from typing import List, Optional from platypush.plugins.lcd import LcdPlugin class LcdGpioPlugin(LcdPlugin): """ Plugin to write to an LCD display connected via GPIO. Requires: * **RPLCD** (``pip install RPLCD``) * **RPi.GPIO** (``pip install RPi.GPIO``) """ def __init__(self, pin_rs: int, pin_e: int, pins_data: List[int], pin_rw: Optional[int] = None, pin_mode: str = 'BOARD', pin_backlight: Optional[int] = None, cols: int = 16, rows: int = 2, backlight_enabled: bool = True, backlight_mode: str = 'active_low', dotsize: int = 8, charmap: str = 'A02', auto_linebreaks: bool = True, compat_mode: bool = False, **kwargs): """ :param pin_rs: Pin for register select (RS). :param pin_e: Pin to start data read or write (E). :param pins_data: List of data bus pins in 8 bit mode (DB0-DB7) or in 4 bit mode (DB4-DB7) in ascending order. :param pin_mode: Which scheme to use for numbering of the GPIO pins, either ``BOARD`` or ``BCM``. Default: ``BOARD``. :param pin_rw: Pin for selecting read or write mode (R/W). Default: ``None``, read only mode. :param pin_backlight: Pin for controlling backlight on/off. Set this to ``None`` for no backlight control. Default: ``None``. :param cols: Number of columns per row (usually 16 or 20). Default: ``16``. :param rows: Number of display rows (usually 1, 2 or 4). Default: ``2``. :param backlight_enabled: Whether the backlight is enabled initially. Default: ``True``. Has no effect if pin_backlight is ``None`` :param backlight_mode: Set this to either ``active_high`` or ``active_low`` to configure the operating control for the backlight. Has no effect if pin_backlight is ``None`` :param dotsize: Some 1 line displays allow a font height of 10px. Allowed: ``8`` or ``10``. Default: ``8``. :param charmap: The character map used. Depends on your LCD. This must be either ``A00`` or ``A02`` or ``ST0B``. Default: ``A02``. :param auto_linebreaks: Whether or not to automatically insert line breaks. Default: ``True``. :param compat_mode: Whether to run additional checks to support older LCDs that may not run at the reference clock (or keep up with it). Default: ``False``. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.pin_mode = self._get_pin_mode(pin_mode) self.pin_rs = pin_rs self.pin_e = pin_e self.pin_rw = pin_rw self.pin_backlight = pin_backlight self.pins_data = pins_data self.cols = cols self.rows = rows self.backlight_enabled = backlight_enabled self.backlight_mode = backlight_mode self.dotsize = dotsize self.auto_linebreaks = auto_linebreaks self.compat_mode = compat_mode self.charmap = charmap def _get_lcd(self): from RPLCD.gpio import CharLCD return CharLCD(cols=self.cols, rows=self.rows, pin_rs=self.pin_rs, pin_e=self.pin_e, pins_data=self.pins_data, numbering_mode=self.pin_mode, pin_rw=self.pin_rw, pin_backlight=self.pin_backlight, backlight_enabled=self.backlight_enabled, backlight_mode=self.backlight_mode, dotsize=self.dotsize, charmap=self.charmap, auto_linebreaks=self.auto_linebreaks, compat_mode=self.compat_mode) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: