""" Platypush .. moduleauthor:: Fabio Manganiello .. license: MIT """ import argparse import logging import os import sys import traceback from threading import Thread from .bus import Bus from .bus.redis import RedisBus from .config import Config from .context import register_backends from .cron.scheduler import CronScheduler from .event.processor import EventProcessor from .logger import Logger from .message.event import Event, StopEvent from .message.event.application import ApplicationStartedEvent, ApplicationStoppedEvent from .message.request import Request from .message.response import Response from .utils import set_thread_name __author__ = 'Fabio Manganiello ' __version__ = '0.9.4' LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOGGER.setLevel(logging.INFO) class Daemon: """ Main class for the Platypush daemon """ # Configuration file (default: either ~/.config/platypush/config.yaml or # /etc/platypush/config.yaml config_file = None # Application bus. It's an internal queue where: # - backends will post the messages they receive # - plugins will post the responses they process bus = None pidfile = None # backend_name => backend_obj map backends = None # number of executions retries before a request fails n_tries = 2 def __init__(self, config_file=None, pidfile=None, requests_to_process=None): """ Constructor Params: config_file -- Configuration file override (default: None) pidfile -- File where platypush will store its PID upon launch, useful if you're planning to integrate the application within a service or a launcher script (default: None) requests_to_process -- Exit after processing the specified number of requests (default: None, loop forever) """ if pidfile: self.pidfile = pidfile with open(self.pidfile, 'w') as f: f.write(str(os.getpid())) self.config_file = config_file Config.init(self.config_file) logging.basicConfig(**Config.get('logging')) self.event_processor = EventProcessor() self.requests_to_process = requests_to_process self.processed_requests = 0 @classmethod def build_from_cmdline(cls, args): """ Build the app from command line arguments. Params: args -- Your sys.argv[1:] [List of strings] """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', dest='config', required=False, default=None, help=cls.config_file.__doc__) parser.add_argument('--pidfile', '-P', dest='pidfile', required=False, default=None, help="File where platypush will " + "store its PID, useful if you're planning to " + "integrate it in a service") opts, args = parser.parse_known_args(args) return cls(config_file=opts.config, pidfile=opts.pidfile) def on_message(self): """ Default message handler """ def _f(msg): """ on_message closure Params: msg -- platypush.message.Message instance """ if isinstance(msg, Request): try: msg.execute(n_tries=self.n_tries) except PermissionError: LOGGER.info('Dropped unauthorized request: {}'.format(msg)) self.processed_requests += 1 if self.requests_to_process \ and self.processed_requests >= self.requests_to_process: self.stop_app() elif isinstance(msg, Response): LOGGER.info('Received response: {}'.format(msg)) elif isinstance(msg, StopEvent) and msg.targets_me(): LOGGER.info('Received STOP event: {}'.format(msg)) self.stop_app() elif isinstance(msg, Event): LOGGER.info('Received event: {}'.format(msg)) self.event_processor.process_event(msg) return _f def stop_app(self): """ Stops the backends and the bus """ for backend in self.backends.values(): backend.stop() self.bus.stop() def start(self): """ Start the daemon """ set_thread_name('platypush') print('---- Starting platypush v.{}'.format(__version__)) redis_conf = Config.get('backend.redis') if redis_conf: self.bus = RedisBus(on_message=self.on_message(), **redis_conf.get('redis_args', {})) else: self.bus = Bus(on_message=self.on_message()) # Initialize the backends and link them to the bus self.backends = register_backends(bus=self.bus, global_scope=True) # Start the backend threads for backend in self.backends.values(): backend.start() # Start the cron scheduler if Config.get_cronjobs(): CronScheduler(jobs=Config.get_cronjobs()).start() self.bus.post(ApplicationStartedEvent()) # Poll for messages on the bus try: self.bus.poll() except KeyboardInterrupt: LOGGER.info('SIGINT received, terminating application') finally: self.bus.post(ApplicationStoppedEvent()) self.stop_app() def main(): """ Platypush daemon main """ sys.stdout = Logger(LOGGER.info) sys.stderr = Logger(LOGGER.warning) app = Daemon.build_from_cmdline(sys.argv[1:]) app.start() # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: