import datetime from platypush.cron import cron from tests.test_cron import tmp_files, tmp_files_ready, \ test_timeout, expected_cron_file_content # Prepare a cronjob that should start test_timeout/2 seconds from the application start cron_time = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=test_timeout/2) cron_expr = '{min} {hour} {day} {month} * {sec}'.format( min=cron_time.minute, hour=cron_time.hour,, month=cron_time.month, sec=cron_time.second) @cron(cron_expr) def cron_test(**_): """ Simple cronjob that awaits for ``../`` to be ready and writes the expected content to the monitored temporary file. """ files_ready = tmp_files_ready.wait(timeout=test_timeout) assert files_ready, \ 'The test did not prepare the temporary files within {} seconds'.format(test_timeout) with open(tmp_files[0], 'w') as f: f.write(expected_cron_file_content)