import enum import os from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, List from PIL import Image, ImageFont from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action class DeviceInterface(enum.Enum): I2C = 'i2c' SPI = 'spi' class DeviceSlot(enum.IntEnum): BACK = 0 FRONT = 1 class DeviceRotation(enum.IntEnum): ROTATE_0 = 0 ROTATE_90 = 1 ROTATE_180 = 2 ROTATE_270 = 3 class LumaOledPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to interact with small OLED-based RaspberryPi displays through the luma.oled driver. Requires: * **luma.oled** (``pip install git+``) """ def __init__(self, interface: str, device: str, port: int = 0, slot: int = DeviceSlot.BACK.value, width: int = 128, height: int = 64, rotate: int = DeviceRotation.ROTATE_0.value, gpio_DC: int = 24, gpio_RST: int = 25, bus_speed_hz: int = 8000000, address: int = 0x3c, cs_high: bool = False, transfer_size: int = 4096, spi_mode: Optional[int] = None, font: Optional[str] = None, font_size: int = 10, **kwargs): """ :param interface: Serial interface the display is connected to (``spi`` or ``i2c``). :param device: Display chipset type (supported: ssd1306 ssd1309, ssd1322, ssd1325, ssd1327, ssd1331, ssd1351, ssd1362, sh1106). :param port: Device port (usually 0 or 1). :param slot: Device slot (0 for back, 1 for front). :param width: Display width. :param height: Display height. :param rotate: Display rotation (0 for no rotation, 1 for 90 degrees, 2 for 180 degrees, 3 for 270 degrees). :param gpio_DC: [SPI only] GPIO PIN used for data (default: 24). :param gpio_RST: [SPI only] GPIO PIN used for RST (default: 25). :param bus_speed_hz: [SPI only] Bus speed in Hz (default: 8 MHz). :param address: [I2C only] Device address (default: 0x3c). :param cs_high: [SPI only] Set to True if the SPI chip select is high. :param transfer_size: [SPI only] Maximum amount of bytes to transfer in one go (default: 4096). :param spi_mode: [SPI only] SPI mode as two bit pattern of clock polarity and phase [CPOL|CPHA], 0-3 (default:None). :param font: Path to a default TTF font used to display the text. :param font_size: Font size - it only applies if ``font`` is set. """ import luma.core.interface.serial import luma.oled.device from luma.core.render import canvas super().__init__(**kwargs) iface_name = interface interface = getattr(luma.core.interface.serial, DeviceInterface(interface).value) if iface_name == DeviceInterface.SPI.value: self.serial = interface(port=port, device=slot, cs_high=cs_high, gpio_DC=gpio_DC, gpio_RST=gpio_RST, bus_speed_hz=bus_speed_hz, transfer_size=transfer_size, spi_mode=spi_mode) else: self.serial = interface(port=port, address=address) device = getattr(luma.oled.device, device) self.device = device(self.serial, width=width, height=height, rotate=rotate) self.canvas = canvas(self.device) self.font = None self.font_size = font_size self.font = self._get_font(font, font_size) def _get_font(self, font: Optional[str] = None, font_size: Optional[int] = None): if font: return ImageFont.truetype(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(font)), font_size or self.font_size) return self.font @action def clear(self): """ clear the display canvas. """ from luma.core.render import canvas self.device.clear() del self.canvas self.canvas = canvas(self.device) @action def text(self, text: str, pos: Union[Tuple[int], List[int]] = (0, 0), fill: str = 'white', font: Optional[str] = None, font_size: Optional[int] = None, clear: bool = False): """ Draw text on the canvas. :param text: Text to be drawn. :param pos: Position of the text. :param fill: Text color (default: ``white``). :param font: ``font`` type override. :param font_size: ``font_size`` override. :param clear: Set to True if you want to clear the canvas before writing the text (default: False). """ if clear: self.clear() font = self._get_font(font, font_size) with self.canvas as draw: draw.text(pos, text, fill=fill, font=font) @action def rectangle(self, xy: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]] = None, fill: Optional[str] = None, outline: Optional[str] = None, width: int = 1, clear: bool = False): """ Draw a rectangle on the canvas. :param xy: Two points defining the bounding box, either as [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)] or [x0, y0, x1, y1]. Default: bounding box of the device. :param fill: Fill color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param outline: Outline color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param width: Figure width in pixels (default: 1). :param clear: Set to True if you want to clear the canvas before writing the text (default: False). """ if clear: self.clear() if not xy: xy = self.device.bounding_box with self.canvas as draw: draw.rectangle(xy, outline=outline, fill=fill, width=width) @action def arc(self, start: int, end: int, xy: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]] = None, fill: Optional[str] = None, outline: Optional[str] = None, width: int = 1, clear: bool = False): """ Draw an arc on the canvas. :param start: Starting angle, in degrees (measured from 3 o' clock and increasing clockwise). :param end: Ending angle, in degrees (measured from 3 o' clock and increasing clockwise). :param xy: Two points defining the bounding box, either as [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)] or [x0, y0, x1, y1]. Default: bounding box of the device. :param fill: Fill color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param outline: Outline color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param width: Figure width in pixels (default: 1). :param clear: Set to True if you want to clear the canvas before writing the text (default: False). """ if clear: self.clear() if not xy: xy = self.device.bounding_box with self.canvas as draw: draw.arc(xy, start=start, end=end, outline=outline, fill=fill, width=width) @action def chord(self, start: int, end: int, xy: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]] = None, fill: Optional[str] = None, outline: Optional[str] = None, width: int = 1, clear: bool = False): """ Same as ``arc``, but it connects the end points with a straight line. :param start: Starting angle, in degrees (measured from 3 o' clock and increasing clockwise). :param end: Ending angle, in degrees (measured from 3 o' clock and increasing clockwise). :param xy: Two points defining the bounding box, either as [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)] or [x0, y0, x1, y1]. Default: bounding box of the device. :param fill: Fill color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param outline: Outline color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param width: Figure width in pixels (default: 1). :param clear: Set to True if you want to clear the canvas before writing the text (default: False). """ if clear: self.clear() if not xy: xy = self.device.bounding_box with self.canvas as draw: draw.chord(xy, start=start, end=end, outline=outline, fill=fill, width=width) @action def pieslice(self, start: int, end: int, xy: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]] = None, fill: Optional[str] = None, outline: Optional[str] = None, width: int = 1, clear: bool = False): """ Same as ``arc``, but it also draws straight lines between the end points and the center of the bounding box. :param start: Starting angle, in degrees (measured from 3 o' clock and increasing clockwise). :param end: Ending angle, in degrees (measured from 3 o' clock and increasing clockwise). :param xy: Two points defining the bounding box, either as [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)] or [x0, y0, x1, y1]. Default: bounding box of the device. :param fill: Fill color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param outline: Outline color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param width: Figure width in pixels (default: 1). :param clear: Set to True if you want to clear the canvas before writing the text (default: False). """ if clear: self.clear() if not xy: xy = self.device.bounding_box with self.canvas as draw: draw.pieslice(xy, start=start, end=end, outline=outline, fill=fill, width=width) @action def ellipse(self, xy: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]] = None, fill: Optional[str] = None, outline: Optional[str] = None, width: int = 1, clear: bool = False): """ Draw an ellipse on the canvas. :param xy: Two points defining the bounding box, either as [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)] or [x0, y0, x1, y1]. Default: bounding box of the device. :param fill: Fill color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param outline: Outline color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param width: Figure width in pixels (default: 1). :param clear: Set to True if you want to clear the canvas before writing the text (default: False). """ if clear: self.clear() if not xy: xy = self.device.bounding_box with self.canvas as draw: draw.ellipse(xy, outline=outline, fill=fill, width=width) @action def line(self, xy: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]] = None, fill: Optional[str] = None, outline: Optional[str] = None, width: int = 1, curve: bool = False, clear: bool = False): """ Draw a line on the canvas. :param xy: Sequence of either 2-tuples like [(x, y), (x, y), ...] or numeric values like [x, y, x, y, ...]. :param fill: Fill color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param outline: Outline color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param width: Figure width in pixels (default: 1). :param curve: Set to True for rounded edges (default: False). :param clear: Set to True if you want to clear the canvas before writing the text (default: False). """ if clear: self.clear() if not xy: xy = self.device.bounding_box with self.canvas as draw: draw.line(xy, outline=outline, fill=fill, width=width, joint='curve' if curve else None) @action def point(self, xy: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]] = None, fill: Optional[str] = None, clear: bool = False): """ Draw one or more points on the canvas. :param xy: Sequence of either 2-tuples like [(x, y), (x, y), ...] or numeric values like [x, y, x, y, ...]. :param fill: Fill color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param clear: Set to True if you want to clear the canvas before writing the text (default: False). """ if clear: self.clear() if not xy: xy = self.device.bounding_box with self.canvas as draw: draw.point(xy, fill=fill) @action def polygon(self, xy: Optional[Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]] = None, fill: Optional[str] = None, outline: Optional[str] = None, clear: bool = False): """ Draw a polygon on the canvas. :param xy: Sequence of either 2-tuples like [(x, y), (x, y), ...] or numeric values like [x, y, x, y, ...]. :param fill: Fill color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param outline: Outline color - can be ``black`` or ``white``. :param clear: Set to True if you want to clear the canvas before writing the text (default: False). """ if clear: self.clear() if not xy: xy = self.device.bounding_box with self.canvas as draw: draw.polygon(xy, outline=outline, fill=fill) @action def image(self, image: str): """ Draws an image to the canvas (this will clear the existing canvas). :param image: Image path. """ image = self.clear() self.device.display(image) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et: