=service_uuid) uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) if service_uuid else None manager.connect( dev.address, port=port, service_uuid=uuid, interface=interface, timeout=timeout, ) @action def disconnect( self, device: str, port: Optional[int] = None, service_uuid: Optional[RawServiceClass] = None, ): """ Close an active connection to a device. Note that this method can only close connections that have been initiated by the application. It can't close connections owned by other applications or agents. :param device: The device address or name. :param port: If connected to a non-BLE device, the optional port to disconnect. :param service_uuid: The optional UUID of the service to disconnect from, for non-BLE devices. """ dev = self._get_device(device) uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) if service_uuid else None err = None success = False for manager in self._managers.values(): try: manager.disconnect(dev.address, port=port, service_uuid=uuid) success = True except Exception as e: err = e assert success, f'Could not disconnect from {device}: {err}' @action def scan_pause(self, duration: Optional[float] = None): """ Pause the scanning thread. :param duration: For how long the scanning thread should be paused (default: null = indefinitely). """ self._scan_state_set(False, duration) @action def scan_resume(self, duration: Optional[float] = None): """ Resume the scanning thread, if inactive. :param duration: For how long the scanning thread should be running (default: null = indefinitely). """ self._scan_state_set(True, duration) @action def scan( self, duration: Optional[float] = None, devices: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, service_uuids: Optional[Collection[RawServiceClass]] = None, ) -> List[BluetoothDevice]: """ Scan for Bluetooth devices nearby and return the results as a list of entities. :param duration: Scan duration in seconds (default: same as the plugin's `poll_interval` configuration parameter) :param devices: List of device addresses or names to scan for. :param service_uuids: List of service UUIDs to discover. Default: all. """ scanned_device_addresses = set() duration = duration or self.poll_interval or self._default_scan_duration uuids = {BluetoothService.to_uuid(uuid) for uuid in (service_uuids or [])} for manager in self._managers.values(): scanned_device_addresses.update( [ device.address for device in manager.scan(duration=duration // len(self._managers)) if (not uuids or any(srv.uuid in uuids for srv in and ( not devices or device.address in devices or in devices ) ] ) with get_plugin(DbPlugin).get_session( autoflush=False, autocommit=False, expire_on_commit=False ) as session: return [ d.copy() for d in session.query(BluetoothDevice).all() if d.address in scanned_device_addresses ] @action def read( self, device: str, service_uuid: RawServiceClass, interface: Optional[str] = None, connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> str: """ Read a message from a device. :param device: Name or address of the device to read from. :param service_uuid: Service UUID. :param interface: Bluetooth adapter name to use (default configured if None). :param connect_timeout: Connection timeout in seconds (default: same as the configured `connect_timeout`). :return: The base64-encoded response received from the device. """ dev = self._get_device(device) uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) manager = self._manager_by_device(dev, service_uuid=uuid) data = dev.address, uuid, interface=interface, connect_timeout=connect_timeout ) return base64.b64encode(data).decode() @action def write( self, device: str, data: str, service_uuid: RawServiceClass, interface: Optional[str] = None, connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None, ): """ Writes data to a device :param device: Name or address of the device to read from. :param data: Data to be written, as a base64-encoded string. :param service_uuid: Service UUID. :param interface: Bluetooth adapter name to use (default configured if None) :param connect_timeout: Connection timeout in seconds (default: same as the configured `connect_timeout`). """ binary_data = base64.b64decode(data.encode()) dev = self._get_device(device) uuid = BluetoothService.to_uuid(service_uuid) manager = self._manager_by_device(dev, service_uuid=uuid) manager.write( dev.address, binary_data, service_uuid=uuid, interface=interface, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, ) @action def send_file( self, file: str, device: str, data: Optional[Union[str, bytes, bytearray]] = None, binary: bool = False, ): """ Send a file to a device that exposes an OBEX Object Push service. :param file: Path of the file to be sent. If ``data`` is specified then ``file`` should include the proposed file on the receiving host. :param data: Alternatively to a file on disk you can send raw (string or binary) content. :param device: Device address or name. :param binary: Set to true if data is a base64-encoded binary string. """ from ._file import FileSender if not data: file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file)) with open(file, 'rb') as f: binary_data = else: if binary: binary_data = base64.b64decode( data.encode() if isinstance(data, str) else data ) sender = FileSender(self._managers[LegacyManager]) # type: ignore sender.send_file(file, device, binary_data) @override @action def status( self, *_, duration: Optional[float] = None, devices: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, service_uuids: Optional[Collection[RawServiceClass]] = None, **__, ) -> List[BluetoothDevice]: """ Retrieve the status of all the devices, or the matching devices/services. If scanning is currently disabled, it will enable it and perform a scan. The differences between this method and :meth:`.scan` are: 1. :meth:`.status` will return the status of all the devices known to the application, while :meth:`.scan` will return the status only of the devices discovered in the provided time window. 2. :meth:`.status` will not initiate a new scan if scanning is already enabled (it will only returned the status of the known devices), while :meth:`.scan` will initiate a new scan. :param duration: Scan duration in seconds, if scanning is disabled (default: same as the plugin's `poll_interval` configuration parameter) :param devices: List of device addresses or names to filter for. Default: all. :param service_uuids: List of service UUIDs to filter for. Default: all. """ if not self._scan_enabled.is_set(): self.scan( duration=duration, devices=devices, service_uuids=service_uuids, ) with get_plugin(DbPlugin).get_session( autoflush=False, autocommit=False, expire_on_commit=False ) as session: known_devices = [ d.copy() for d in session.query(BluetoothDevice).all() if (not devices or d.address in devices or in devices) and ( not service_uuids or any(str(srv.uuid) in service_uuids for srv in ) ] # Send entity update events to keep any asynchronous clients in sync get_entities_engine().notify(*known_devices) return known_devices @override def transform_entities( self, entities: Collection[BluetoothDevice] ) -> Collection[BluetoothDevice]: return super().transform_entities(entities) @override def main(self): self._refresh_cache() self._init_bluetooth_managers() for manager in self._managers.values(): manager.start() try: while not self.should_stop(): try: device = self._device_queue.get(timeout=1) except Empty: continue device = self._device_cache.add(device) self.publish_entities([device], callback=self._device_cache.add) finally: self.stop() @override def stop(self): """ Upon stop request, it stops any pending scans and closes all active connections. """ super().stop() # Stop any pending scan controller timers self._cancel_scan_controller_timer() # Set the stop events on the manager threads for manager in self._managers.values(): if manager and manager.is_alive():'Waiting for %s to stop', try: manager.stop() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception( 'Error while stopping %s: %s',, e ) # Wait for the manager threads to stop stop_timeout = 5 wait_start = time.time() for manager in self._managers.values(): if ( manager and manager.ident != threading.current_thread().ident and manager.is_alive() ): manager.join(timeout=max(0, stop_timeout - (time.time() - wait_start))) if manager and manager.is_alive(): self.logger.warning( 'Timeout while waiting for %s to stop', ) __all__ = ["BluetoothPlugin"] # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: